Unit test utilities

Functions used in the unit testing. These are mostly unoptimised, analytic implementations of the complex linear algebra that QuEST ultimately effects on quantum states. These are not part of the QuEST API, and require C++14. More...


typedef std::vector< std::vector< qcomp > > QMatrix
 A complex square matrix. More...
typedef std::vector< qcompQVector
 A complex vector, which can be zero-initialised with QVector(numAmps). More...


void applyReferenceMatrix (QMatrix &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of left-multiplying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively). More...
void applyReferenceMatrix (QVector &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of left-multiplying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int targ1, int targ2, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int target, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with no control qubits. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int ctrl, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit ctrl. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int ctrl, int targ, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-control single-target operator matrix op. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int ctrl, int targ1, int targ2, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit ctrl. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QMatrix &state, int targ, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with no control qubit. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int targ1, int targ2, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int target, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with no contorl qubits. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int ctrl, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl) This updates state under. More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int ctrl, int targ, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int ctrl, int targ1, int targ2, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl). More...
void applyReferenceOp (QVector &state, int targ, QMatrix op)
 Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with no contorl qubits. More...
bool areEqual (QMatrix a, QMatrix b)
 Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every amplitude in matrices a and b is less than REAL_EPS. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg, QMatrix matr)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of density-matrix qureg to matr, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg, QMatrix matr, qreal precision)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of density-matrix qureg to matr, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg, QVector vec)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of state-vector qureg to vec, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg, QVector vec, qreal precision)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of state-vector qureg to vec, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg1, Qureg qureg2)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of the given quregs, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision. More...
bool areEqual (Qureg qureg1, Qureg qureg2, qreal precision)
 Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of the given quregs, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision. More...
bool areEqual (QVector a, QVector b)
 Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every amplitude in vectors a and b is less than REAL_EPS. More...
bool areEqual (QVector vec, qreal *reals)
 Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every element in vec (which must be strictly real) and those implied by reals, is less than REAL_EPS. More...
bool areEqual (QVector vec, qreal *reals, qreal *imags)
 Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every element in vec and those implied by reals and imags, is less than REAL_EPS. More...
CatchGen< int * > bitsets (int numBits)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every numBits-length bit-set, in increasing lexographic order, where left-most (zero index) bit is treated as LEAST significant (opposite typical convention). More...
unsigned int calcLog2 (long unsigned int res)
 Returns log2 of numbers which must be gauranteed to be 2^n. More...
void deleteFilesWithPrefixSynch (char *prefix)
 Deletes all files with filename starting with prefix. More...
QMatrix getConjugateTranspose (QMatrix a)
 Returns the conjugate transpose of the complex square matrix a. More...
QVector getDFT (QVector in)
 Returns the discrete fourier transform of vector in. More...
QVector getDFT (QVector in, int *targs, int numTargs)
 Returns the discrete fourier transform of a sub-partition of the vector in. More...
QMatrix getExponentialOfDiagonalMatrix (QMatrix a)
 Returns the matrix exponential of a diagonal, square, complex matrix. More...
QMatrix getExponentialOfPauliMatrix (qreal angle, QMatrix a)
 Returns the matrix exponential of a kronecker product of pauli matrices (or of any involutory matrices), with exponent factor (-i angle / 2). More...
QMatrix getFullOperatorMatrix (int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op, int numQubits)
 Takes a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix op and a returns a 2^numQubits-by-2^numQubits matrix where op is controlled on the given ctrls qubits. More...
QMatrix getIdentityMatrix (size_t dim)
 Returns a dim-by-dim identity matrix. More...
QMatrix getKetBra (QVector ket, QVector bra)
 Returns the matrix |ket><bra|, with ith-jth element ket(i) conj(bra(j)), since |ket><bra| = sum_i a_i|i> sum_j b_j* <j| = sum_{ij} a_i b_j* |i><j|. More...
QMatrix getKroneckerProduct (QMatrix a, QMatrix b)
 Returns the kronecker product of a and b, where a and b are square but possibly differently-sized complex matrices. More...
QVector getKroneckerProduct (QVector b, QVector a)
 Returns b (otimes) a. More...
QVector getMatrixDiagonal (QMatrix matr)
 Returns the diagonal vector of the given matrix. More...
QMatrix getMixedDensityMatrix (std::vector< qreal > probs, std::vector< QVector > states)
 Returns a mixed density matrix formed from mixing the given pure states, which are assumed normalised, but not necessarily orthogonal. More...
QVector getNormalised (QVector vec)
 Returns an L2-normalised copy of vec, using Kahan summation for improved accuracy. More...
QMatrix getPureDensityMatrix (QVector state)
 Returns a density matrix initialised into the given pure state. More...
qcomp getRandomComplex ()
 Returns a random complex number within the square closing (-1-i) and (1+i), from a distribution uniformly randomising the individual real and imaginary components in their domains. More...
QMatrix getRandomDensityMatrix (int numQb)
 Returns a random numQb-by-numQb density matrix, from an undisclosed distribution, in a very mixed state. More...
int getRandomInt (int min, int max)
 Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution. More...
std::vector< QMatrixgetRandomKrausMap (int numQb, int numOps)
 Returns a random Kraus map of #numOps 2^numQb-by-2^numQb operators, from an undisclosed distribution. More...
std::vector< QVectorgetRandomOrthonormalVectors (int numQb, int numStates)
 Returns a list of random orthonormal complex vectors, from an undisclosed distribution. More...
std::vector< qrealgetRandomProbabilities (int numProbs)
 Returns a list of random real scalars, each in [0, 1], which sum to unity. More...
QMatrix getRandomPureDensityMatrix (int numQb)
 Returns a random numQb-by-numQb density matrix, from an undisclosed distribution, which is pure (corresponds to a random state-vector) More...
QMatrix getRandomQMatrix (int dim)
 Returns a dim-by-dim complex matrix, where the real and imaginary value of each element are independently random, under the standard normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1). More...
QVector getRandomQVector (int dim)
 Returns a dim-length vector with random complex amplitudes in the square joining {-1-i, 1+i}, of an undisclosed distribution. More...
qreal getRandomReal (qreal min, qreal max)
 Returns a random real between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution. More...
QVector getRandomStateVector (int numQb)
 Returns a random numQb-length L2-normalised state-vector from an undisclosed distribution. More...
QMatrix getRandomUnitary (int numQb)
 Returns a uniformly random (under Haar) 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix. More...
QMatrix getSwapMatrix (int qb1, int qb2, int numQb)
 Returns the 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix which swaps qubits qb1 and qb2; the SWAP gate of not-necessarily-adjacent qubits. More...
long long int getTwosComplement (long long int decimal, int numBits)
 Returns the two's complement signed encoding of the unsigned number decimal, which must be a number between 0 and 2^numBits (exclusive). More...
long long int getUnsigned (long long int twosComp, int numBits)
 Return the unsigned value of a number, made of #numBits bits, which under two's complement, encodes the signed number twosComp. More...
long long int getValueOfTargets (long long int ind, int *targs, int numTargs)
 Returns the integer value of the targeted sub-register for the given full state index ind. More...
QMatrix getZeroMatrix (size_t dim)
 Returns a dim-by-dim square complex matrix, initialised to all zeroes. More...
CatchGen< pauliOpType * > pauliseqs (int numPaulis)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every numPaulis-length set of Pauli-matrix types (or base-4 integers). More...
CatchGen< int * > sequences (int base, int numDigits)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every numDigits-length sequence in the given base, in increasing lexographic order, where left-most (zero index) bit is treated as LEAST significant (opposite typical convention). More...
void setDiagMatrixOverrides (QMatrix &matr, int *numQubitsPerReg, int numRegs, enum bitEncoding encoding, long long int *overrideInds, qreal *overridePhases, int numOverrides)
 Modifies the given diagonal matrix such that the diagonal elements which correspond to the coordinates in overrideInds are replaced with exp(i phase), as prescribed by overridePhases. More...
void setRandomDiagPauliHamil (PauliHamil hamil)
 Populates hamil with random coefficients and a random amount number of PAULI_I and PAULI_Z operators. More...
void setRandomPauliSum (PauliHamil hamil)
 Populates hamil with random coefficients and pauli codes. More...
void setRandomPauliSum (qreal *coeffs, pauliOpType *codes, int numQubits, int numTerms)
 Populates the coeffs array with random qreals in (-5, 5), and populates codes with random Pauli codes. More...
void setSubMatrix (QMatrix &dest, QMatrix sub, size_t r, size_t c)
 Modifies dest by overwriting its submatrix (from top-left corner (r, c) to bottom-right corner (r + dest.size(), c + dest.size()) with the complete elements of sub. More...
void setUniqueFilename (char *outFn, char *prefix)
 Modifies outFn to be a filename of format prefix_NUM.txt where NUM is a new unique integer so far. More...
CatchGen< int * > sublists (CatchGen< int > &&gen, int numSamps, const int *exclude, int numExclude)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen, which exclude all elements in exclude, in increasing lexographic order. More...
CatchGen< int * > sublists (CatchGen< int > &&gen, int numSamps, int excluded)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen which exclude element excluded, in increasing lexographic order. More...
CatchGen< int * > sublists (CatchGen< int > &&gen, int sublen)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen, in increasing lexographic order. More...
CatchGen< int * > sublists (int *list, int len, int sublen)
 Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of length-len list, in increasing lexographic order. More...
ComplexMatrix2 toComplexMatrix2 (QMatrix qm)
 Returns a ComplexMatrix2 copy of QMatix qm. More...
ComplexMatrix4 toComplexMatrix4 (QMatrix qm)
 Returns a ComplexMatrix4 copy of QMatix qm. More...
void toComplexMatrixN (QMatrix qm, ComplexMatrixN cm)
 Initialises cm with the values of qm. More...
QMatrix toDiagonalQMatrix (QVector vec)
 Returns a diagonal complex matrix formed by the given vector. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (Complex alpha, Complex beta)
 Returns the matrix (where a=alpha, b=beta) {{a, -conj(b)}, {b, conj(a)}} using the qcomp complex type. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (ComplexMatrix2 src)
 Returns a copy of the given 2-by-2 matrix. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (ComplexMatrix4 src)
 Returns a copy of the given 4-by-4 matrix. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (ComplexMatrixN src)
 Returns a copy of the given 2^N-by-2^N matrix. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (DiagonalOp op)
 Returns a 2^N-by-2^N complex diagonal matrix form of the DiagonalOp. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (PauliHamil hamil)
 Returns a 2^N-by-2^N Hermitian matrix form of the PauliHamil. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (qreal *coeffs, pauliOpType *paulis, int numQubits, int numTerms)
 Returns a 2^N-by-2^N Hermitian matrix form of the specified weighted sum of Pauli products. More...
QMatrix toQMatrix (Qureg qureg)
 Returns an equal-size copy of the given density matrix qureg. More...
void toQureg (Qureg qureg, QMatrix mat)
 Initialises the density matrix qureg to have the same amplitudes as mat. More...
void toQureg (Qureg qureg, QVector vec)
 Initialises the state-vector qureg to have the same amplitudes as vec. More...
QVector toQVector (DiagonalOp op)
 Returns a vector with the same of the full diagonal operator, populated with op's elements. More...
QVector toQVector (Qureg qureg)
 Returns an equal-size copy of the given state-vector qureg. More...
void writeToFileSynch (char *fn, const string &contents)
 Writes contents to the file with filename fn, which is created and/or overwritten. More...

