NOTE: the latest version of this documentation can be found on!

For more information on NeuroML 2 and LEMS see here.
Note: these descriptions have been updated to the latest NeuroML v2.2 definitions, using the latest version of LEMS!


NeuroML2 ComponentType definitions from PyNN.xml
Original LEMS ComponentType definitions: PyNN.xml
Schema against which NeuroML based on these should be valid: NeuroML_v2.2.xsd


    extends baseCellMembPot

Base type of any PyNN standard cell model. Note: membrane potential v has dimensions voltage, but all other parameters are dimensionless. This is to facilitate translation to and from PyNN scripts in Python, where these parameters have implicit units, see
Parameters cm Dimensionless
i_offset Dimensionless
tau_syn_E Dimensionless
tau_syn_I Dimensionless
v_init Dimensionless
Constants MSEC = 1ms time
MVOLT = 1mV voltage
NFARAD = 1nF capacitance
Exposures iSyn current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E Direction: in
spike_in_I Direction: in

    extends basePyNNCell

Base type of any PyNN standard integrate and fire model
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m Dimensionless
tau_refrac Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset Dimensionless
v_rest Dimensionless
v_thresh Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in

    extends basePyNNIaFCell

Base type of conductance based PyNN IaF cell models
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_E Dimensionless
e_rev_I Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in

    extends basePyNNIaFCell

Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic current
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac*MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > v_thresh * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * ((i_offset/cm) + ((v_rest - (v/MVOLT)) / tau_m))/MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))


    extends basePyNNIaFCell

Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and decaying-exponential post-synaptic current
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac*MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > v_thresh * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * (((i_offset)/cm) + ((v_rest - (v/MVOLT)) / tau_m))/MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))


    extends basePyNNIaFCondCell

Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic conductance
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_E    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_I    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac*MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > v_thresh * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * (((i_offset) / cm) + ((v_rest - (v / MVOLT)) / tau_m)) / MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))


    extends basePyNNIaFCondCell

Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and exponentially-decaying post-synaptic conductance
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_E    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_I    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac*MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > v_thresh * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * (((i_offset)/cm) + ((v_rest - (v / MVOLT)) / tau_m)) / MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))


    extends basePyNNIaFCondCell

Adaptive exponential integrate and fire neuron according to Brette R and Gerstner W (2005) with exponentially-decaying post-synaptic conductance
Parameters a Dimensionless
b Dimensionless
cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
delta_T Dimensionless
e_rev_E    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_I    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_w Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_spike Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Derived Parameters eif_threshold = v_spike * H(delta_T-1e-12) + v_thresh * H(-1*delta_T+1e-9) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
w Dimensionless
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    w    Dimensionless (exposed as w)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT
    w = 0

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Conditional Derived Variables

    IF delta_T > 0 THEN
        delta_I = delta_T * exp(((v / MVOLT) - v_thresh) / delta_T)    
    IF delta_T = 0 THEN
        delta_I = 0    

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT
            w = w+b

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac*MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

        Time Derivatives

            d w /dt = (1 / tau_w) * (a * ((v / MVOLT) - v_rest) - w) / MSEC

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > eif_threshold * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * ((-1 * ((v / MVOLT) - v_rest) + delta_I) / tau_m + (i_offset - w) / cm) / MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))
            d w /dt = (1 / tau_w) * (a * ((v / MVOLT) - v_rest) - w) / MSEC


    extends basePyNNIaFCondCell

Adaptive exponential integrate and fire neuron according to Brette R and Gerstner W (2005) with alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic conductance
Parameters a Dimensionless
b Dimensionless
cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
delta_T Dimensionless
e_rev_E    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_I    (from basePyNNIaFCondCell) Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_m    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_refrac    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_w Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_reset    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_rest    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
v_spike Dimensionless
v_thresh    (from basePyNNIaFCell) Dimensionless
Derived Parameters eif_threshold = v_spike * H(delta_T-1e-12) + v_thresh * H(-1*delta_T+1e-9) Dimensionless
Exposures iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
w Dimensionless
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    w    Dimensionless (exposed as w)
    lastSpikeTime    time

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT
    w = 0

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)

