NOTE: the latest version of this documentation can be found on!
Channels |
NeuroML2 ComponentType definitions from Channels.xml |
Original LEMS ComponentType definitions: Channels.xml Schema against which NeuroML based on these should be valid: NeuroML_v2.2.xsd |
baseVoltageDepRate | ||
Base ComponentType for voltage dependent rate. Produces a time varying rate r which depends on v. | ||
Exposures | r | per_time |
Requirements | v | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepRate |
Base ComponentType for voltage and concentration dependent rate. Produces a time varying rate r which depends on v and caConc. | ||
Exposures | r (from baseVoltageDepRate) | per_time |
Requirements | caConc | concentration | v (from baseVoltageDepRate) | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepRate |
Base ComponentType for rate which follow one of the typical forms for rate equations in the standard HH formalism, using the parameters rate, midpoint and scale | ||
Parameters | midpoint | voltage | rate | per_time | scale | voltage |
Exposures | r (from baseVoltageDepRate) | per_time |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepRate) | voltage |
extends baseHHRate |
Exponential form for rate equation (Q: Should these be renamed hhExpRate, etc?) | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHRate) | voltage | rate (from baseHHRate) | per_time | scale (from baseHHRate) | voltage |
Exposures | r (from baseVoltageDepRate) | per_time |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepRate) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables r = rate * exp((v - midpoint)/scale) (exposed as r) |
extends baseHHRate |
Sigmoidal form for rate equation | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHRate) | voltage | rate (from baseHHRate) | per_time | scale (from baseHHRate) | voltage |
Exposures | r (from baseVoltageDepRate) | per_time |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepRate) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables r = rate / (1 + exp(0 - (v - midpoint)/scale)) (exposed as r) |
extends baseHHRate |
Exponential linear form for rate equation. Linear for large positive v, exponentially decays for large negative v. | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHRate) | voltage | rate (from baseHHRate) | per_time | scale (from baseHHRate) | voltage |
Exposures | r (from baseVoltageDepRate) | per_time |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepRate) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables x = (v - midpoint) / scale Conditional Derived Variables IF x != 0 THEN r = rate * x / (1 - exp(0 - x)) (exposed as r) IF x = 0 THEN r = rate (exposed as r) |
baseVoltageDepVariable | ||
Base ComponentType for voltage dependent variable x, which depends on v. Can be used for inf/steady state of rate variable. | ||
Exposures | x | Dimensionless |
Requirements | v | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepVariable |
Base ComponentType for voltage and calcium concentration dependent variable x, which depends on v and caConc. | ||
Exposures | x (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | caConc | concentration | v (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepVariable |
Base ComponentType for voltage dependent dimensionless variable which follow one of the typical forms for variable equations in the standard HH formalism, using the parameters rate, midpoint, scale | ||
Parameters | midpoint | voltage | rate | Dimensionless | scale | voltage |
Exposures | x (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | voltage |
extends baseHHVariable |
Exponential form for variable equation | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHVariable) | voltage | rate (from baseHHVariable) | Dimensionless | scale (from baseHHVariable) | voltage |
Exposures | x (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables x = rate * exp((v - midpoint)/scale) (exposed as x) |
extends baseHHVariable |
Sigmoidal form for variable equation | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHVariable) | voltage | rate (from baseHHVariable) | Dimensionless | scale (from baseHHVariable) | voltage |
Exposures | x (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables x = rate / (1 + exp(0 - (v - midpoint)/scale)) (exposed as x) |
extends baseHHVariable |
Exponential linear form for variable equation. Linear for large positive v, exponentially decays for large negative v. | ||
Parameters | midpoint (from baseHHVariable) | voltage | rate (from baseHHVariable) | Dimensionless | scale (from baseHHVariable) | voltage |
Exposures | x (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepVariable) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables a = (v - midpoint) / scale x = rate * a / (1 - exp(0 - a)) (exposed as x) |
baseVoltageDepTime | ||
Base ComponentType for voltage dependent ComponentType producing value t with dimension time (e.g. for time course of rate variable). Note: time course would not normally be fit to exp/sigmoid etc. | ||
