
created_at2024-01-03 20:48:28.035896
updated_at2024-07-05 15:36:16.170045
descriptionPlugin for loading and playing animated webp images in bevy.
porkbrain (bausano)





Plugin for loading and playing animated .webp images in bevy. We make the assumption that any webp file loaded with the provided WebpLoader is an animation. The actual decoding of the frames is done by the [image] crate.

The decoding is ran in a tokio::runtime::Runtime threadpool. The resource WebpAnimator holds a mapping from video uuids to channel receivers. The runtime sends bevy::Image frames to the channel receivers.

Register the system load_next_frame to automatically continue the animation. This system works with a core component RemoteControl. This component contains the uuid of the video and FPS settings. By running the load_next_frame system e.g. on Update or on a fixed schedule with period matching that of the FPS of the video, each RemoteControl component will load the next frame of the video into the entity's Handle<Image>. If the entity does not have a Handle<Image> component, the frame is dropped.


$ cargo run --example basic for a bunny.

Issue: Support large videos

The current implementation of bevy_webp_anim loads each frame into memory. Then, it keeps sending the frames from the that frames vector to the channel receiver in a loop. This works for my use case as I have small videos which I want to play in a loop.

However, an alternative approach would facilitate larger videos. We could store the decoder (from the image crate) and decode frames only as needed. The trouble right now with implementing this is that spawning an async task requires Send futures. However, the Frames<'a> iterator of the image crate has an inner Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Frame<'a>> + 'a> type. We cannot keep the iterator across .await points of our channel sender async fn send calls.

Feature: Reuse decoded frames

We can have several entities listening to the same video frames. This would be useful if you play the same video in several places on your screen. Right now, you'd need separate decoders and separate Handle<Image>.

I don't need this feature in my project at the moment, but happy to add it if there's a demand.

Issue: Explore bevy's work load system instead of a custom tokio runtime

Bevy comes with its own thread pool that can run tasks. It might be preferable to use this instead of spawning another tokio runtime.

Commit count: 22

cargo fmt