Conditional Derived Variables

    IF delta_T > 0 THEN
        delta_I = delta_T * exp(((v / MVOLT) - v_thresh) / delta_T)    
    IF delta_T = 0 THEN
        delta_I = 0    

Regime: refractory (initial)

        On Entry

            lastSpikeTime = t
            v = v_reset * MVOLT
            w = w + b

        On Conditions

            IF t > lastSpikeTime + (tau_refrac * MSEC) THEN
                TRANSITION to REGIME integrating

        Time Derivatives

            d w /dt = (1 / tau_w) * (a * ((v / MVOLT) - v_rest) - w) / MSEC

Regime: integrating (initial)

        On Conditions

            IF v > eif_threshold * MVOLT THEN
                EVENT OUT on port spike
                TRANSITION to REGIME refractory

        Time Derivatives

            d v /dt = (MVOLT * ((-1 * ( (v / MVOLT) - v_rest) + delta_I) / tau_m + (i_offset - w) / cm) / MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))
            d w /dt = (1/ tau_w) * (a*((v/MVOLT)-v_rest) - w) /MSEC


    extends basePyNNCell

Single-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley-type neuron with transient sodium and delayed-rectifier potassium currents using the ion channel models from Traub.
Parameters cm    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
e_rev_E Dimensionless
e_rev_I Dimensionless
e_rev_K Dimensionless
e_rev_Na Dimensionless
e_rev_leak Dimensionless
g_leak Dimensionless
gbar_K Dimensionless
gbar_Na Dimensionless
i_offset    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_E    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
tau_syn_I    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_init    (from basePyNNCell) Dimensionless
v_offset Dimensionless
Exposures h Dimensionless
iSyn    (from basePyNNCell) current
m Dimensionless
n Dimensionless
v    (from baseCellMembPot) voltage
Event Ports spike    (from baseSpikingCell) Direction: out
spike_in_E    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
spike_in_I    (from basePyNNCell) Direction: in
Attachments synapses baseSynapse
Dynamics State Variables

    v    voltage (exposed as v)
    m    Dimensionless (exposed as m)
    h    Dimensionless (exposed as h)
    n    Dimensionless (exposed as n)

On Start

    v = v_init * MVOLT

Derived Variables

    iSyn = synapses[*]->i (reduce method: add)     (exposed as iSyn)
    iLeak = g_leak * (e_rev_leak - (v / MVOLT))    
    iNa = gbar_Na * (m * m * m) * h * (e_rev_Na - (v / MVOLT))    
    iK = gbar_K * (n * n * n * n) * (e_rev_K - (v / MVOLT))    
    iMemb = iLeak + iNa + iK + i_offset    
    alpham = 0.32 * (13 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / (exp((13 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / 4.0) - 1)    
    betam = 0.28 * ((v / MVOLT) - v_offset - 40) / (exp(((v / MVOLT) - v_offset - 40) / 5.0) - 1)    
    alphah = 0.128 * exp((17 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / 18.0)    
    betah = 4.0 / (1 + exp((40 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / 5))    
    alphan = 0.032 * (15 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / (exp((15 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / 5) - 1)    
    betan = 0.5 * exp((10 - (v / MVOLT) + v_offset) / 40)    

Time Derivatives

    d v /dt = (MVOLT * (iMemb / cm) / MSEC) + (iSyn / (cm * NFARAD))
    d m /dt = (alpham * (1 - m) - betam * m) / MSEC
    d h /dt = (alphah * (1 - h) - betah * h) / MSEC
    d n /dt = (alphan * (1 - n) - betan * n) / MSEC


    extends baseVoltageDepSynapse

Base type for all PyNN synapses. Note, the current I produced is dimensionless, but it requires a membrane potential v with dimension voltage
Parameters tau_syn Dimensionless
Constants MSEC = 1ms time
MVOLT = 1mV voltage
NAMP = 1nA current
Exposures i    (from basePointCurrent) current
Requirements v    (from baseVoltageDepSynapse) voltage
Event Ports in    (from baseSynapse) Direction: in

    extends basePynnSynapse

Conductance based synapse with instantaneous rise and single exponential decay (with time constant tau_syn)
Parameters e_rev Dimensionless
tau_syn    (from basePynnSynapse) Dimensionless
Exposures g Dimensionless
i    (from basePointCurrent) current
Requirements v    (from baseVoltageDepSynapse) voltage
Event Ports in    (from baseSynapse) Direction: in
Dynamics State Variables

    g    Dimensionless (exposed as g)