Exposures | t | time |
Requirements | v | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepTime |
Base type for voltage and calcium concentration dependent ComponentType producing value t with dimension time (e.g. for time course of rate variable). | ||
Exposures | t (from baseVoltageDepTime) | time |
Requirements | caConc | concentration | v (from baseVoltageDepTime) | voltage |
extends baseVoltageDepTime |
Time course of a fixed magnitude tau which can be used for the time course in gateHHtauInf, gateHHratesTau or gateHHratesTauInf | ||
Parameters | tau | time |
Exposures | t (from baseVoltageDepTime) | time |
Requirements | v (from baseVoltageDepTime) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables t = tau (exposed as t) |
baseQ10Settings | ||
Base ComponentType for a scaling to apply to gating variable time course, usually temperature dependent | ||
Exposures | q10 | Dimensionless |
Requirements | temperature | temperature |
extends baseQ10Settings |
A fixed value, fixedQ10, for the scaling of the time course of the gating variable | ||
Parameters | fixedQ10 | Dimensionless |
Exposures | q10 (from baseQ10Settings) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | temperature (from baseQ10Settings) | temperature |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables q10 = fixedQ10 (exposed as q10) |
extends baseQ10Settings |
A value for the Q10 scaling which varies as a standard function of the difference between the current temperature, temperature, and the temperature at which the gating variable equations were determined, experimentalTemp | ||
Parameters | experimentalTemp | temperature | q10Factor | Dimensionless |
Constants | TENDEGREES = 10K | temperature |
Exposures | q10 (from baseQ10Settings) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | temperature (from baseQ10Settings) | temperature |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables q10 = q10Factor^((temperature - experimentalTemp)/TENDEGREES) (exposed as q10) |
baseConductanceScaling | ||
Base ComponentType for a scaling to apply to a gate's conductance, e.g. temperature dependent scaling | ||
Exposures | factor | Dimensionless |
Requirements | temperature | temperature |
extends baseConductanceScaling |
A value for the conductance scaling which varies as a standard function of the difference between the current temperature, temperature, and the temperature at which the conductance was originally determined, experimentalTemp | ||
Parameters | experimentalTemp | temperature | q10Factor | Dimensionless |
Constants | TENDEGREES = 10K | temperature |
Exposures | factor (from baseConductanceScaling) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | temperature (from baseConductanceScaling) | temperature |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables factor = q10Factor^((temperature - experimentalTemp)/TENDEGREES) (exposed as factor) |
extends baseConductanceScaling |
Base ComponentType for a scaling to apply to a gate's conductance which depends on Ca concentration. Usually a generic expression of caConc (so no standard, non-base form here). | ||
Exposures | factor (from baseConductanceScaling) | Dimensionless |
Requirements | caConc | concentration | temperature (from baseConductanceScaling) | temperature |
baseGate | ||
Base ComponentType for a voltage and/or concentration dependent gate | ||
Parameters | instances | Dimensionless |
Child elements | notes | notes |
Exposures | fcond | Dimensionless | q | Dimensionless |
extends baseGate |
Conveniently named baseGate | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Exposures | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | forwardRate | baseVoltageDepRate | reverseRate | baseVoltageDepRate | Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | alpha | per_time | beta | per_time | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) alpha = forwardRate->r (exposed as alpha) beta = reverseRate->r (exposed as beta) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) inf = alpha/(alpha+beta) (exposed as inf) tau = 1/((alpha+beta) * rateScale) (exposed as tau) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | timeCourse | baseVoltageDepTime | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable | Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) inf = steadyState->x (exposed as inf) tauUnscaled = timeCourse->t tau = tauUnscaled / rateScale (exposed as tau) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism but is instantaneous, so tau = 0 and gate follows exactly inf value | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable |
Constants | SEC = 1 s | time |