Detailed Description

Functions used in the unit testing. These are mostly unoptimised, analytic implementations of the complex linear algebra that QuEST ultimately effects on quantum states. These are not part of the QuEST API, and require C++14.

Tyson Jones

Typedef Documentation

◆ QMatrix

typedef std::vector<std::vector<qcomp> > QMatrix

A complex square matrix.

Should be initialised with getZeroMatrix(). These have all the natural linear-algebra operator overloads, including left-multiplication onto a vector.

This data-structure is not partitioned between nodes in distributed mode. That is, every node has a complete copy, allowing for safe comparisons.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 49 of file utilities.hpp.

◆ QVector

typedef std::vector<qcomp> QVector

A complex vector, which can be zero-initialised with QVector(numAmps).

These have all the natural linear-algebra operator overloads.

This data-structure is not partitioned between nodes in distributed mode. That is, every node has a complete copy, allowing for safe comparisons.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 60 of file utilities.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ applyReferenceMatrix() [1/2]

void applyReferenceMatrix ( QMatrix state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of left-multiplying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively).

Here, op is treated like a simple matrix and is hence left-multiplied onto the state once.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 847 of file utilities.cpp.

849  {
850  // for density matrices, op is left-multiplied only
851  int numQubits = calcLog2(state.size());
852  QMatrix leftOp = getFullOperatorMatrix(ctrls, numCtrls, targs, numTargs, op, numQubits);
853  state = leftOp * state;
854 }

References calcLog2(), and getFullOperatorMatrix().

◆ applyReferenceMatrix() [2/2]

void applyReferenceMatrix ( QVector state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of left-multiplying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively).

This is an alias of applyReferenceOp(), since operators are always left-multiplied as matrices onto state-vectors.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 841 of file utilities.cpp.

843  {
844  // for state-vectors, the op is always just left-multiplied
845  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, numCtrls, targs, numTargs, op);
846 }

References applyReferenceOp().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [1/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix. Furthermore, every element of targs must not appear in ctrls (and vice-versa), though this is not explicitly checked. Elements of targs and ctrls should be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 784 of file utilities.cpp.

786  {
787  int numQubits = calcLog2(state.size());
788  QMatrix leftOp = getFullOperatorMatrix(ctrls, numCtrls, targs, numTargs, op, numQubits);
789  QMatrix rightOp = getConjugateTranspose(leftOp);
790  state = leftOp * state * rightOp;
791 }

References calcLog2(), getConjugateTranspose(), and getFullOperatorMatrix().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [2/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int  targ1,
int  targ2,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 4-by-4 matrix. Both targ1 and targ2 must not appear in ctrls, though this is not explicitly checked. Elements of ctrls, and targ1 and targ2, should be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 792 of file utilities.cpp.

794  {
795  int targs[2] = {targ1, targ2};
796  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, numCtrls, targs, 2, op);
797 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [3/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int  target,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix. target must not appear in ctrls, though this is not explicitly checked.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 798 of file utilities.cpp.

800  {
801  int targs[1] = {target};
802  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, numCtrls, targs, 1, op);
803 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [4/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with no control qubits.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix. Every element in targs should be unique, though this is not explicitly checked.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 804 of file utilities.cpp.

806  {
807  applyReferenceOp(state, NULL, 0, targs, numTargs, op);
808 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [5/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int  ctrl,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit ctrl.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix, and ctrl must not appear in targs (though this is not explicitly checked).

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 816 of file utilities.cpp.

818  {
819  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
820  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, numTargs, op);
821 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [6/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int  ctrl,
int  targ,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-control single-target operator matrix op.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix, and ctrl and targ should be different.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 809 of file utilities.cpp.

811  {
812  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
813  int targs[1] = {targ};
814  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, 1, op);
815 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [7/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int  ctrl,
int  targ1,
int  targ2,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit ctrl.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 4-by-4 matrix, and ctrl, targ1 and targ2 must be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 822 of file utilities.cpp.

824  {
825  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
826  int targs[2] = {targ1, targ2};
827  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, 2, op);
828 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [8/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QMatrix state,
int  targ,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the density matrix state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with no control qubit.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \, \text{op}^\dagger \]

even if op is not unitary (which is useful for applying Kraus operators).

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multipling it to state, then right-multiplying its conjugate transpose onto the result.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 829 of file utilities.cpp.

831  {
832  int targs[1] = {targ};
833  applyReferenceOp(state, NULL, 0, targs, 1, op);
834 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [9/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with the specified control and target qubits (in ctrls and targs respectively).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix. Furthermore, every element of targs must not appear in ctrls (and vice-versa), though this is not explicitly checked. Elements of targs and ctrls should be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 728 of file utilities.cpp.

730  {
731  int numQubits = calcLog2(state.size());
732  QMatrix fullOp = getFullOperatorMatrix(ctrls, numCtrls, targs, numTargs, op, numQubits);
733  state = fullOp * state;
734 }

References calcLog2(), and getFullOperatorMatrix().

Referenced by applyReferenceMatrix(), applyReferenceOp(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [10/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int  targ1,
int  targ2,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 4-by-4 matrix. Furthermore, ctrls, targ1 and targ2 should all be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 735 of file utilities.cpp.

737  {
738  int targs[2] = {targ1, targ2};
739  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, numCtrls, targs, 2, op);
740 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [11/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int  target,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with the specified control qubits (in ctrls).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix. Furthermore, elements in ctrls and target should all be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 741 of file utilities.cpp.

743  {
744  int targs[1] = {target};
745  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, numCtrls, targs, 1, op);
746 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [12/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with no contorl qubits.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix. Furthermore, elements in targs should be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 747 of file utilities.cpp.

749  {
750  applyReferenceOp(state, NULL, 0, targs, numTargs, op);
751 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [13/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int  ctrl,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl) This updates state under.

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix. Furthermore, elements in targs and ctrl should be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 759 of file utilities.cpp.

761  {
762  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
763  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, numTargs, op);
764 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [14/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int  ctrl,
int  targ,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix. Furthermore, ctrl and targ must be different.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 752 of file utilities.cpp.

754  {
755  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
756  int targs[1] = {targ};
757  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, 1, op);
758 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [15/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int  ctrl,
int  targ1,
int  targ2,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the two-target operator matrix op, with a single control qubit (ctrl).

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 4-by-4 matrix. Furthermore, ctrl, targ1 and targ2 should all be unique.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 765 of file utilities.cpp.

767  {
768  int ctrls[1] = {ctrl};
769  int targs[2] = {targ1, targ2};
770  applyReferenceOp(state, ctrls, 1, targs, 2, op);
771 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ applyReferenceOp() [16/16]

void applyReferenceOp ( QVector state,
int  targ,
QMatrix  op 

Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the single-target operator matrix op, with no contorl qubits.

This updates state under

\[ \text{state} \to \text{op} \, \text{state} \]

even if op is not unitary.

op must be a 2-by-2 matrix.

This function works by computing getFullOperatorMatrix() from the given arguments, and left-multiplying it onto state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 772 of file utilities.cpp.

774  {
775  int targs[1] = {targ};
776  applyReferenceOp(state, NULL, 0, targs, 1, op);
777 }

References applyReferenceOp().

◆ areEqual() [1/10]

bool areEqual ( QMatrix  a,
QMatrix  b 

Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every amplitude in matrices a and b is less than REAL_EPS.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 407 of file utilities.cpp.

407  {
408  DEMAND( a.size() == b.size() );
410  for (size_t i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
411  for (size_t j=0; j<b.size(); j++)
412  if (abs(a[i][j] - b[i][j]) > REAL_EPS)
413  return false;
414  return true;
415 }

References DEMAND.

◆ areEqual() [2/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg,
QMatrix  matr 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of density-matrix qureg to matr, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision.

This function demands qureg is a density matrix, and that qureg and matr have equal dimensions.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 983 of file utilities.cpp.

983  {
984  return areEqual(qureg, matr, REAL_EPS);
985 }

References areEqual().

◆ areEqual() [3/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg,
QMatrix  matr,
qreal  precision 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of density-matrix qureg to matr, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision.

This function demands qureg is a density matrix, and that qureg and matr have equal dimensions.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 928 of file utilities.cpp.

928  {
929  DEMAND( qureg.isDensityMatrix );
930  DEMAND( (long long int) (matr.size()*matr.size()) == qureg.numAmpsTotal );
932  // ensure local qureg.stateVec is up to date
933  copyStateFromGPU(qureg);
936  // the starting index in vec of this node's qureg partition.
937  long long int startInd = qureg.chunkId * qureg.numAmpsPerChunk;
938  long long int globalInd, row, col, i;
939  int ampsAgree;
941  // compare each of this node's amplitude to the corresponding matr sub-matrix
942  for (i=0; i<qureg.numAmpsPerChunk; i++) {
943  globalInd = startInd + i;
944  row = globalInd % matr.size();
945  col = globalInd / matr.size();
946  qreal realDif = absReal(qureg.stateVec.real[i] - real(matr[row][col]));
947  qreal imagDif = absReal(qureg.stateVec.imag[i] - imag(matr[row][col]));
948  ampsAgree = (realDif < precision && imagDif < precision);
950  // DEBUG
951  if (!ampsAgree) {
953  // debug
954  char buff[200];
955  sprintf(buff, "[msg from utilities.cpp] node %d has a disagreement at (global) index %lld of (%s) + i(%s)\n",
956  qureg.chunkId, globalInd, REAL_STRING_FORMAT, REAL_STRING_FORMAT);
957  printf(buff, realDif, imagDif);
958  }
960  // break loop as soon as amplitudes disagree
961  if (!ampsAgree)
962  break;
964  /* TODO:
965  * of the nodes which disagree, the lowest-rank should send its
966  * disagreeing (i, row, col, stateVec[i]) to rank 0 which should
967  * report it immediately (before the impending DEMAND failure)
968  * using FAIL_CHECK, so users can determine nature of disagreement
969  * (e.g. numerical precision).
970  * Note FAIL_CHECK accepts << like cout, e.g.
971  * FAIL_CHECK( "Amp at (" << row << ", " << col ") disagreed" );
972  */
973  }
975  // if one node's partition wasn't equal, all-nodes must report not-equal
976  int allAmpsAgree = ampsAgree;
978  MPI_Allreduce(&ampsAgree, &allAmpsAgree, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
979 #endif
981  return allAmpsAgree;
982 }

References Qureg::chunkId, copyStateFromGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, qreal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

◆ areEqual() [4/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg,
QVector  vec 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of state-vector qureg to vec, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision.

This function demands qureg is a state-vector, and that qureg and vec have the same number of amplitudes.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 924 of file utilities.cpp.

924  {
925  return areEqual(qureg, vec, REAL_EPS);
926 }

References areEqual().

◆ areEqual() [5/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg,
QVector  vec,
qreal  precision 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of state-vector qureg to vec, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision.

This function demands qureg is a state-vector, and that qureg and vec have the same number of amplitudes.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 883 of file utilities.cpp.

