
The xtype! macro defines an XML-like struct. An XML-like struct has zero or more attributes, possibly having default values, and zero or more possible children types.

Attributes that do not supply a default value must have a type which implements the std::default::Default trait. This is an implementation quirk, so it is notable, although undesirable.

Children can have any type, which may be defined inline as another tag, or reference an existing type. A boxed Display type is available by using the ? tag, which is a handy way to include miscellaneous content which does not require special rendering logic.

fn main() {
extern crate rdxl;

rdxl::xtype!(<!MyTag a:u64={{32}} b:String>

the above code generates the following items

fn main() {
struct MyTag {
   a: u64,
   b: String,
   children: Vec<MyTagChildren>
enum MyTagChildren {
   Display(Box<dyn std::fmt::Display>)

impl MyTag {
   pub fn new() -> MyTag {
      MyTag {
         a: 32,
         b: std::default::Default::default(),
         children: Vec::new(),
   pub fn set_a(mut self, v: u64) -> MyTag {
      self.a = v;
   pub fn set_b(mut self, v: String) -> MyTag {
      self.b = v;
   pub fn set_children(mut self, v: Vec<MyTagChildren>) -> MyTag {
      self.children = v;