
created_at2015-11-08 19:39:05.162167
updated_at2016-09-18 18:56:53.304176
descriptionSimple, drop-in replacement allocator for Rust running on bare metal (no_std)
Eric Kidd (emk)



alloc_buddy_simple: A simple "buddy allocator" for bare-metal Rust

Are you using Rust on bare metal with #[no_std]? Do you lack even a working malloc and free? Would you like to have a Rust-compatible allocator that works with libcollections?

WARNING: OK, you shouldn't use libcollections for anything serious in kernel space, because it will panic if you ever run out of memory. But if you just want to use a Vec or two at startup time, on a well-understood system, it's very convenient, and maybe you're willing to live with the consequences.

This is a simple buddy allocator that you can use a drop-in replacement for Rust's regular allocators. It's highly experimental and may corrupt your data, panic your machine, etc. But it appears to be enough to make Vec::push work, at least in extremely limited testing.

There is a test suite which attempts to allocate and deallocate a bunch of memory, and which tries to make sure everything winds up at the expected location in memory each time.

Using this allocator

You can pull this into a Cargo build using:

git = ""
features = ["use-as-rust-allocator"]

Then you'll need to allocate some memory for your heap somewhere. This needs to be aligned on a 4096-byte boundary, and it needs to be a power of 2 in size. You could use the following declarations with nasm:

section .bss
align 4096
        resb 4*1024*1024

From there, all you need to do is (1) declare an array of free lists with enough space:

extern crate alloc_buddy_simple;

use alloc_buddy_simple::{FreeBlock, initialize_allocator};

static mut FREE_LISTS: [*mut FreeBlock; 19] = [0 as *mut _; 19];

The tricky bit here is the 19. This determines the minimum allocable block size, which will be heap_size >> (19 - 1). Your minimum block size must be at least as large as a FreeBlock.

For calling initialize_allocator, see the toyos file for example code. Do this before trying to use your heap, or you will get a Rust panic!

Compiling a custom libcollections

You will need to manually compile a bunch of libraries from the rust/src directory and copy them into ~/.multirust/toolchains/nightly/lib/rustlib/$(target)/lib or the equivalent directory on your system. For example code, see the toyos Makefile.

You may also want to apply the barebones nofp patch to libcore if your kernel space does not support floating point.


This has only been run in the "low half" of memory, and if you store your heap in the upper half of your memory range, you may run into some issues with isize versus usize.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL CODE PROVIDED "AS IS", AND IT MAY DO HORRIBLE THINGS TO YOUR COMPUTER OR DATA. But if you're using random unsafe, unstable Rust libraries in implementing a panicking version of malloc in kernel space, you probably knew that already.

Commit count: 120

cargo fmt