883  {
884  DEMAND( !qureg.isDensityMatrix );
885  DEMAND( (int) vec.size() == qureg.numAmpsTotal );
887  copyStateFromGPU(qureg);
890  // the starting index in vec of this node's qureg partition.
891  long long int startInd = qureg.chunkId * qureg.numAmpsPerChunk;
893  int ampsAgree = 1;
894  for (long long int i=0; i<qureg.numAmpsPerChunk; i++) {
895  qreal realDif = absReal(qureg.stateVec.real[i] - real(vec[startInd+i]));
896  qreal imagDif = absReal(qureg.stateVec.imag[i] - imag(vec[startInd+i]));
898  if (realDif > precision || imagDif > precision) {
899  ampsAgree = 0;
901  // debug
902  char buff[200];
903  sprintf(buff, "Disagreement at %lld of (%s) + i(%s):\n\t%s + i(%s) VS %s + i(%s)\n",
904  startInd+i,
907  printf(buff,
908  realDif, imagDif,
909  qureg.stateVec.real[i], qureg.stateVec.imag[i],
910  real(vec[startInd+i]), imag(vec[startInd+i]));
912  break;
913  }
914  }
916  // if one node's partition wasn't equal, all-nodes must report not-equal
917  int allAmpsAgree = ampsAgree;
919  MPI_Allreduce(&ampsAgree, &allAmpsAgree, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
920 #endif
922  return allAmpsAgree;
923 }

References Qureg::chunkId, copyStateFromGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, qreal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

◆ areEqual() [6/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg1,
Qureg  qureg2 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of the given quregs, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than the QuEST_PREC-specific REAL_EPS (defined in QuEST_precision) precision.

This function demands that qureg1 and qureg2 are of the same type (i.e. both state-vectors or both density matrices), and of an equal number of qubits.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 879 of file utilities.cpp.

879  {
880  return areEqual(qureg1, qureg2, REAL_EPS);
881 }

References areEqual().

◆ areEqual() [7/10]

bool areEqual ( Qureg  qureg1,
Qureg  qureg2,
qreal  precision 

Performs a hardware-agnostic comparison of the given quregs, checking whether the difference between the real and imaginary components of every amplitude is smaller than precision.

This function demands that qureg1 and qureg2 are of the same type (i.e. both state-vectors or both density matrices), and of an equal number of qubits.

In GPU mode, this function involves a GPU to CPU memory copy overhead. In distributed mode, it involves a all-to-all single-int broadcast.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 856 of file utilities.cpp.

856  {
857  DEMAND( qureg1.isDensityMatrix == qureg2.isDensityMatrix );
858  DEMAND( qureg1.numAmpsTotal == qureg2.numAmpsTotal );
860  copyStateFromGPU(qureg1);
861  copyStateFromGPU(qureg2);
864  // loop terminates when areEqual = 0
865  int ampsAgree = 1;
866  for (long long int i=0; ampsAgree && i<qureg1.numAmpsPerChunk; i++)
867  ampsAgree = (
868  absReal(qureg1.stateVec.real[i] - qureg2.stateVec.real[i]) < precision
869  && absReal(qureg1.stateVec.imag[i] - qureg2.stateVec.imag[i]) < precision);
871  // if one node's partition wasn't equal, all-nodes must report not-equal
872  int allAmpsAgree = ampsAgree;
874  MPI_Allreduce(&ampsAgree, &allAmpsAgree, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
875 #endif
877  return allAmpsAgree;
878 }

References copyStateFromGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

◆ areEqual() [8/10]

bool areEqual ( QVector  a,
QVector  b 

Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every amplitude in vectors a and b is less than REAL_EPS.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 398 of file utilities.cpp.

398  {
399  DEMAND( a.size() == b.size() );
401  for (size_t i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
402  if (abs(a[i] - b[i]) > REAL_EPS)
403  return false;
404  return true;
405 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by areEqual(), getRandomKrausMap(), getRandomUnitary(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ areEqual() [9/10]

bool areEqual ( QVector  vec,
qreal reals 

Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every element in vec (which must be strictly real) and those implied by reals, is less than REAL_EPS.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1001 of file utilities.cpp.

1001  {
1002  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
1003  DEMAND( imag(vec[i]) == 0. );
1005  qreal dif = abs(real(vec[i]) - reals[i]);
1006  if (dif > REAL_EPS)
1007  return false;
1008  }
1009  return true;
1010 }

References DEMAND, and qreal.

◆ areEqual() [10/10]

bool areEqual ( QVector  vec,
qreal reals,
qreal imags 

Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every element in vec and those implied by reals and imags, is less than REAL_EPS.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 987 of file utilities.cpp.

987  {
989  qreal dif;
990  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
991  dif = absReal(real(vec[i]) - reals[i]);
992  if (dif > REAL_EPS)
993  return false;
994  dif = absReal(imag(vec[i]) - imags[i]);
995  if (dif > REAL_EPS)
996  return false;
997  }
998  return true;
999 }

References qreal.

◆ bitsets()

CatchGen<int*> bitsets ( int  numBits)

Returns a Catch2 generator of every numBits-length bit-set, in increasing lexographic order, where left-most (zero index) bit is treated as LEAST significant (opposite typical convention).

Note that the produced bitset must not be modified during generation.

This function can be used like

int* bits = GENERATE( bitsets(3) );

to produce {0,0,0}, {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {1,1,0}, {0,0,1}, {1,0,1}, {0,1,1}, {1,1,1}.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1557 of file utilities.cpp.

1557  {
1558  return Catch::Generators::GeneratorWrapper<int*>(
1559  std::unique_ptr<Catch::Generators::IGenerator<int*>>(
1560  new SequenceGenerator<int>(1, numBits)));
1561 }

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ calcLog2()

unsigned int calcLog2 ( long unsigned int  num)

Returns log2 of numbers which must be gauranteed to be 2^n.

Tyson Jones

Returns log2 of numbers which must be gauranteed to be 2^n.

Definition at line 328 of file QuEST_validation.c.

328  {
329  unsigned int l = 0;
330  while (num >>= 1)
331  l++;
332  return l;
333 }

Referenced by applyReferenceMatrix(), applyReferenceOp(), TEST_CASE(), validateDiagPauliHamilFromFile(), validateNumQubitsInDiagOp(), and validateNumQubitsInQureg().

◆ deleteFilesWithPrefixSynch()

void deleteFilesWithPrefixSynch ( char *  prefix)

Deletes all files with filename starting with prefix.

In distributed mode, the master node deletes while the other nodes wait until complete.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1375 of file utilities.cpp.

1375  {
1377  // master node deletes all files
1378  if (QUEST_ENV.rank == 0) {
1379  char cmd[200];
1380  sprintf(cmd, "exec rm %s*", prefix);
1381  system(cmd);
1382  }
1384  // other nodes wait
1386 }

References QUEST_ENV, QuESTEnv::rank, and syncQuESTEnv().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getConjugateTranspose()

QMatrix getConjugateTranspose ( QMatrix  a)

Returns the conjugate transpose of the complex square matrix a.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 189 of file utilities.cpp.

189  {
190  QMatrix b = a;
191  for (size_t r=0; r<a.size(); r++)
192  for (size_t c=0; c<a.size(); c++)
193  b[r][c] = conj(a[c][r]);
194  return b;
195 }

Referenced by applyReferenceOp(), getRandomKrausMap(), and getRandomUnitary().

◆ getDFT() [1/2]

QVector getDFT ( QVector  in)

Returns the discrete fourier transform of vector in.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 652 of file utilities.cpp.

652  {
653  REQUIRE( in.size() > 0 );
655  size_t dim = in.size();
656  qreal ampFac = 1 / sqrt( dim );
657  qreal phaseFac = 2 * M_PI / dim;
659  QVector dftVec = QVector(dim);
661  for (size_t x=0; x<dim; x++) {
662  dftVec[x] = 0;
663  for (long long int y=0; y<dim; y++)
664  dftVec[x] += expI(phaseFac * x * y) * in[y];
665  dftVec[x] *= ampFac;
666  }
667  return dftVec;
668 }

References expI(), M_PI, and qreal.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getDFT() [2/2]

QVector getDFT ( QVector  in,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs 

Returns the discrete fourier transform of a sub-partition of the vector in.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 700 of file utilities.cpp.

700  {
702  QVector out = QVector(in.size());
703  long long int targDim = (1LL << numTargs);
705  for (size_t j=0; j<in.size(); j++) {
707  // |j> = |x> (x) |...>, but mixed (not separated)
708  long long int x = getValueOfTargets(j, targs, numTargs);
710  for (long long int y=0; y<targDim; y++) {
712  // modifies sum_y |y> (x) ...
713  long long int outInd = getIndexOfTargetValues(j, targs, numTargs, y);
715  qcomp elem = (in[j] / sqrt(pow(2,numTargs))) * expI(2*M_PI * x * y / pow(2,numTargs));
716  out[outInd] += elem;
717  }
718  }
720  return out;
721 }

References expI(), getIndexOfTargetValues(), getValueOfTargets(), M_PI, and qcomp.

◆ getExponentialOfDiagonalMatrix()

QMatrix getExponentialOfDiagonalMatrix ( QMatrix  a)

Returns the matrix exponential of a diagonal, square, complex matrix.

This method explicitly checks that the passed matrix a is diagonal.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 197 of file utilities.cpp.

197  {
199  // ensure diagonal
200  for (size_t r=0; r<a.size(); r++)
201  for (size_t c=0; c<a.size(); c++) {
202  if (r == c)
203  continue;
204  DEMAND( real(a[r][c]) == 0. );
205  DEMAND( imag(a[r][c]) == 0. );
206  }
208  // exp(diagonal) = diagonal(exp)
209  QMatrix diag = a;
210  for (size_t i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
211  diag[i][i] = exp(diag[i][i]);
213  return diag;
214 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getExponentialOfPauliMatrix()

QMatrix getExponentialOfPauliMatrix ( qreal  angle,
QMatrix  a 

Returns the matrix exponential of a kronecker product of pauli matrices (or of any involutory matrices), with exponent factor (-i angle / 2).

This method will not explicitly check that the passed matrix a is kronecker product of involutory matrices, but will otherwise return an incorrect exponential.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 216 of file utilities.cpp.

216  {
217  QMatrix iden = getIdentityMatrix(a.size());
218  QMatrix expo = (cos(angle/2) * iden) + ((qcomp) -1i * sin(angle/2) * a);
219  return expo;
220 }

References getIdentityMatrix(), and qcomp.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getFullOperatorMatrix()

QMatrix getFullOperatorMatrix ( int *  ctrls,
int  numCtrls,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs,
QMatrix  op,
int  numQubits 

Takes a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix op and a returns a 2^numQubits-by-2^numQubits matrix where op is controlled on the given ctrls qubits.

The union of {ctrls} and {targs} must be unique (though this is not explicitly checked), and every element must be >= 0 (not checked). The passed {ctrls} and {targs} arrays are unmodified.

This funciton works by first swapping {targs} and {ctrls} (via swap unitaries) to be strictly increasing {0,1,...}, building controlled(op), tensoring it to the full Hilbert space, and then 'unswapping'. The returned matrix has form: swap1 ... swapN . controlled(op) . swapN ... swap1

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 304 of file utilities.cpp.

