
created_at2019-03-07 09:15:56.30643
updated_at2020-07-23 05:58:24.158847
descriptionAn implementation of the Bacon's cipher
Volo-maintainers (github:cloudwego:volo-maintainers)


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An implementation of the Bacon's cipher.

The crate offers codecs that encode / decode and steganographers that hide / reveal encoded messages.

Available codecs:

  • CharCodec: A codec that encodes data of type char.

    The encoding is done by substituting with two given elements (elem_a and elem_b) of type T.

    The substitution is done using the first version of the Bacon's cipher.

  • CharCodecV2: A codec that encodes data of type char.

    The encoding is done by substituting with two given elements (elem_a and elem_b) of type T.

    The substitution is done using the second version of the Bacon's cipher.

Available steganographers:

  • LetterCaseSteganographer: Applies steganography based on the case of the characters.

    E.g. Lowercase for Bacon's element A, capital for Bacon's element B.

  • MarkdownSteganographer: Applies steganography based on Markdown tags that surround elements.

    E.g. Sourround an element with ** for Bacon's element A and the rest of the elements are considered as Bacon's element B.

  • SimpleTagSteganographer: Applies steganography based on HTML or XML tags that surround elements. (needs the feature extended-steganography)

    E.g. Sourround an element with <b> and </b> for Bacon's element A and with <i> and </i> for Bacon's element B.

Encoding - Decoding

Encode a message to Bacon codes

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::BaconCodec;
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('A', 'B');

// This is the secret to encode
let secret: Vec<char> = "My secret".chars().collect();

// Get the encoded chars
let encoded_chars = codec.encode(&secret);
let encoded_string = String::from_iter(encoded_chars.iter());


Decode Bacon codes

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::BaconCodec;
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('A', 'B');

// These are the encoded characters
let encoded_chars: Vec<char> = "ABABBBABBABAAABAABAAAAABABAAAAAABAABAABA".chars().collect();

// Retrieve the decoded chars
let decoded = codec.decode(&encoded_chars);
let string = String::from_iter(decoded.iter());

assert_eq!("MYSECRET", string);


Letter case

Disguise a hidden message into a public one

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::stega::letter_case::LetterCaseSteganographer;
use bacon_cipher::{BaconCodec, Steganographer};
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('a', 'b');

// Apply steganography based on the case of the characters
let s = LetterCaseSteganographer::new();

// This is the public message in which we want to hide the secret one.
let public_chars: Vec<char> = "This is a public message that contains a secret one".chars().collect();

// This is the message that we want to hide.
let secret_chars: Vec<char> = "My secret".chars().collect();

// This is the public message that contains the secret one
let disguised_public = s.disguise(&secret_chars, &public_chars, &codec);
let string = String::from_iter(disguised_public.unwrap().iter());

assert!(string == "tHiS IS a PUbLic mEssAge thaT cOntains A seCreT one");

Reveal a hidden message from a public one

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::stega::letter_case::LetterCaseSteganographer;
use bacon_cipher::{BaconCodec, Steganographer};
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('a', 'b');

// Apply steganography based on the case of the characters
let s = LetterCaseSteganographer::new();

// This is the public message that contains a hidden message
let public_chars: Vec<char> = "tHiS IS a PUbLic mEssAge thaT cOntains A seCreT one".chars().collect();

// This is the hidden message
let output = s.reveal(&public_chars, &codec);
let hidden_message = String::from_iter(output.unwrap().iter());


Disguise a hidden message into a public one

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::stega::markdown::{MarkdownSteganographer, Marker};
use bacon_cipher::{BaconCodec, Steganographer};
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('a', 'b');

// Apply steganography based on Markdown markers
let s = MarkdownSteganographer::new(

// This is the public message in which we want to hide the secret one.
let public = "This is a public message that contains a secret one";

// This is the message that we want to hide.
let secret_chars: Vec<char> = "My secret".chars().collect();

let output = s.disguise(
let string = String::from_iter(output.unwrap().iter());
assert!(string == "T*h*i*s* *is* a *pu*b*l*ic m*e*ss*a*ge tha*t* c*o*ntains *a* se*c*re*t* one");

Reveal a hidden message from a public one

use bacon_cipher::codecs::char_codec::CharCodec;
use bacon_cipher::stega::markdown::{MarkdownSteganographer, Marker};
use bacon_cipher::{BaconCodec, Steganographer};
use std::iter::FromIterator;

// Define a Bacon Codec that encodes using the characters 'A' and 'B'
let codec = CharCodec::new('a', 'b');

// Apply steganography based on Markdown markers
let s = MarkdownSteganographer::new(

// This is the public message that contains a hidden message
let public = "T*h*i*s* *is* a *pu*b*l*ic m*e*ss*a*ge tha*t* c*o*ntains *a* se*c*re*t* one";

// This is the hidden message
let output = s.reveal(
let string = String::from_iter(output.unwrap().iter());


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