
created_at2024-07-21 14:34:27.26086+00
updated_at2024-10-27 18:32:39.993732+00
descriptionA mocking library for AWS. This is NOT an official AWS library.



AWS Mocks

A mocking library for AWS. This is NOT an official AWS library.


This library provides a set of mocks for various AWS services, allowing you to test your code without actually making real API calls. It is based on the AWS SDKs for Rust.


Add aws-mocks to your Cargo.toml file with the features corresponding to the services you need:

aws-mocks = { version = "0.2.1", features = ["s3", "api-gateway", "kms"]}

aws-mocks = { version = "0.2.1", features = ["mockall"]}


To use the mocks, you need to add the features for the services you want to use and use the corresponding traits for dependency injection. Then add the mockall feature to your [dev-dependencies] and pass the mock services to your functions. Here's an example for S3:

use aws_config::BehaviorVersion;
use aws_mocks::s3::operation::get_object::GetObjectOutput;
use aws_mocks::s3::operation::get_object::GetObjectInput;
use aws_mocks::s3::S3Client;
use aws_mocks::s3::S3ClientImpl;
use aws_mocks::s3::MockedS3Client;

async fn main() {
    let config = aws_config::load_defaults(BehaviorVersion::v2024_03_28()).await;
    let s3_client = S3ClientImpl::new(&config);
    let output = my_function(&s3_client).await;
    // Use output
    // -- snip --

async fn my_function(s3_client: &impl S3Client) -> GetObjectOutput {

async fn test() {
    let mut mock_s3_client = MockedS3Client::new();
    // Configure mock
    // -- snip --
    let output = my_function(&mock_s3_client);
    // Assert on output
    // -- snip --

Supported Services

The following are the AWS services currently supported and the features to enable them:

Service Feature
AccessAnalyzer access-analyzer
Account account
ACM acm
ACM PCA acm-pca
AMP amp
Amplify amplify
Amplify Backend amplify-backend
Amplify UI Builder amplify-ui-builder
ApiGateway api-gateway
ApiGateway Management api-gateway-management
ApiGateway V2 api-gateway-v2
AppConfig app-config
AppConfigData app-config-data
AppFabric app-fabric
AppFlow app-flow
AppIntegrations app-integrations
AppMesh app-mesh
AppRunner app-runner
AppStream app-stream
AppSync app-sync
AppTest app-test
Athena athena
Backup backup
Batch batch
CloudFormation cloud-formation
CloudFront cloud-front
CloudTrail cloud-trail
CloudWatch cloud-watch
CognitoIdentityProvider cognito-identity-provider
CodeBuild code-build
CodeCommit code-commit
CodePipeline code-pipeline
DataBrew data-brew
DataPipeline data-pipeline
DirectConnect direct-connect
DynamoDB dynamo-db
EC2 ec2
EFS efs
EKS eks
ElastiCache elasti-cache
Elastic Beanstalk elastic-beanstalk
EMR emr
GlobalAccelerator global-accelerator
Glue glue
IAM iam
Kinesis kinesis
KMS kms
Lambda lambda
Macie 2 macie2
MQ mq
OpenSearch open-search
Polly polly
QuickSight quick-sight
RDS rds
Redshift redshift
Rekognition rekognition
S3 s3
SageMaker sage-maker
SecretsManager secrets-manager
SNS sns
SQS sqs
SSM ssm
Textract textract
Transcribe transcribe
Translate translate
X-Ray x-ray

Not every command for every service is supported. Notably, commands that require subcommands are not yet supported.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have any feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the GPL-v3.0 License - see the LICENSE for details.

Commit count: 81

cargo fmt