306  {
307  DEMAND( numCtrls >= 0 );
308  DEMAND( numTargs >= 0 );
309  DEMAND( numQubits >= (numCtrls+numTargs) );
310  DEMAND( op.size() == (1u << numTargs) );
312  // copy {ctrls} and {targs}to restore at end
313  std::vector<int> ctrlsCopy(ctrls, ctrls+numCtrls);
314  std::vector<int> targsCopy(targs, targs+numTargs);
316  // full-state matrix of qubit swaps
317  QMatrix swaps = getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQubits);
318  QMatrix unswaps = getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQubits);
319  QMatrix matr;
321  // swap targs to {0, ..., numTargs-1}
322  for (int i=0; i<numTargs; i++) {
323  if (i != targs[i]) {
324  matr = getSwapMatrix(i, targs[i], numQubits);
325  swaps = matr * swaps;
326  unswaps = unswaps * matr;
328  // even if this is the last targ, ctrls might still need updating
330  i, targs[i], (i < numTargs-1)? &targs[i+1] : NULL,
331  numTargs-i-1, ctrls, numCtrls);
332  }
333  }
335  // swap ctrls to {numTargs, ..., numTargs+numCtrls-1}
336  for (int i=0; i<numCtrls; i++) {
337  int newInd = numTargs+i;
338  if (newInd != ctrls[i]) {
339  matr = getSwapMatrix(newInd, ctrls[i], numQubits);
340  swaps = matr * swaps;
341  unswaps = unswaps * matr;
343  // update remaining ctrls (if any exist)
344  if (i < numCtrls-1)
345  updateIndices(newInd, ctrls[i], NULL, 0, &ctrls[i+1], numCtrls-i-1);
346  }
347  }
349  // construct controlled-op matrix for qubits {0, ..., numCtrls+numTargs-1}
350  size_t dim = 1 << (numCtrls+numTargs);
351  QMatrix fullOp = getIdentityMatrix(dim);
352  setSubMatrix(fullOp, op, dim-op.size(), dim-op.size());
354  // create full-state controlled-op matrix (left-pad identities)
355  if (numQubits > numCtrls+numTargs) {
356  size_t pad = 1 << (numQubits - numCtrls - numTargs);
357  fullOp = getKroneckerProduct(getIdentityMatrix(pad), fullOp);
358  }
360  // apply swap to either side (to swap qubits back and forth)
361  fullOp = unswaps * fullOp * swaps;
363  // restore {ctrls and targs}
364  for (int i=0; i<numCtrls; i++)
365  ctrls[i] = ctrlsCopy[i];
366  for (int i=0; i<numTargs; i++)
367  targs[i] = targsCopy[i];
369  return fullOp;
370 }

References DEMAND, getIdentityMatrix(), getKroneckerProduct(), getSwapMatrix(), setSubMatrix(), and updateIndices().

Referenced by applyReferenceMatrix(), applyReferenceOp(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getIdentityMatrix()

QMatrix getIdentityMatrix ( size_t  dim)

Returns a dim-by-dim identity matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 161 of file utilities.cpp.

161  {
162  DEMAND( dim > 1 );
163  QMatrix matr = getZeroMatrix(dim);
164  for (size_t i=0; i<dim; i++)
165  matr[i][i] = 1;
166  return matr;
167 }

References DEMAND, and getZeroMatrix().

Referenced by getExponentialOfPauliMatrix(), getFullOperatorMatrix(), getRandomKrausMap(), getRandomUnitary(), and getSwapMatrix().

◆ getKetBra()

QMatrix getKetBra ( QVector  ket,
QVector  bra 

Returns the matrix |ket><bra|, with ith-jth element ket(i) conj(bra(j)), since |ket><bra| = sum_i a_i|i> sum_j b_j* <j| = sum_{ij} a_i b_j* |i><j|.

The dimensions of bra and ket must agree, and the returned square complex matrix has dimensions size(bra) x size(bra).

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 169 of file utilities.cpp.

169  {
170  DEMAND( ket.size() == bra.size() );
171  QMatrix mat = getZeroMatrix(ket.size());
173  for (size_t r=0; r<ket.size(); r++)
174  for (size_t c=0; c<ket.size(); c++)
175  mat[r][c] = ket[r] * conj(bra[c]);
176  return mat;
177 }

References DEMAND, and getZeroMatrix().

Referenced by getPureDensityMatrix(), getRandomDensityMatrix(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getKroneckerProduct() [1/2]

QMatrix getKroneckerProduct ( QMatrix  a,
QMatrix  b 

Returns the kronecker product of a and b, where a and b are square but possibly differently-sized complex matrices.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 179 of file utilities.cpp.

179  {
180  QMatrix prod = getZeroMatrix(a.size() * b.size());
181  for (size_t r=0; r<b.size(); r++)
182  for (size_t c=0; c<b.size(); c++)
183  for (size_t i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
184  for (size_t j=0; j<a.size(); j++)
185  prod[r+b.size()*i][c+b.size()*j] = a[i][j] * b[r][c];
186  return prod;
187 }

References getZeroMatrix().

◆ getKroneckerProduct() [2/2]

QVector getKroneckerProduct ( QVector  b,
QVector  a 

Returns b (otimes) a.

If b and a are state-vectors, the resulting kronecker product is the seperable state formed by joining the qubits in the state-vectors, producing |b>|a> (a is least significant)

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 143 of file utilities.cpp.

143  {
145  QVector prod = QVector(a.size() * b.size());
147  for (size_t i=0; i<prod.size(); i++)
148  prod[i] = b[i / a.size()] * a[i % a.size()];
150  return prod;
151 }

Referenced by getFullOperatorMatrix(), getSwapMatrix(), TEST_CASE(), and toQMatrix().

◆ getMatrixDiagonal()

QVector getMatrixDiagonal ( QMatrix  matr)

Returns the diagonal vector of the given matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 517 of file utilities.cpp.

517  {
519  QVector vec = QVector(matr.size());
520  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
521  vec[i] = matr[i][i];
523  return vec;
524 }

◆ getMixedDensityMatrix()

QMatrix getMixedDensityMatrix ( std::vector< qreal probs,
std::vector< QVector states 

Returns a mixed density matrix formed from mixing the given pure states, which are assumed normalised, but not necessarily orthogonal.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 640 of file utilities.cpp.

640  {
641  DEMAND( probs.size() == states.size() );
642  DEMAND( probs.size() >= 1 );
644  QMatrix matr = getZeroMatrix(states[0].size());
646  for (size_t i=0; i<probs.size(); i++)
647  matr += probs[i] * getPureDensityMatrix(states[i]);
649  return matr;
650 }

References DEMAND, getPureDensityMatrix(), and getZeroMatrix().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getNormalised()

QVector getNormalised ( QVector  vec)

Returns an L2-normalised copy of vec, using Kahan summation for improved accuracy.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 446 of file utilities.cpp.

446  {
447  qreal norm = 0;
448  qreal y, t, c;
449  c = 0;
451  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
452  y = real(vec[i])*real(vec[i]) - c;
453  t = norm + y;
454  c = ( t - norm ) - y;
455  norm = t;
457  y = imag(vec[i])*imag(vec[i]) - c;
458  t = norm + y;
459  c = ( t - norm ) - y;
460  norm = t;
461  }
463  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
464  vec[i] /= sqrt(norm);
465  return vec;
466 }

References qreal.

Referenced by getRandomOrthonormalVectors(), and getRandomStateVector().

◆ getPureDensityMatrix()

QMatrix getPureDensityMatrix ( QVector  state)

Returns a density matrix initialised into the given pure state.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 507 of file utilities.cpp.

507  {
508  return getKetBra(state, state);
509 }

References getKetBra().

Referenced by getMixedDensityMatrix(), getRandomPureDensityMatrix(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomComplex()

qcomp getRandomComplex ( )

Returns a random complex number within the square closing (-1-i) and (1+i), from a distribution uniformly randomising the individual real and imaginary components in their domains.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 431 of file utilities.cpp.

431  {
432  return getRandomReal(-1,1) + getRandomReal(-1,1) * (qcomp) 1i;
433 }

References getRandomReal(), and qcomp.

Referenced by getRandomQVector(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomDensityMatrix()

QMatrix getRandomDensityMatrix ( int  numQb)

Returns a random numQb-by-numQb density matrix, from an undisclosed distribution, in a very mixed state.

This function works by generating 2^numQb random pure states, and mixing them with random probabilities.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 490 of file utilities.cpp.

490  {
491  DEMAND( numQb > 0 );
493  // generate random probabilities to weight random pure states
494  int dim = 1<<numQb;
495  std::vector<qreal> probs = getRandomProbabilities(dim);
497  // add random pure states
498  QMatrix dens = getZeroMatrix(dim);
499  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
500  QVector pure = getRandomStateVector(numQb);
501  dens += probs[i] * getKetBra(pure, pure);
502  }
504  return dens;
505 }

References DEMAND, getKetBra(), getRandomProbabilities(), getRandomStateVector(), and getZeroMatrix().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomInt()

int getRandomInt ( int  min,
int  max 

Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution.

Demands that max > min.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 526 of file utilities.cpp.

526  {
527  return round(getRandomReal(min, max-1));
528 }

References getRandomReal().

Referenced by setRandomPauliSum(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomKrausMap()

std::vector<QMatrix> getRandomKrausMap ( int  numQb,
int  numOps 

Returns a random Kraus map of #numOps 2^numQb-by-2^numQb operators, from an undisclosed distribution.

Note this method is very simple and cannot generate all possible Kraus maps. It works by generating numOps random unitary matrices, and randomly re-normalising them, such that the sum of ops[j]^dagger ops[j] = 1

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 578 of file utilities.cpp.

578  {
579  DEMAND( numOps >= 1 );
580  DEMAND( numOps <= 4*numQb*numQb );
582  // generate random unitaries
583  std::vector<QMatrix> ops;
584  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
585  ops.push_back(getRandomUnitary(numQb));
587  // generate random weights
588  qreal weights[numOps];
589  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
590  weights[i] = getRandomReal(0, 1);
592  // normalise random weights
593  qreal weightSum = 0;
594  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
595  weightSum += weights[i];
596  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
597  weights[i] = sqrt(weights[i]/weightSum);
599  // normalise ops
600  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
601  ops[i] *= weights[i];
603  // check what we produced was a valid Kraus map
604  QMatrix iden = getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQb);
605  QMatrix prodSum = getZeroMatrix(1 << numQb);
606  for (int i=0; i<numOps; i++)
607  prodSum += getConjugateTranspose(ops[i]) * ops[i];
608  DEMAND( areEqual(prodSum, iden) );
610  return ops;
611 }

References areEqual(), DEMAND, getConjugateTranspose(), getIdentityMatrix(), getRandomReal(), getRandomUnitary(), getZeroMatrix(), and qreal.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomOrthonormalVectors()

std::vector<QVector> getRandomOrthonormalVectors ( int  numQb,
int  numStates 

Returns a list of random orthonormal complex vectors, from an undisclosed distribution.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 613 of file utilities.cpp.

613  {
614  DEMAND( numQb >= 1 );
615  DEMAND( numStates >= 1);
617  // set of orthonormal vectors
618  std::vector<QVector> vecs;
620  for (size_t n=0; n<numStates; n++) {
622  QVector vec = getRandomStateVector(numQb);
624  // orthogonalise by substracting projections of existing vectors
625  for (int m=0; m<n; m++) {
626  qcomp prod = vec * vecs[m];
627  vec -= (prod * vecs[m]);
628  }
630  // renormalise
631  vec = getNormalised(vec);
633  // add to orthonormal set
634  vecs.push_back(vec);
635  }
637  return vecs;
638 }

References DEMAND, getNormalised(), getRandomStateVector(), and qcomp.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomProbabilities()

std::vector<qreal> getRandomProbabilities ( int  numProbs)

Returns a list of random real scalars, each in [0, 1], which sum to unity.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 472 of file utilities.cpp.