Exposures | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables inf = steadyState->x (exposed as inf) tau = 0 * SEC (exposed as tau) q = inf (exposed as q) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | forwardRate | baseVoltageDepRate | reverseRate | baseVoltageDepRate | timeCourse | baseVoltageDepTime | Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | alpha | per_time | beta | per_time | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) alpha = forwardRate->r (exposed as alpha) beta = reverseRate->r (exposed as beta) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) inf = alpha/(alpha+beta) (exposed as inf) tauUnscaled = timeCourse->t tau = tauUnscaled / rateScale (exposed as tau) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | forwardRate | baseVoltageDepRate | reverseRate | baseVoltageDepRate | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable | Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | alpha | per_time | beta | per_time | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) alpha = forwardRate->r (exposed as alpha) beta = reverseRate->r (exposed as beta) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) inf = steadyState->x (exposed as inf) tau = 1/((alpha+beta) * rateScale) (exposed as tau) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
extends gate |
Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Child elements | forwardRate | baseVoltageDepRate | reverseRate | baseVoltageDepRate | timeCourse | baseVoltageDepTime | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable | Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | alpha | per_time | beta | per_time | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | inf | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) alpha = forwardRate->r (exposed as alpha) beta = reverseRate->r (exposed as beta) inf = steadyState->x (exposed as inf) tauUnscaled = timeCourse->t tau = tauUnscaled / rateScale (exposed as tau) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
extends gate |
Gate composed of subgates contributing with fractional conductance | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Children elements | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings | subGate | subGate |
Exposures | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables q = subGate[*]->qfrac (reduce method: add) (exposed as q) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) |
subGate | ||
Gate composed of subgates contributing with fractional conductance | ||
Parameters | fractionalConductance | Dimensionless |
Child elements | notes | notes | timeCourse | baseVoltageDepTime | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable |
Exposures | inf | Dimensionless | q | Dimensionless | qfrac | Dimensionless | tau | time |
Requirements | rateScale | Dimensionless |
Dynamics |
State Variables q Dimensionless (exposed as q) On Start q = inf Derived Variables inf = steadyState->x (exposed as inf) tauUnscaled = timeCourse->t tau = tauUnscaled / rateScale (exposed as tau) qfrac = q * fractionalConductance (exposed as qfrac) Time Derivatives d q /dt = (inf - q) / tau |
baseIonChannel | ||
Base for all ion channel ComponentTypes | ||
Parameters | conductance | conductance |
Text fields | neuroLexId | |
Child elements | notes | notes | annotation | annotation |
Exposures | fopen | Dimensionless | g | conductance |
Requirements | v | voltage |
extends ionChannel |
Simple passive ion channel where the constant conductance through the channel is equal to conductance | ||
Parameters | conductance (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Text fields | species | |
Exposures | fopen (from baseIonChannel) | Dimensionless | g (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Requirements | v (from baseIonChannel) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables fopen = 1 (exposed as fopen) g = conductance (exposed as g) |
extends baseIonChannel |
Note ionChannel and ionChannelHH are currently functionally identical. This is needed since many existing examples use ionChannel, some use ionChannelHH. NeuroML v2beta4 should remove one of these, probably ionChannelHH. | ||
Parameters | conductance (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Text fields | species | |
Children elements | conductanceScaling | baseConductanceScaling | gates | gate |
Exposures | fopen (from baseIonChannel) | Dimensionless | g (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Requirements | v (from baseIonChannel) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables conductanceScale = conductanceScaling[*]->factor (reduce method: multiply) fopen0 = gates[*]->fcond (reduce method: multiply) fopen = conductanceScale * fopen0 (exposed as fopen) g = conductance * fopen (exposed as g) |
extends ionChannelHH |
Note ionChannel and ionChannelHH are currently functionally identical. This is needed since many existing examples use ionChannel, some use ionChannelHH. NeuroML v2beta4 should remove one of these, probably ionChannelHH. | ||
Parameters | conductance (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Exposures | fopen (from baseIonChannel) | Dimensionless | g (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Requirements | v (from baseIonChannel) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables conductanceScale = conductanceScaling[*]->factor (reduce method: multiply) fopen0 = gates[*]->fcond (reduce method: multiply) fopen = conductanceScale * fopen0 (exposed as fopen) g = conductance * fopen (exposed as g) |
