Rust Digger Stats

name value percentage
Total 171,183 100%%
No repository 30,966 18.08%
Has errors in the released Cargo.toml file 25,404 14.84%
On GitHub but has no CI 65,983 38.54%
On GitLab but has no CI 2,018 1.17%
Has Cargo.toml file in the root of the repository 97,153 56.75%
Has no Cargo.toml file in the root of the repository 74,030 43.24%
Has homepage, but no repository 3,495 2.04%
Has rustfmt.toml file 19,595 11.44%
Has .rustfmt.toml file 7,207 4.21%
Has both rustfmt.toml and .rustfmt.toml file in the root of the repository 36 0.02%
No repository, no homepage 27,471 16.04%
Crates without owner 11 0%
Crates without owner name 25,974 15.17%
Crates without edition or rust-version 40,830 23.85%
Crates with both edition and rust-version 11,238 6.56%
Has interesting homepage 13,430 7.84%
Crates with Cargo.lock file 49,635 28.99%
Crates with Cargo.lock file and with src/ file 29,214 17.06%
Crates with Cargo.lock file but without src/ file 20,421 11.92%
Crates without Cargo.lock file 121,548 71%
Crates without Cargo.lock but with src/ file 2,982 1.74%
Crates without Cargo.lock and without src/ file 118,566 69.26%