472  {
474  // generate random unnormalised scalars
475  std::vector<qreal> probs;
476  qreal total = 0;
477  for (int i=0; i<numProbs; i++) {
478  qreal prob = getRandomReal(0, 1);
479  probs.push_back(prob);
480  total += prob;
481  }
483  // normalise
484  for (int i=0; i<numProbs; i++)
485  probs[i] /= total;
487  return probs;
488 }

References getRandomReal(), and qreal.

Referenced by getRandomDensityMatrix(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomPureDensityMatrix()

QMatrix getRandomPureDensityMatrix ( int  numQb)

Returns a random numQb-by-numQb density matrix, from an undisclosed distribution, which is pure (corresponds to a random state-vector)

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 511 of file utilities.cpp.

511  {
512  QVector vec = getRandomStateVector(numQb);
513  QMatrix mat = getPureDensityMatrix(vec);
514  return mat;
515 }

References getPureDensityMatrix(), and getRandomStateVector().

◆ getRandomQMatrix()

QMatrix getRandomQMatrix ( int  dim)

Returns a dim-by-dim complex matrix, where the real and imaginary value of each element are independently random, under the standard normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 379 of file utilities.cpp.

379  {
380  DEMAND( dim > 1 );
382  QMatrix matr = getZeroMatrix(dim);
383  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
384  for (int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
386  // generate 2 normally-distributed random numbers via Box-Muller
387  qreal a = rand()/(qreal) RAND_MAX;
388  qreal b = rand()/(qreal) RAND_MAX;
389  qreal r1 = sqrt(-2 * log(a)) * cos(2 * 3.14159265 * b);
390  qreal r2 = sqrt(-2 * log(a)) * sin(2 * 3.14159265 * b);
392  matr[i][j] = r1 + r2 * (qcomp) 1i;
393  }
394  }
395  return matr;
396 }

References DEMAND, getZeroMatrix(), qcomp, and qreal.

Referenced by getRandomUnitary(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomQVector()

QVector getRandomQVector ( int  dim)

Returns a dim-length vector with random complex amplitudes in the square joining {-1-i, 1+i}, of an undisclosed distribution.

The resulting vector is NOT L2-normalised.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 435 of file utilities.cpp.

435  {
436  QVector vec = QVector(dim);
437  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
438  vec[i] = getRandomComplex();
440  // check we didn't get the impossibly-unlikely zero-amplitude outcome
441  DEMAND( real(vec[0]) != 0 );
443  return vec;
444 }

References DEMAND, and getRandomComplex().

Referenced by getRandomStateVector(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomReal()

qreal getRandomReal ( qreal  min,
qreal  max 

Returns a random real between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution.

Demands that max > min.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 421 of file utilities.cpp.

421  {
422  DEMAND( min <= max );
423  qreal r = min + (max - min) * (rand() / (qreal) RAND_MAX);
425  // check bounds satisfied
426  DEMAND( r >= min );
427  DEMAND( r <= max );
428  return r;
429 }

References DEMAND, and qreal.

Referenced by getRandomComplex(), getRandomInt(), getRandomKrausMap(), getRandomProbabilities(), setRandomDiagPauliHamil(), setRandomPauliSum(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomStateVector()

QVector getRandomStateVector ( int  numQb)

Returns a random numQb-length L2-normalised state-vector from an undisclosed distribution.

This function works by randomly generating each complex amplitude, then L2-normalising.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 468 of file utilities.cpp.

468  {
469  return getNormalised(getRandomQVector(1<<numQb));
470 }

References getNormalised(), and getRandomQVector().

Referenced by getRandomDensityMatrix(), getRandomOrthonormalVectors(), getRandomPureDensityMatrix(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getRandomUnitary()

QMatrix getRandomUnitary ( int  numQb)

Returns a uniformly random (under Haar) 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix.

This function works by first generating a complex matrix where each element is independently random; the real and imaginary component thereof are independent standard normally-distributed (mean 0, standard-dev 1). Then, the matrix is orthonormalised via the Gram Schmidt algorithm. The resulting unitary matrix MAY be uniformly distributed under the Haar measure, but we make no assurance. This routine may return an identity matrix if it was unable to sufficiently precisely produce a unitary of the given size.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 530 of file utilities.cpp.

530  {
531  DEMAND( numQb >= 1 );
533  QMatrix matr = getRandomQMatrix(1 << numQb);
535  for (size_t i=0; i<matr.size(); i++) {
536  QVector row = matr[i];
538  // compute new orthogonal row by subtracting proj row onto prevs
539  for (int k=i-1; k>=0; k--) {
541  // compute row . prev = sum_n row_n conj(prev_n)
542  qcomp prod = 0;
543  for (size_t n=0; n<row.size(); n++)
544  prod += row[n] * conj(matr[k][n]);
546  // subtract (proj row onto prev) = (prod * prev) from final row
547  for (size_t n=0; n<row.size(); n++)
548  matr[i][n] -= prod * matr[k][n];
549  }
551  // compute row magnitude
552  qreal mag = 0;
553  for (size_t j=0; j<row.size(); j++)
554  mag += pow(abs(matr[i][j]), 2);
555  mag = sqrt(mag);
557  // normalise row
558  for (size_t j=0; j<row.size(); j++)
559  matr[i][j] /= mag;
560  }
562  // ensure matrix is indeed unitary
563  QMatrix conjprod = matr * getConjugateTranspose(matr);
564  QMatrix iden = getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQb);
566  // generating big unitary matrices is hard; if we fail, default to identity
567  if ( numQb >= 3 && !areEqual(conjprod, iden) ) {
569  matr = getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQb);
570  conjprod = matr;
571  }
572  DEMAND( areEqual(conjprod, iden) );
574  // return the new orthonormal matrix
575  return matr;
576 }

References areEqual(), DEMAND, getConjugateTranspose(), getIdentityMatrix(), getRandomQMatrix(), qcomp, and qreal.

Referenced by getRandomKrausMap(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ getSwapMatrix()

QMatrix getSwapMatrix ( int  qb1,
int  qb2,
int  numQb 

Returns the 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix which swaps qubits qb1 and qb2; the SWAP gate of not-necessarily-adjacent qubits.

If qb1 == qb2, returns the identity matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 230 of file utilities.cpp.

230  {
231  DEMAND( numQb > 1 );
232  DEMAND( (qb1 >= 0 && qb1 < numQb) );
233  DEMAND( (qb2 >= 0 && qb2 < numQb) );
235  if (qb1 > qb2)
236  std::swap(qb1, qb2);
238  if (qb1 == qb2)
239  return getIdentityMatrix(1 << numQb);
241  QMatrix swap;
243  if (qb2 == qb1 + 1) {
244  // qubits are adjacent
245  swap = QMatrix{{1,0,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,0,1}};
247  } else {
248  // qubits are distant
249  int block = 1 << (qb2 - qb1);
250  swap = getZeroMatrix(block*2);
251  QMatrix iden = getIdentityMatrix(block/2);
253  // Lemma 3.1 of arxiv.org/pdf/1711.09765.pdf
254  QMatrix p0{{1,0},{0,0}};
255  QMatrix l0{{0,1},{0,0}};
256  QMatrix l1{{0,0},{1,0}};
257  QMatrix p1{{0,0},{0,1}};
259  /* notating a^(n+1) = identity(1<<n) (otimes) a, we construct the matrix
260  * [ p0^(N) l1^N ]
261  * [ l0^(N) p1^N ]
262  * where N = qb2 - qb1 */
263  setSubMatrix(swap, getKroneckerProduct(iden, p0), 0, 0);
264  setSubMatrix(swap, getKroneckerProduct(iden, l0), block, 0);
265  setSubMatrix(swap, getKroneckerProduct(iden, l1), 0, block);
266  setSubMatrix(swap, getKroneckerProduct(iden, p1), block, block);
267  }
269  // pad swap with outer identities
270  if (qb1 > 0)
271  swap = getKroneckerProduct(swap, getIdentityMatrix(1<<qb1));
272  if (qb2 < numQb-1)
273  swap = getKroneckerProduct(getIdentityMatrix(1<<(numQb-qb2-1)), swap);
275  return swap;
276 }

References DEMAND, getIdentityMatrix(), getKroneckerProduct(), getZeroMatrix(), and setSubMatrix().

Referenced by getFullOperatorMatrix().

◆ getTwosComplement()

long long int getTwosComplement ( long long int  decimal,
int  numBits 

Returns the two's complement signed encoding of the unsigned number decimal, which must be a number between 0 and 2^numBits (exclusive).

The returned number lies in [-2^(numBits-1), 2^(numBits-1)-1]

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1286 of file utilities.cpp.

1286  {
1287  DEMAND( decimal >= 0 );
1288  DEMAND( numBits >= 2 );
1289  DEMAND( decimal < (1LL << numBits) );
1291  long long int maxMag = 1LL << (numBits-1);
1292  if (decimal >= maxMag)
1293  return -maxMag + (decimal - maxMag);
1294  else
1295  return decimal;
1296 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ getUnsigned()

long long int getUnsigned ( long long int  twosComp,
int  numBits 

Return the unsigned value of a number, made of #numBits bits, which under two's complement, encodes the signed number twosComp.

The returned number lies in [0, 2^(numBits)-1]

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1298 of file utilities.cpp.

1298  {
1299  DEMAND( numBits >= 2 );
1300  DEMAND( twosComp < (1LL << (numBits-1)) );
1301  DEMAND( twosComp >= - (1LL << (numBits-1)) );
1303  if (twosComp >= 0)
1304  return twosComp;
1305  else
1306  return (1<<numBits) + twosComp;
1307 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by setDiagMatrixOverrides().

◆ getValueOfTargets()

long long int getValueOfTargets ( long long int  ind,
int *  targs,
int  numTargs 

Returns the integer value of the targeted sub-register for the given full state index ind.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 670 of file utilities.cpp.

670  {
671  DEMAND( ind >= 0 );
673  long long int val = 0;
675  for (int t=0; t<numTargs; t++)
676  val += ((ind >> targs[t]) & 1) * (1LL << t);
678  return val;
679 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by getDFT().

◆ getZeroMatrix()

QMatrix getZeroMatrix ( size_t  dim)

Returns a dim-by-dim square complex matrix, initialised to all zeroes.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 153 of file utilities.cpp.

153  {
154  DEMAND( dim > 1 );
155  QMatrix matr = QMatrix(dim);
156  for (size_t i=0; i<dim; i++)
157  matr[i].resize(dim);
158  return matr;
159 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by getIdentityMatrix(), getKetBra(), getKroneckerProduct(), getMixedDensityMatrix(), getRandomDensityMatrix(), getRandomKrausMap(), getRandomQMatrix(), getSwapMatrix(), TEST_CASE(), toDiagonalQMatrix(), and toQMatrix().

◆ pauliseqs()

CatchGen<pauliOpType*> pauliseqs ( int  numPaulis)

Returns a Catch2 generator of every numPaulis-length set of Pauli-matrix types (or base-4 integers).