On Events

    EVENT IN on port: in
        g = g+weight

Derived Variables

    i = g * (e_rev - (v/MVOLT)) * NAMP     (exposed as i)

Time Derivatives

    d g /dt = -g / (tau_syn*MSEC)


    extends basePynnSynapse

Current based synapse with instantaneous rise and single exponential decay (with time constant tau_syn)
Parameters tau_syn    (from basePynnSynapse) Dimensionless
Exposures i    (from basePointCurrent) current
Requirements v    (from baseVoltageDepSynapse) voltage
Event Ports in    (from baseSynapse) Direction: in
Dynamics State Variables

    I    Dimensionless

On Events

    EVENT IN on port: in
        I = I + weight

Derived Variables

    i = I * NAMP     (exposed as i)

Time Derivatives

    d I /dt = -I / (tau_syn*MSEC)


    extends basePynnSynapse

Alpha synapse: rise time and decay time are both tau_syn. Conductance based synapse.
Parameters e_rev Dimensionless
tau_syn    (from basePynnSynapse) Dimensionless
Exposures A Dimensionless
g Dimensionless
i    (from basePointCurrent) current
Requirements v    (from baseVoltageDepSynapse) voltage
Event Ports in    (from baseSynapse) Direction: in
Dynamics State Variables

    g    Dimensionless (exposed as g)
    A    Dimensionless (exposed as A)

On Events

    EVENT IN on port: in
        A = A + weight

Derived Variables

    i = g * (e_rev - (v/MVOLT)) * NAMP     (exposed as i)

Time Derivatives

    d g /dt = (2.7182818*A - g)/(tau_syn*MSEC)
    d A /dt = -A /(tau_syn*MSEC)


    extends basePynnSynapse

Alpha synapse: rise time and decay time are both tau_syn. Current based synapse.
Parameters tau_syn    (from basePynnSynapse) Dimensionless
Exposures A current
i    (from basePointCurrent) current
Requirements v    (from baseVoltageDepSynapse) voltage
Event Ports in    (from baseSynapse) Direction: in
Dynamics State Variables

    I    Dimensionless
    A    Dimensionless (exposed as A)

On Events

    EVENT IN on port: in
        A = A + weight

Derived Variables

    i = I * NAMP     (exposed as i)

Time Derivatives

    d I /dt = (2.7182818*A - I)/(tau_syn*MSEC)
    d A /dt = -A /(tau_syn*MSEC)


    extends baseSpikeSource

Spike source, generating spikes according to a Poisson process.
Parameters duration time
rate per_time
start time
Derived Parameters end = start + duration time
Constants LONG_TIME = 1e9hour time
SMALL_TIME = 1e-9ms time
Exposures isi time
tnextIdeal time
tnextUsed time
tsince    (from baseSpikeSource) time
Event Ports in Direction: in
spike    (from baseSpikeSource) Direction: out
Dynamics State Variables

    tsince    time (exposed as tsince)
    tnextIdeal    time (exposed as tnextIdeal)
    tnextUsed    time (exposed as tnextUsed)
    isi    time (exposed as isi)

On Start

    isi = start - log(random(1))/rate
    tsince = 0
    tnextIdeal = isi + H(((isi) - (start+duration))/duration)*LONG_TIME
    tnextUsed = tnextIdeal

On Conditions

    IF t > tnextUsed THEN
        isi = -1 * log(random(1))/rate
        tnextIdeal = (tnextIdeal+isi) + H(((tnextIdeal+isi) - (start+duration))/duration)*LONG_TIME
        tnextUsed = tnextIdeal*H( (tnextIdeal-t)/t ) + (t+SMALL_TIME)*H( (t-tnextIdeal)/t )
        tsince = 0
        EVENT OUT on port spike

Time Derivatives

    d tsince /dt = 1
    d tnextUsed /dt = 0
    d tnextIdeal /dt = 0