
created_at2024-03-06 19:59:17.850702
updated_at2024-04-15 13:24:01.790627
descriptionAn over-engineered RPG stat query system for the bevy engine.
Mincong Lu (mintlu8)




An over-engineered RPG stat query system for the bevy engine.

Qualified Stats

We describe each stat as a Qualifier and a Stat. Stat is a concrete stat noun like Strength, Magic, etc. Qualifier is a flags based adjective that describes what this Stat can be applied to.

For example in FireMagicDamage, Fire|Magic is the qualifier, Damage is the Stat.

What this means if an effect boosts Fire|Damage, Magic|Damage, or simply just Damage, the effect will be applied to the stat, but an effect on Sword|Damage or Fire|Range won't be applied to the stat.


Qualifier is tied to effects, and provides the aforementioned all_of. In addition any_of is provided for modelling conditional effects like Elemental|Damage, which means Fire or Water Damage instead of Fire and Water Damage.

Each Qualifier can only have one group of any_of which is a limitation currently.


let fire = Qualifier::all_of(Flag::Fire);
let fire_magic = Qualifier::all_of(Flag::Fire|Flag::Magic);
let elemental = Qualifier::any_of(Fire|Water|Air|Earth);
let elemental_magic = Qualifier::any_of(Fire|Water|Air|Earth)


QualifierQuery matches all Qualifiers on our character that qualifies as the query we are looking for.

QualifierQuery::Aggregate collects all qualifiers that matches the query.

For example, suppose we are looking for (Fire|Burn|Magic, Damage):

  • ((), Damage) qualifies.
  • (Fire, Damage) qualifies.
  • (Fire|Magic, Damage) qualifies.
  • (Fire|Burn|Magic, Damage) qualifies.
  • (Elemental, Damage) qualifies.
  • (Fire|Sword, Damage) does not qualify.
  • (Fire|Burn|Magic, Defense) does not qualify.

QualifierQuery::Exact allows us to deny more generalized qualifiers.

For example, in order to model a statement like so:

Add 50% of the character's magic damage to physical damage.

Querying (Magic, Damage), which contains ((), Damage), and adding to (Physical, Damage) would cause a duplication.

Therefore the query should be:

QualifierQuery::Exact {
    any_of: None,
    all_of: Magic,
  • What do you mean? My DarkFire and Fire and totally different things and should be independent.

Create a new qualifier DarkFire instead of Dark|Fire.

Getting Started

Add marker component StatEntity to an Entity. If you need caching, add a StatCache as well. You need to manually clear the cache when the state is changed, however.

  • Implement IntrinsicStream to make components on the entity queryable.
  • Implement ExternalStream to make components on child entities queryable.

For example we can add BaseStatMap to the Entity as base stats, if we include it in the intrinsic section of the querier! macro.


StatQuerier is the SystemParam to query stats, it is quite difficult to define one manually so the recommended way is to define a type with the querier! macro. Additionally we can also use the StatExtension with World access for similar functionalities.


querier!(pub UnitStatQuerier {
    qualifier: MyQualifier,
    intrinsic: {
    external: {

Unordered StatStream

bevy_stat_query uses unordered operations to build up stats. This includes add, multiply, min, max and or. This ensures no explicit ordering is ever needed when querying for stats.

Each stat has its components form StatValue, e.g. (12 * 4).min(99).max(0), and its evaluated form, e.g. 48. You can implement your own StatValue to achieve custom behaviors. StatOperation stores a single operation that can be written to a StatValue.

Stat Relation

We can create relations between different stats using either their components form or their evaluated form. StatStreams are allowed to query other stats or other entities. Since stat operations are unordered, dependency cycles cannot be resolved. If a cycle is detected, an error will be thrown.

Entity Relation

IntrinsicStream can be used to provide bi-entity relationship like distance or allegiance. This can be used to model range based effects.

You may find StatOnce(types::StatOnce) useful in implementing these.


  • StatQuerier requires read access to all components in stat system so we cannot mutate anything while having it as a parameter. Using system piping or some kind of deferred command queue for mutations might be advisable in this case.

  • The crate heavily utilizes dynamic dispatch under the hood, and is therefore not fully reflect compatible. The supported serialization method is through the bevy-serde-project crate, Check out that crate for more information.

  • if StatValue::Bounds is a float, their default values are likely -inf and inf, which are not valid values in json. This means serde_json will serialize them as null and fail when deserialized. If FullStatMap is used, choose a different format.


bevy bevy-stat-query
0.13 latest


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Commit count: 36

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