Generates in increasing lexographic order, where the left-most (zero index) pauli is treated as LEAST significant. Note that the sequence must not be modified during generation.

This function can be used like

pauliOpType* set = GENERATE( pauliseqs(2) );

to produce {I,I}, {X,I}, {Y,I}, {Z,I}, {I,X}, {X,X}, {Y,X}, {Z,X}, {I,Y}, {X,Y}, {Y,Y}, {Z,Y}, {I,Z}, {X,Z}, {Y,Z}, {Z,Z}/

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1567 of file utilities.cpp.

1567  {
1568  return Catch::Generators::GeneratorWrapper<pauliOpType*>(
1569  std::unique_ptr<Catch::Generators::IGenerator<pauliOpType*>>(
1570  new SequenceGenerator<pauliOpType>(PAULI_Z, numPaulis)));
1571 }

References PAULI_Z.

◆ sequences()

CatchGen<int*> sequences ( int  base,
int  numDigits 

Returns a Catch2 generator of every numDigits-length sequence in the given base, in increasing lexographic order, where left-most (zero index) bit is treated as LEAST significant (opposite typical convention).

Note that the sequence must not be modified during generation.

This function can be used like

int base = 3;
int numDigits = 2;
int* seq = GENERATE_COPY( sequences(base, numDigits) );

to produce {0,0}, {1,0}, {2,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}, {0,2}, {1,2}, {2,2}.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1562 of file utilities.cpp.

1562  {
1563  return Catch::Generators::GeneratorWrapper<int*>(
1564  std::unique_ptr<Catch::Generators::IGenerator<int*>>(
1565  new SequenceGenerator<int>(base-1, numDigits)));
1566 }

◆ setDiagMatrixOverrides()

void setDiagMatrixOverrides ( QMatrix matr,
int *  numQubitsPerReg,
int  numRegs,
enum bitEncoding  encoding,
long long int *  overrideInds,
qreal overridePhases,
int  numOverrides 

Modifies the given diagonal matrix such that the diagonal elements which correspond to the coordinates in overrideInds are replaced with exp(i phase), as prescribed by overridePhases.

This function assumes that the given registers are contiguous, are in order of increasing significance, and that the matrix is proportionately sized and structured to act on the space of all registers combined. Overrides can be repeated, and only the first encountered for a given index will be effected (much like applyMultiVarPhaseFuncOverrides()).

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1316 of file utilities.cpp.

1316  {
1317  DEMAND( (encoding == UNSIGNED || encoding == TWOS_COMPLEMENT) );
1318  DEMAND( numRegs > 0 );
1319  DEMAND( numOverrides >= 0 );
1321  int totalQb = 0;
1322  for (int r=0; r<numRegs; r++) {
1323  DEMAND( numQubitsPerReg[r] > 0 );
1324  totalQb += numQubitsPerReg[r];
1325  }
1326  DEMAND( matr.size() == (1 << totalQb) );
1328  // record whether a diagonal index has been already overriden
1329  int hasBeenOverriden[1 << totalQb];
1330  for (int i=0; i<(1 << totalQb); i++)
1331  hasBeenOverriden[i] = 0;
1333  int flatInd = 0;
1334  for (int v=0; v<numOverrides; v++) {
1335  int matrInd = 0;
1336  int numQubitsLeft = 0;
1338  for (int r=0; r<numRegs; r++) {
1340  if (encoding == UNSIGNED)
1341  matrInd += overrideInds[flatInd] * (1 << numQubitsLeft);
1342  else if (encoding == TWOS_COMPLEMENT)
1343  matrInd += getUnsigned(overrideInds[flatInd], numQubitsPerReg[r]) * (1 << numQubitsLeft);
1345  numQubitsLeft += numQubitsPerReg[r];
1346  flatInd += 1;
1347  }
1349  if (!hasBeenOverriden[matrInd]) {
1350  matr[matrInd][matrInd] = expI(overridePhases[v]);
1351  hasBeenOverriden[matrInd] = 1;
1352  }
1353  }
1354 }

References DEMAND, expI(), getUnsigned(), TWOS_COMPLEMENT, and UNSIGNED.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ setRandomDiagPauliHamil()

void setRandomDiagPauliHamil ( PauliHamil  hamil)

Populates hamil with random coefficients and a random amount number of PAULI_I and PAULI_Z operators.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1241 of file utilities.cpp.

1241  {
1242  int i=0;
1243  for (int n=0; n<hamil.numSumTerms; n++) {
1244  hamil.termCoeffs[n] = getRandomReal(-5, 5);
1245  for (int q=0; q<hamil.numQubits; q++)
1246  if (getRandomReal(-1,1) > 0)
1247  hamil.pauliCodes[i++] = PAULI_Z;
1248  else
1249  hamil.pauliCodes[i++] = PAULI_I;
1250  }
1251 }

References getRandomReal(), PauliHamil::numQubits, PauliHamil::numSumTerms, PAULI_I, PAULI_Z, PauliHamil::pauliCodes, and PauliHamil::termCoeffs.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ setRandomPauliSum() [1/2]

void setRandomPauliSum ( PauliHamil  hamil)

Populates hamil with random coefficients and pauli codes.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1237 of file utilities.cpp.

1237  {
1238  setRandomPauliSum(hamil.termCoeffs, hamil.pauliCodes, hamil.numQubits, hamil.numSumTerms);
1239 }

References PauliHamil::numQubits, PauliHamil::numSumTerms, PauliHamil::pauliCodes, setRandomPauliSum(), and PauliHamil::termCoeffs.

◆ setRandomPauliSum() [2/2]

void setRandomPauliSum ( qreal coeffs,
pauliOpType codes,
int  numQubits,
int  numTerms 

Populates the coeffs array with random qreals in (-5, 5), and populates codes with random Pauli codes.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1229 of file utilities.cpp.

1229  {
1230  int i=0;
1231  for (int n=0; n<numTerms; n++) {
1232  coeffs[n] = getRandomReal(-5, 5);
1233  for (int q=0; q<numQubits; q++)
1234  codes[i++] = (pauliOpType) getRandomInt(0,4);
1235  }
1236 }

References getRandomInt(), and getRandomReal().

Referenced by setRandomPauliSum(), and TEST_CASE().

◆ setSubMatrix()

void setSubMatrix ( QMatrix dest,
QMatrix  sub,
size_t  r,
size_t  c 

Modifies dest by overwriting its submatrix (from top-left corner (r, c) to bottom-right corner (r + dest.size(), c + dest.size()) with the complete elements of sub.

This demands that dest.size() >= sub.size() + max(r,c).

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 222 of file utilities.cpp.

222  {
223  DEMAND( sub.size() + r <= dest.size() );
224  DEMAND( sub.size() + c <= dest.size() );
225  for (size_t i=0; i<sub.size(); i++)
226  for (size_t j=0; j<sub.size(); j++)
227  dest[r+i][c+j] = sub[i][j];
228 }

References DEMAND.

Referenced by getFullOperatorMatrix(), and getSwapMatrix().

◆ setUniqueFilename()

void setUniqueFilename ( char *  outFn,
char *  prefix 

Modifies outFn to be a filename of format prefix_NUM.txt where NUM is a new unique integer so far.

This is useful for getting unique filenames for independent test cases of functions requiring reading/writing to file, to avoid IO locks (especially common in distributed mode).

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1358 of file utilities.cpp.

1358  {
1359  sprintf(outFn, "%s_%d.txt", prefix, fn_unique_suffix_id++);
1360 }

References fn_unique_suffix_id.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ sublists() [1/4]

CatchGen<int*> sublists ( CatchGen< int > &&  gen,
int  numSamps,
const int *  exclude,
int  numExclude 

Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen, which exclude all elements in exclude, in increasing lexographic order.

This generates every fixed-length combination of gen's elements the nominated exclusions, and every permutation of each.

There is on need for the elements of exclude to actually appear in those of gen. sublen must less than or equal to the number of elements in gen, after the nominated exclusions.

Note that the sublist must not be modified, else further generation may break (QuEST's internal functions will indeed modify but restore the qubit index lists given to them, which is ok). Assumes list contains no duplicates, otherwise the generated sublists may be duplicated.

This function can be used like

int sublen = 2;
int exclude[2] = {3,4};
int* sublist = GENERATE_COPY( sublists(range(1,6), sublen, exclude, 2) );

to generate {1,2}, {1,5}, {2,1}, {2,5}, {5,1}, {5,2}

Tyson Jones

◆ sublists() [2/4]

CatchGen<int*> sublists ( CatchGen< int > &&  gen,
int  numSamps,
int  excluded 

Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen which exclude element excluded, in increasing lexographic order.

This generates every fixed-length combination of gen's elements the nominated exclusions, and every permutation of each.

sublen must less than or equal to the number of elements in gen, after the nominated exclusion. There is no need for excluded to actually appear in the elements of gen.

Note that the sublist must not be modified, else further generation may break (QuEST's internal functions will indeed modify but restore the qubit index lists given to them, which is ok). Assumes list contains no duplicates, otherwise the generated sublists may be duplicated.

This function can be used like

int sublen = 2;
int excluded = 1;
int* sublist = GENERATE_COPY( sublists(range(1,4), sublen, excluded) );

to generate {2,3}, {3,2}.

Tyson Jones

◆ sublists() [3/4]

CatchGen<int*> sublists ( CatchGen< int > &&  gen,
int  sublen 

Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of the elements generated by gen, in increasing lexographic order.

This generates every fixed-length combination of gen's elements, and every permutation of each. Note that the produced sublist must not be modified, else further generation may break (QuEST's internal functions will indeed modify but restore the qubit index lists given to them, which is ok). Assumes list contains no duplicates, otherwise the generated sublists may be duplicated.

This function can be used like

int sublen = 2;
int* sublist = GENERATE_COPY( sublists(list, 4, sublen) );

to generate {1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {2,1}, {2,3}, {2,4}, {3,1}, {3,2}, {3, 4}, {4,1}, {4,2}, {4, 3}.

Tyson Jones

◆ sublists() [4/4]

CatchGen<int*> sublists ( int *  list,
int  len,
int  sublen 

Returns a Catch2 generator of every length-sublen sublist of length-len list, in increasing lexographic order.

This generates every fixed-length combination of the given list and every permutation of each. & If the sublist length is the full list length, this generator produces every permutation correctly. Note that the sublist must not be modified, else further & generation may break (QuEST's internal functions will indeed modify but restore the qubit index lists given to them, which is ok). Assumes list contains no duplicates, otherwise the generated sublists may be duplicated.

This function can be used like

int list[4] = {1,2,3,4};
int sublen = 2;
int* sublist = GENERATE_COPY( sublists(list, 4, sublen) );

to generate {1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {2,1}, {2,3}, {2,4}, {3,1}, {3,2}, {3, 4}, {4,1}, {4,2}, {4, 3}.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1488 of file utilities.cpp.

1490  {
1491  return Catch::Generators::GeneratorWrapper<int*>(
1492  std::unique_ptr<Catch::Generators::IGenerator<int*>>(
1493  new SubListGenerator(list, len, sublen)));
1494 }

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ toComplexMatrix2()

ComplexMatrix2 toComplexMatrix2 ( QMatrix  qm)

Returns a ComplexMatrix2 copy of QMatix qm.

Demands that qm is a 2-by-2 matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1021 of file utilities.cpp.