extends ionChannel |
Same as ionChannel, but with a vShift parameter to change voltage activation of gates. The exact usage of vShift in expressions for rates is determined by the individual gates. | ||
Parameters | conductance (from baseIonChannel) | conductance | vShift | voltage |
Text fields | species | |
Exposures | fopen (from baseIonChannel) | Dimensionless | g (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Requirements | v (from baseIonChannel) | voltage |
KSState | ||
One of the states in which a gateKS can be. The rates of transitions between these states are given by KSTransitions | ||
Parameters | relativeConductance | Dimensionless |
Exposures | occupancy | Dimensionless | q | Dimensionless |
Dynamics |
State Variables occupancy Dimensionless (exposed as occupancy) Derived Variables q = relativeConductance * occupancy (exposed as q) |
extends KSState |
A KSState with relativeConductance of 0 | ||
Parameters | relativeConductance (from KSState) | Dimensionless |
Exposures | occupancy (from KSState) | Dimensionless | q (from KSState) | Dimensionless |
extends KSState |
A KSState with relativeConductance of 1 | ||
Parameters | relativeConductance (from KSState) | Dimensionless |
Exposures | occupancy (from KSState) | Dimensionless | q (from KSState) | Dimensionless |
extends baseIonChannel |
A kinetic scheme based ion channel with multiple gateKSs, each of which consists of multiple KSStates and KSTransitions giving the rates of transition between them | ||
Parameters | conductance (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Text fields | species | |
Children elements | conductanceScaling | baseConductanceScaling | gates | gateKS |
Exposures | fopen (from baseIonChannel) | Dimensionless | g (from baseIonChannel) | conductance |
Requirements | v (from baseIonChannel) | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables fopen = gates[*]->fcond (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as fopen) g = fopen * conductance (exposed as g) |
KSTransition | ||
Specified the forward and reverse rates of transition between two KSStates in a gateKS | ||
Exposures | rf | per_time | rr | per_time |
extends KSTransition |
A forward only KSTransition for a gateKS which specifies a rate (type baseHHRate) which follows one of the standard Hodgkin Huxley forms (e.g. HHExpRate, HHSigmoidRate, HHExpLinearRate | ||
Child elements | rate | baseHHRate |
Constants | SEC = 1s | time |
Exposures | rf (from KSTransition) | per_time | rr (from KSTransition) | per_time |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables rf0 = rate->r rf = rf0 (exposed as rf) rr = 0/SEC (exposed as rr) |
extends KSTransition |
A reverse only KSTransition for a gateKS which specifies a rate (type baseHHRate) which follows one of the standard Hodgkin Huxley forms (e.g. HHExpRate, HHSigmoidRate, HHExpLinearRate | ||
Child elements | rate | baseHHRate |
Constants | SEC = 1s | time |
Exposures | rf (from KSTransition) | per_time | rr (from KSTransition) | per_time |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables rr0 = rate->r rr = rr0 (exposed as rr) rf = 0/SEC (exposed as rf) |
extends KSTransition |
Transition which specifies both the forward and reverse rates of transition | ||
Parameters | gamma | Dimensionless | tau | time | tauMin | time | vHalf | voltage | z | Dimensionless |
Constants | kte = 25.3mV | voltage |
Exposures | rf (from KSTransition) | per_time | rr (from KSTransition) | per_time |
Requirements | v | voltage |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables rf0 = exp(z * gamma * (v - vHalf) / kte) / tau rr0 = exp(-z * (1 - gamma) * (v - vHalf) / kte) / tau rf = 1 / (1/rf0 + tauMin) (exposed as rf) rr = 1 / (1/rr0 + tauMin) (exposed as rr) |
extends KSTransition |
KS Transition specified in terms of time constant ??? and steady state ??? | ||
Child elements | timeCourse | baseVoltageDepTime | steadyState | baseVoltageDepVariable |
Exposures | rf (from KSTransition) | per_time | rr (from KSTransition) | per_time |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables tau = timeCourse->t inf = steadyState->x rf = inf/tau (exposed as rf) rr = (1-inf)/tau (exposed as rr) |
extends baseGate |
A gate which consists of multiple KSStates and KSTransitions giving the rates of transition between them | ||
Parameters | instances (from baseGate) | Dimensionless |
Children elements | states | KSState | transitions | KSTransition | q10Settings | baseQ10Settings |
Exposures | fcond (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | q (from baseGate) | Dimensionless | rateScale | Dimensionless |
Dynamics |
Derived Variables rateScale = q10Settings[*]->q10 (reduce method: multiply) (exposed as rateScale) q = states[*]->q (reduce method: add) (exposed as q) fcond = q^instances (exposed as fcond) |