
created_at2024-06-28 18:58:46.337429
updated_at2024-06-28 18:58:46.337429
descriptionPerforms similarity search for audio files on a local machine.
Steve MacKinnon (steve-mackinnon)



Audio Similarity Search in Rust

This repo contains a Rust CLI that can be used to perform similarity search across audio files stored locally.


To build, run:

  • cargo build to build in debug
  • cargo build --release to build in release

This will create an executable called similarity-search in the target/release or target/debug directory.


The CLI supports three modes: building, listing samples, and searching.


To build a new database for your local audio samples, run:

./similarity-search build \Path\to\my_audio_samples

This will recursively iterate over my_audio_samples and all subdirectories to build the similarity search database.


To see a list of samples in the database, and their corresponding IDs, run:

./similarity-search list-samples


To query the database to find similar samples, run:

./similarity-search find sample_id num_results where sample_id is an integer representing corresponding to input sample you'd like to find similar sounds for.


Feature extraction

The feature extraction phase walks over all of the wav and mp3 files found in the asset directory passed to the CLI during build. Each audio file is decoded, downsampled to 22050 Hz, and summed to mono. The resulting audio buffer is then chunked into blocks of 2048 samples, which are passed to aubio to perform an FFT, then an MFCC to distill the buffer down to a 13 dimensional MFCC vector. For each file, the MFCCs from each block are then averaged, resulting in a single 13-element feature vector. This feature extraction process is highly parallelized. It uses a thread pool to fan distribute the feature extraction for each file across all physical cores on the machine.

After feature extraction completes, a hash map of {FileId, FilePath} is then saved to disk. When querying the database, we need to load this map into memory in order to associate database IDs with audio file paths. The serde-rs JSON library is used to serialize and deserialize the map.

Database creation and querying

The arroy database is used to store the feature vectors and perform similarity search. This project is a Rust port of the annoy C++/Python library from Spotify, which is used for fast approximate nearest neighbor search. Arroy differs slightly in that it is backed by LMDB, a high performance, memory mapped database. arroy/LMDB are taking care of all of the details for index creation and ANN search.

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