1021  {
1022  DEMAND( qm.size() == 2 );
1023  ComplexMatrix2 cm;
1024  macro_copyQMatrix(cm, qm);
1025  return cm;
1026 }

References DEMAND, and macro_copyQMatrix.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ toComplexMatrix4()

ComplexMatrix4 toComplexMatrix4 ( QMatrix  qm)

Returns a ComplexMatrix4 copy of QMatix qm.

Demands that qm is a 4-by-4 matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1027 of file utilities.cpp.

1027  {
1028  DEMAND( qm.size() == 4 );
1029  ComplexMatrix4 cm;
1030  macro_copyQMatrix(cm, qm);
1031  return cm;
1032 }

References DEMAND, and macro_copyQMatrix.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ toComplexMatrixN()

void toComplexMatrixN ( QMatrix  qm,
ComplexMatrixN  cm 

Initialises cm with the values of qm.

Demands that cm is a previously created ComplexMatrixN instance, with the same dimensions as qm.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1033 of file utilities.cpp.

1033  {
1034  DEMAND( qm.size() == (1u<<cm.numQubits) );
1035  macro_copyQMatrix(cm, qm);
1036 }

References DEMAND, macro_copyQMatrix, and ComplexMatrixN::numQubits.

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ toDiagonalQMatrix()

QMatrix toDiagonalQMatrix ( QVector  vec)

Returns a diagonal complex matrix formed by the given vector.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1309 of file utilities.cpp.

1309  {
1310  QMatrix mat = getZeroMatrix(vec.size());
1311  for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
1312  mat[i][i] = vec[i];
1313  return mat;
1314 }

References getZeroMatrix().

◆ toQMatrix() [1/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( Complex  alpha,
Complex  beta 

Returns the matrix (where a=alpha, b=beta) {{a, -conj(b)}, {b, conj(a)}} using the qcomp complex type.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1062 of file utilities.cpp.

1062  {
1063  qcomp a = qcomp(alpha.real, alpha.imag);
1064  qcomp b = qcomp(beta.real, beta.imag);
1065  QMatrix matr{
1066  {a, -conj(b)},
1067  {b, conj(a)}};
1068  return matr;
1069 }

References Complex::imag, qcomp, and Complex::real.

◆ toQMatrix() [2/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( ComplexMatrix2  src)

Returns a copy of the given 2-by-2 matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1044 of file utilities.cpp.

1044  {
1045  QMatrix dest = getZeroMatrix(2);
1046  macro_copyComplexMatrix(dest, src);
1047  return dest;
1048 }

References getZeroMatrix(), and macro_copyComplexMatrix.

Referenced by TEST_CASE(), and toQMatrix().

◆ toQMatrix() [3/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( ComplexMatrix4  src)

Returns a copy of the given 4-by-4 matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1049 of file utilities.cpp.

1049  {
1050  QMatrix dest = getZeroMatrix(4);
1051  macro_copyComplexMatrix(dest, src);
1052  return dest;
1053 }

References getZeroMatrix(), and macro_copyComplexMatrix.

◆ toQMatrix() [4/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( ComplexMatrixN  src)

Returns a copy of the given 2^N-by-2^N matrix.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1054 of file utilities.cpp.

1054  {
1055  DEMAND( src.real != NULL );
1056  DEMAND( src.imag != NULL );
1057  QMatrix dest = getZeroMatrix(1 << src.numQubits);
1058  macro_copyComplexMatrix(dest, src);
1059  return dest;
1060 }

References DEMAND, getZeroMatrix(), ComplexMatrixN::imag, macro_copyComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrixN::numQubits, and ComplexMatrixN::real.

◆ toQMatrix() [5/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( DiagonalOp  op)

Returns a 2^N-by-2^N complex diagonal matrix form of the DiagonalOp.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1193 of file utilities.cpp.

1193  {
1194  QVector vec = toQVector(op);
1195  QMatrix mat = getZeroMatrix(1LL << op.numQubits);
1196  for (size_t i=0; i<mat.size(); i++)
1197  mat[i][i] = vec[i];
1198  return mat;
1199 }

References getZeroMatrix(), DiagonalOp::numQubits, and toQVector().

◆ toQMatrix() [6/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( PauliHamil  hamil)

Returns a 2^N-by-2^N Hermitian matrix form of the PauliHamil.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1282 of file utilities.cpp.

1282  {
1283  return toQMatrix(hamil.termCoeffs, hamil.pauliCodes, hamil.numQubits, hamil.numSumTerms);
1284 }

References PauliHamil::numQubits, PauliHamil::numSumTerms, PauliHamil::pauliCodes, PauliHamil::termCoeffs, and toQMatrix().

◆ toQMatrix() [7/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( qreal coeffs,
pauliOpType paulis,
int  numQubits,
int  numTerms 

Returns a 2^N-by-2^N Hermitian matrix form of the specified weighted sum of Pauli products.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1253 of file utilities.cpp.

1253  {
1255  // produce a numTargs-big matrix 'pauliSum' by pauli-matrix tensoring and summing
1256  QMatrix iMatr{{1,0},{0,1}};
1257  QMatrix xMatr{{0,1},{1,0}};
1258  QMatrix yMatr{{0,-qcomp(0,1)},{qcomp(0,1),0}};
1259  QMatrix zMatr{{1,0},{0,-1}};
1260  QMatrix pauliSum = getZeroMatrix(1<<numQubits);
1262  for (int t=0; t<numTerms; t++) {
1263  QMatrix pauliProd = QMatrix{{1}};
1265  for (int q=0; q<numQubits; q++) {
1266  int i = q + t*numQubits;
1268  QMatrix fac;
1269  pauliOpType code = paulis[i];
1270  if (code == PAULI_I) fac = iMatr;
1271  if (code == PAULI_X) fac = xMatr;
1272  if (code == PAULI_Y) fac = yMatr;
1273  if (code == PAULI_Z) fac = zMatr;
1274  pauliProd = getKroneckerProduct(fac, pauliProd);
1275  }
1276  pauliSum += coeffs[t] * pauliProd;
1277  }
1279  // a now 2^numQubits by 2^numQubits Hermitian matrix
1280  return pauliSum;
1281 }

References getKroneckerProduct(), getZeroMatrix(), PAULI_I, PAULI_X, PAULI_Y, PAULI_Z, and qcomp.

◆ toQMatrix() [8/8]

QMatrix toQMatrix ( Qureg  qureg)

Returns an equal-size copy of the given density matrix qureg.

In GPU mode, this function involves a copy of qureg from GPU memory to RAM. In distributed mode, this involves an all-to-all broadcast of qureg.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1071 of file utilities.cpp.

1071  {
1072  DEMAND( qureg.isDensityMatrix );
1074  DEMAND( qureg.numAmpsTotal < MPI_MAX_AMPS_IN_MSG );
1075 #endif
1077  // ensure local qureg.stateVec is up to date
1078  copyStateFromGPU(qureg);
1081  qreal* fullRe;
1082  qreal* fullIm;
1084  // in distributed mode, give every node the full state vector
1086  fullRe = (qreal*) malloc(qureg.numAmpsTotal * sizeof *fullRe);
1087  fullIm = (qreal*) malloc(qureg.numAmpsTotal * sizeof *fullIm);
1088  MPI_Allgather(
1089  qureg.stateVec.real, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1090  fullRe, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1091  MPI_Allgather(
1092  qureg.stateVec.imag, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1093  fullIm, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1094 #else
1095  fullRe = qureg.stateVec.real;
1096  fullIm = qureg.stateVec.imag;
1097 #endif
1099  // copy full state vector into a QVector
1100  long long int dim = (1 << qureg.numQubitsRepresented);
1101  QMatrix matr = getZeroMatrix(dim);
1102  for (long long int n=0; n<qureg.numAmpsTotal; n++)
1103  matr[n%dim][n/dim] = qcomp(fullRe[n], fullIm[n]);
1105  // clean up if we malloc'd the distributed array
1107  free(fullRe);
1108  free(fullIm);
1109 #endif
1110  return matr;
1111 }

References copyStateFromGPU(), DEMAND, getZeroMatrix(), Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, Qureg::numQubitsRepresented, qcomp, qreal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

◆ toQureg() [1/2]

void toQureg ( Qureg  qureg,
QMatrix  mat 

Initialises the density matrix qureg to have the same amplitudes as mat.

Demands qureg is a density matrix of equal dimensions to mat. In GPU mode, this function involves a copy from RAM to GPU memory. This function has no communication cost in distributed mode.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1214 of file utilities.cpp.

1214  {
1215  DEMAND( qureg.isDensityMatrix );
1216  DEMAND( (1 << qureg.numQubitsRepresented) == (long long int) mat.size() );
1220  int len = (1 << qureg.numQubitsRepresented);
1221  for (int i=0; i<qureg.numAmpsPerChunk; i++) {
1222  int ind = qureg.chunkId*qureg.numAmpsPerChunk + i;
1223  qureg.stateVec.real[i] = real(mat[ind%len][ind/len]);
1224  qureg.stateVec.imag[i] = imag(mat[ind%len][ind/len]);
1225  }
1226  copyStateToGPU(qureg);
1227 }

References Qureg::chunkId, copyStateToGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numQubitsRepresented, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

◆ toQureg() [2/2]

void toQureg ( Qureg  qureg,
QVector  vec 

Initialises the state-vector qureg to have the same amplitudes as vec.

Demands qureg is a state-vector of an equal size to vec. In GPU mode, this function involves a copy from RAM to GPU memory. This function has no communication cost in distributed mode.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1201 of file utilities.cpp.

1201  {
1202  DEMAND( !qureg.isDensityMatrix );
1203  DEMAND( qureg.numAmpsTotal == (long long int) vec.size() );
1207  for (int i=0; i<qureg.numAmpsPerChunk; i++) {
1208  int ind = qureg.chunkId*qureg.numAmpsPerChunk + i;
1209  qureg.stateVec.real[i] = real(vec[ind]);
1210  qureg.stateVec.imag[i] = imag(vec[ind]);
1211  }
1212  copyStateToGPU(qureg);
1213 }

References Qureg::chunkId, copyStateToGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

◆ toQVector() [1/2]

QVector toQVector ( DiagonalOp  op)

Returns a vector with the same of the full diagonal operator, populated with op's elements.

In distributed mode, this involves an all-to-all broadcast of op.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1155 of file utilities.cpp.

1155  {
1156  long long int totalElems = (1LL << op.numQubits);
1158  DEMAND( totalElems < MPI_MAX_AMPS_IN_MSG );
1159 #endif
1161  qreal* fullRe;
1162  qreal* fullIm;
1164  // in distributed mode, give every node the full diagonal operator
1166  fullRe = (qreal*) malloc(totalElems * sizeof *fullRe);
1167  fullIm = (qreal*) malloc(totalElems * sizeof *fullIm);
1169  MPI_Allgather(
1170  op.real, op.numElemsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1171  fullRe, op.numElemsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1172  MPI_Allgather(
1173  op.imag, op.numElemsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1174  fullIm, op.numElemsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1175 #else
1176  fullRe = op.real;
1177  fullIm = op.imag;
1178 #endif
1180  // copy full state vector into a QVector
1181  QVector vec = QVector(totalElems);
1182  for (long long int i=0; i<totalElems; i++)
1183  vec[i] = qcomp(fullRe[i], fullIm[i]);
1185  // clean up if we malloc'd distrib array
1187  free(fullRe);
1188  free(fullIm);
1189 #endif
1190  return vec;
1191 }

References DEMAND, DiagonalOp::imag, DiagonalOp::numElemsPerChunk, DiagonalOp::numQubits, qcomp, qreal, and DiagonalOp::real.

