
created_at2024-06-09 10:23:50.488482
updated_at2024-07-13 17:53:17.808432
descriptionA Simple Utility Library For Rust
SKN Shukhan (skn437)



SKN Rust Utility Library



Crates IO MIT License



Read the Rustdoc for the main Modules



This is a simple Rust Library for some essential utility functions

I made this library so that I can use it in all of my rust projects without writing the same codes over and over again

The main Modules of this library are env, execution, stdio, random & args



env Module:

  • It has 1 function which builds external config file functionality to get data from outside the program
  • init_config function takes generic
  • The file name is rustenv.toml from which you can get data after invoking the function
  • The config file rustenv.toml must be placed in the root directory where Cargo.toml file is
  • To read values from the file properly you need serde crate
  • See Usage section to get an example of how to use it

execution Module

  • It has 2 functions which help to execute commands in the terminal
  • execute_command function can run any command in the terminal
    • it takes the command name as first argument
    • it takes a reference of string slice (&str) array as command arguments
  • gnome_execute_command function can open a new gnome terminal and executes commands in it
    • it takes only one argument which is a string slice (&str)
    • if multiple command needs to be executed then the commands must be separated by ;
  • See Usage section to get an example of how to use it

stdio Module

  • It has 1 function which reads user input and returns it
  • read_line function returns String if it successfully reads the input else returns Error
  • See Usage section to get an example of how to use it

random Module

  • It has 1 function that generates random number from a given range
  • gen_random_number function takes two parameters to set a range. One is low and the other one is high
  • The parameters can either be Integer or Float
  • parameter low and high must be of same type i.e. you cannot set a range of say from 1 to 10.1
  • The second parameter high is inclusive i.e. a range of 1 and 10 will mean the range includes from 1 to 10
  • See Usage section to get an example of how to use it

args Module

  • It has 1 function that provides a collection of arguments passed in command line interface
  • get_args function returns a collection as a vector of String
  • See Usage section to get an example of how to use it


Use Case:

  • Rust



  • 💀 Minimum Rust Version: 1.78.0
  • 💀 Crates:



To install the package, type the following in console

cargo add best_skn_utils

Inside your Rust Code, import the package like this

use best_skn_utils::{env, execution, stdio, random, args};

Use the modules like the following (Just an example)

(1) For env module, you can use like this

(a) Suppose the rustenv.toml file contains the data like this
name = "SKN"
email = ""
(b) Then the usage of the module can be like this
use best_skn_utils::env::init_config;
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Author {
  name: String,
  email: String,

impl Author {
  fn new() -> Self {
    Self {
      name: String::new(),
      email: String::new(),

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct ConfigData {
  author: Author,

impl ConfigData {
  fn new() -> Self {
    let config = init_config::<Self>();

    match config {
      | Ok(value) => value,
      | Err(e) => {
        println!("Error: {}", e);
        Self {
          author: Author::new(),

let config_data: ConfigData = ConfigData::new();

println!("Name: {}, Email: {}",,;

(2) For execution module, you can use like this

use best_skn_utils::execution::{execute_command, gnome_execute_command};

execute_command("cargo", &["doc", "--open"]);

gnome_execute_command("printf 'Hello SKN! \n'; printf 'Build was successful! ✅ \n'; read -n 1 KEY");

(3) For stdio module, you can use like this

use best_skn_utils::stdio::read_line;
use std::io::Error;

let input: Result<String, Error> = read_line("Write your name:");

match input {
  | Ok(value) => println!("Your name: {}", value),
  | Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

(4) For random module, you can use like this

use best_skn_utils::random::gen_random_number;

let num1: i32 = gen_random_number(1, 10);
let num2: f64 = gen_random_number(1.5, 7.5);

(5) For args module, you can use like this

use best_skn_utils::args::get_args;

let args: Vec<String> = get_args();

println!("{:?}", args);


Dedicated To:

  • 👩‍🎨Prodipta Das Logno & 🧛‍♀️Atoshi Sarker Prithula: The two most special ladies of my life. I can't thank them enough for always treasuring me a lot. I am lucky that I met with these two amazing ladies. They have two special places in my heart and no other girl can ever replace them.
  • 💯My Parents: The greatest treasures of my life ever.
Commit count: 18

cargo fmt