
created_at2024-03-19 06:16:51.967953
updated_at2024-06-24 09:39:15.133574
descriptionA data format designed to be easy for humans to read and write.
Hema Shushu (hemashushu)



XiaoXuan Script Object Notation

XiaoXuan Script Object Notation (ANON) is a data format that is easy for humans to read and write. It is similar to JSON, but has many improvements and enhancements.

ANON is mainly used as a configuration file for applications, but can also be used for data transmission.


  • Compatible with most of the syntax of JSON and JSON5. If you are already familiar with JSON, you do not need to learn a new data format.

  • Simple, rigorous and consistent syntax. The syntax of ASON is close to that of programming languages. For example, numbers can specify data types, multiple formats of comments and strings are supported, key names do not need to be enclosed in double quotes, trailing commas can be omitted, and so on. These features can help users accurately express the data they need, and are also facilitate the modification and maintenance of ASON documents.

Table of Content

ASON Document Example

A typical ASON document contains only one ASON object. The following is a example of an ASON document:

    string: "hello world"
    raw_string: r"[a-z]+"
    number: 123
    number_with_data_type: 123_456_789@long
    float: 3.14
    double: 6.626e-34@double
    bool: true
    date: d"2023-03-24 12:30:00+08:00"
    variant_with_value: Option::Some(123)
    variant_without_value: Option::None
    array: [1,2,3,]
    tuple: (1, "foo", true)
    object: {
        id: 123
        name: "leaf"

It is worth mentioning that an ASON document does not necessarily have to be an ASON object, it can also be other ASON values, such as an array, a tuple, or even a single number or string, all of which are valid ASON values.

Comparison with JSON

The ASON format is very similar to the JSON format, but there are a few significant differences:

  • Numbers can have explicit data types.
  • Floating-point numbers do not support values such as Inf, -Inf, -0 and NaN.
  • Hexadecimal and binary numbers are supported.
  • The null value is not allowed, and is replaced by a new type called Variant.
  • Object keys do not support double quotes.
  • Strings do not support single quotes.
  • Arrays require all of their elements to be of the same data type.
  • Multiple formats of strings and comments are supported.
  • Date, Tuple, and Variant data types are added.
  • Trailing commas can be omitted.
  • A comma can be added to the end of the last element of an array, tuple, or object.

File Extension

The file extension for ASON document is *.ason. Filename example:

sample.ason, package.ason

Library and API

Currently, only the Rust implementation of ASON serialization and deserialization library is provided.

Rust ASON Library

Run the command cargo add ason in your project directory to add the ASON library to your project.

This library provides two functions:

  • fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<AsonNode, ParseError> for deserialization;
  • fn write(n: &AsonNode) -> String for serialization.


Suppose you have the following ASON text, which may come from a file or from the internet:

    id: 123
    name: "foo"

The following code shows how to parse this text into an ASON object and check the value of each member:

let text = "..."; // the ASON text above

let node = parse(text).unwrap();

if let AsonNode::Object(obj) = node {
        &NameValuePair {
            name: "id".to_string(),
            value: Box::new(AsonNode::Number(NumberLiteral::Int(123)))

        &NameValuePair {
            name: "name".to_string(),
            value: Box::new(AsonNode::String_("foo".to_string()))


Suppose there is an object with two fields, their names and values are:

  • name: "foo"
  • version: "0.1.0"

The following code demonstrates how to convert this object into ASON text:

let node = AsonNode::Object(vec![
    NameValuePair {
        name: "name".to_string(),
        value: Box::new(AsonNode::String_("foo".to_string())),
    NameValuePair {
        name: "version".to_string(),
        value: Box::new(AsonNode::String_("0.1.0".to_string())),

let text = write(&node);
println!("{}", text);

The output text should be:

    name: "foo"
    version: "0.1.0"
    dependencies: [
            name: "random"
            version: Option::None
            name: "regex"
            version: Option::Some("1.0.1")


The Rust ASON library also provides a utility "ason" which can be used to read and validate, or format an ASON document.

First install the utility with the following command:

$ cargo install ason

This command will add the executable ason to the ~/.cargo/bin directory.

This usage of utility is:

$ ason <file_name>

For example:

$ ason test.ason

If the document "test.ason" has no errors, the program prints the formatted document to the terminal. The output can be redirected to a new file, e.g.:

$ ason test.ason > new.ason


See the document for more information.

Source code


Check out LICENSE and LICENSE.additional.

Commit count: 27

cargo fmt