◆ toQVector() [2/2]

QVector toQVector ( Qureg  qureg)

Returns an equal-size copy of the given state-vector qureg.

In GPU mode, this function involves a copy of qureg from GPU memory to RAM. In distributed mode, this involves an all-to-all broadcast of qureg.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1113 of file utilities.cpp.

1113  {
1114  DEMAND( !qureg.isDensityMatrix );
1116  DEMAND( qureg.numAmpsTotal < MPI_MAX_AMPS_IN_MSG );
1117 #endif
1119  // ensure local qureg.stateVec is up to date
1120  copyStateFromGPU(qureg);
1123  qreal* fullRe;
1124  qreal* fullIm;
1126  // in distributed mode, give every node the full state vector
1128  fullRe = (qreal*) malloc(qureg.numAmpsTotal * sizeof *fullRe);
1129  fullIm = (qreal*) malloc(qureg.numAmpsTotal * sizeof *fullIm);
1131  MPI_Allgather(
1132  qureg.stateVec.real, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1133  fullRe, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1134  MPI_Allgather(
1135  qureg.stateVec.imag, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL,
1136  fullIm, qureg.numAmpsPerChunk, MPI_QuEST_REAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
1137 #else
1138  fullRe = qureg.stateVec.real;
1139  fullIm = qureg.stateVec.imag;
1140 #endif
1142  // copy full state vector into a QVector
1143  QVector vec = QVector(qureg.numAmpsTotal);
1144  for (long long int i=0; i<qureg.numAmpsTotal; i++)
1145  vec[i] = qcomp(fullRe[i], fullIm[i]);
1147  // clean up if we malloc'd distrib array
1149  free(fullRe);
1150  free(fullIm);
1151 #endif
1152  return vec;
1153 }

References copyStateFromGPU(), DEMAND, Qureg::isDensityMatrix, Qureg::numAmpsPerChunk, Qureg::numAmpsTotal, qcomp, qreal, QUEST_ENV, Qureg::stateVec, and syncQuESTEnv().

Referenced by TEST_CASE(), and toQMatrix().

◆ writeToFileSynch()

void writeToFileSynch ( char *  fn,
const string &  contents 

Writes contents to the file with filename fn, which is created and/or overwritten.

In distributed mode, the master node writes while the other nodes wait until complete.

Tyson Jones

Definition at line 1362 of file utilities.cpp.

1362  {
1364  // master node writes
1365  if (QUEST_ENV.rank == 0) {
1366  FILE* file = fopen(fn, "w");
1367  fputs(contents.c_str(), file);
1368  fclose(file);
1369  }
1371  // other nodes wait
1373 }

References QUEST_ENV, QuESTEnv::rank, and syncQuESTEnv().

Referenced by TEST_CASE().

Codes for specifying Pauli operators.
Definition: QuEST.h:96
QMatrix getFullOperatorMatrix(int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op, int numQubits)
Takes a 2^numTargs-by-2^numTargs matrix op and a returns a 2^numQubits-by-2^numQubits matrix where op...
Definition: utilities.cpp:304
long long int getUnsigned(long long int twosComp, int numBits)
Return the unsigned value of a number, made of #numBits bits, which under two's complement,...
Definition: utilities.cpp:1298
void copyStateFromGPU(Qureg qureg)
In GPU mode, this copies the state-vector (or density matrix) from GPU memory (qureg....
Definition: QuEST_cpu.c:45
The global QuESTEnv instance, to be created and destroyed once in this main(), so that the MPI enviro...
Definition: main.cpp:20
void syncQuESTEnv(QuESTEnv env)
Guarantees that all code up to the given point has been executed on all nodes (if running in distribu...
Definition: QuEST.h:96
QVector getKroneckerProduct(QVector b, QVector a)
Returns b (otimes) a.
Definition: utilities.cpp:143
int rank
Definition: QuEST.h:364
#define macro_copyComplexMatrix(dest, src)
Copies ComplexMatrix structures into a QMatrix.
Definition: utilities.cpp:1039
Definition: QuEST.h:96
QMatrix getConjugateTranspose(QMatrix a)
Returns the conjugate transpose of the complex square matrix a.
Definition: utilities.cpp:189
int getRandomInt(int min, int max)
Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution.
Definition: utilities.cpp:526
QMatrix getSwapMatrix(int qb1, int qb2, int numQb)
Returns the 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix which swaps qubits qb1 and qb2; the SWAP gate of not-ne...
Definition: utilities.cpp:230
Definition: QuEST.h:269
QMatrix getRandomUnitary(int numQb)
Returns a uniformly random (under Haar) 2^numQb-by-2^numQb unitary matrix.
Definition: utilities.cpp:530
qreal getRandomReal(qreal min, qreal max)
Returns a random real between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), from the uniform distribution.
Definition: utilities.cpp:421
QMatrix getKetBra(QVector ket, QVector bra)
Returns the matrix |ket><bra|, with ith-jth element ket(i) conj(bra(j)), since |ket><bra| = sum_i a_i...
Definition: utilities.cpp:169
Represents a 4x4 matrix of complex numbers.
Definition: QuEST.h:175
Definition: QuEST.h:269
#define qreal
QMatrix toQMatrix(ComplexMatrix2 src)
Returns a copy of the given 2-by-2 matrix.
Definition: utilities.cpp:1044
unsigned int calcLog2(long unsigned int res)
Returns log2 of numbers which must be gauranteed to be 2^n.
Definition: utilities.cpp:372
Definition: QuEST.h:96
static int fn_unique_suffix_id
Definition: utilities.cpp:1356
void setRandomPauliSum(qreal *coeffs, pauliOpType *codes, int numQubits, int numTerms)
Populates the coeffs array with random qreals in (-5, 5), and populates codes with random Pauli codes...
Definition: utilities.cpp:1229
int chunkId
The position of the chunk of the state vector held by this process in the full state vector.
Definition: QuEST.h:336
qcomp expI(qreal phase)
Returns the unit-norm complex number exp(i*phase).
Definition: utilities.cpp:417
std::vector< qcomp > QVector
A complex vector, which can be zero-initialised with QVector(numAmps).
Definition: utilities.hpp:60
qreal * imag
The imaginary values of the 2^numQubits complex elements.
Definition: QuEST.h:310
void setSubMatrix(QMatrix &dest, QMatrix sub, size_t r, size_t c)
Modifies dest by overwriting its submatrix (from top-left corner (r, c) to bottom-right corner (r + d...
Definition: utilities.cpp:222
QVector toQVector(Qureg qureg)
Returns an equal-size copy of the given state-vector qureg.
Definition: utilities.cpp:1113
long long int numAmpsPerChunk
Number of probability amplitudes held in stateVec by this process In the non-MPI version,...
Definition: QuEST.h:332
qreal * termCoeffs
The real coefficient of each Pauli product. This is an array of length PauliHamil....
Definition: QuEST.h:283
#define qcomp
enum pauliOpType * pauliCodes
The Pauli operators acting on each qubit, flattened over every operator.
Definition: QuEST.h:281
void copyStateToGPU(Qureg qureg)
In GPU mode, this copies the state-vector (or density matrix) from RAM (qureg.stateVec) to VRAM / GPU...
Definition: QuEST_cpu.c:42
int numQubits
The number of qubits this operator can act on (informing its size)
Definition: QuEST.h:300
int numSumTerms
The number of terms in the weighted sum, or the number of Pauli products.
Definition: QuEST.h:285
Definition: QuEST.h:96
QVector getRandomStateVector(int numQb)
Returns a random numQb-length L2-normalised state-vector from an undisclosed distribution.
Definition: utilities.cpp:468
qreal ** real
Definition: QuEST.h:189
QMatrix getRandomQMatrix(int dim)
Returns a dim-by-dim complex matrix, where the real and imaginary value of each element are independe...
Definition: utilities.cpp:379
long long int getIndexOfTargetValues(long long int ref, int *targs, int numTargs, int targVal)
Definition: utilities.cpp:689
qreal ** imag
Definition: QuEST.h:190
ComplexArray stateVec
Computational state amplitudes - a subset thereof in the MPI version.
Definition: QuEST.h:341
long long int numElemsPerChunk
The number of the 2^numQubits amplitudes stored on each distributed node.
Definition: QuEST.h:302
int isDensityMatrix
Whether this instance is a density-state representation.
Definition: QuEST.h:325
int numQubits
Definition: QuEST.h:188
void updateIndices(int oldEl, int newEl, int *list1, int len1, int *list2, int len2)
Definition: utilities.cpp:287
std::vector< std::vector< qcomp > > QMatrix
A complex square matrix.
Definition: utilities.hpp:49
int numQubits
The number of qubits informing the Hilbert dimension of the Hamiltonian.
Definition: QuEST.h:287
QVector getNormalised(QVector vec)
Returns an L2-normalised copy of vec, using Kahan summation for improved accuracy.
Definition: utilities.cpp:446
int numQubitsRepresented
The number of qubits represented in either the state-vector or density matrix.
Definition: QuEST.h:327
std::vector< qreal > getRandomProbabilities(int numProbs)
Returns a list of random real scalars, each in [0, 1], which sum to unity.
Definition: utilities.cpp:472
long long int numAmpsTotal
Total number of amplitudes, which are possibly distributed among machines.
Definition: QuEST.h:334
qreal * real
The real values of the 2^numQubits complex elements.
Definition: QuEST.h:308
qreal real
Definition: QuEST.h:105
QMatrix getIdentityMatrix(size_t dim)
Returns a dim-by-dim identity matrix.
Definition: utilities.cpp:161
QMatrix getPureDensityMatrix(QVector state)
Returns a density matrix initialised into the given pure state.
Definition: utilities.cpp:507
qreal imag
Definition: QuEST.h:106
QMatrix getZeroMatrix(size_t dim)
Returns a dim-by-dim square complex matrix, initialised to all zeroes.
Definition: utilities.cpp:153
QVector getRandomQVector(int dim)
Returns a dim-length vector with random complex amplitudes in the square joining {-1-i,...
Definition: utilities.cpp:435
bool areEqual(QVector a, QVector b)
Returns true if the absolute value of the difference between every amplitude in vectors a and b is le...
Definition: utilities.cpp:398
void applyReferenceOp(QVector &state, int *ctrls, int numCtrls, int *targs, int numTargs, QMatrix op)
Modifies the state-vector state to be the result of applying the multi-target operator matrix op,...
Definition: utilities.cpp:728
#define M_PI
Definition: QuEST_common.c:41
qcomp getRandomComplex()
Returns a random complex number within the square closing (-1-i) and (1+i), from a distribution unifo...
Definition: utilities.cpp:431
#define DEMAND(cond)
Definition: utilities.cpp:24
#define macro_copyQMatrix(dest, src)
Definition: utilities.cpp:1013
Represents a 2x2 matrix of complex numbers.
Definition: QuEST.h:137
long long int getValueOfTargets(long long int ind, int *targs, int numTargs)
Returns the integer value of the targeted sub-register for the given full state index ind.
Definition: utilities.cpp:670