HTML Markup

When generating markup, the most common macro to be used is xhtml!. This macro takes mixed markup and rust code to output markup formatted as a String.

Inside xhtml! there are several possible types of markup that can be sent to the formatter:

  1. XHTML Tags
  2. Unquoted Text Data
  3. Quoted Text Data

To generate XHTML Tags, place the tags in angle brackets like normal markup. The tags can be self-closing or contain inner HTML.

extern crate rdxl;

fn main() {

To generate Unquoted Text Data it is usually sufficient to place the text directly in the markup. Note that macros are lexed as Rust code before being sent to the macro procedure. This means that not all XHTML can be placed directly inline.

extern crate rdxl;

fn main() {
    <p>This paragraph is formatted normally. The breaking spaces are recognized
       as part of the macro rules.</p>

For Text Data that does not work well with the Rust lexer, the text may be placed inside a rust quoted string literal. This string will be placed directly into the formatted output. It should be noted that raw strings are very a good way to fit even more text data into one quote without the need for escape characters.

extern crate rdxl;

fn main() {
    r#"((((( the lexer expects closing braces, brackets, and parentheses [[[[
       but what do we care. {{"#