
created_at2021-11-29 20:40:49.079686
updated_at2023-03-02 23:01:16.349247
descriptionDefine structs which have fields which are assigned to individual bits, not bytes
Andrew Gazelka (andrewgazelka)



bit-struct codecov Minimum rustc version

Bit struct is a crate which allows for ergonomic use of C-like bit fields without mediocre IDE support resulting from proc macros. In addition, everything is statically typed checked!

Take the following example

use bit_struct::*; 

enums! {
    // 2 bits, i.e., 0b00, 0b01, 0b10
    pub HouseKind { Urban, Suburban, Rural}

bit_struct! {
    // u8 is the base storage type. This can be any multiple of 8
    pub struct HouseConfig(u8) {
        // 2 bits
        kind: HouseKind,
        // two's compliment 3-bit signed number
        lowest_floor: i3,
        // 2 bit unsigned number
        highest_floor: u2,

// We can create a new `HouseConfig` like such:
// where all numbers are statically checked to be in bounds.
let config = HouseConfig::new(HouseKind::Suburban, i3!(-2), u2!(1));

// We can get the raw `u8` which represents `config`:
let raw: u8 = config.raw();
assert_eq!(114_u8, raw);

// or we can get a `HouseConfig` from a `u8` like:
let mut config: HouseConfig = HouseConfig::try_from(114_u8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config, HouseConfig::new(HouseKind::Suburban, i3!(-2), u2!(1)));
// We need to unwrap because `HouseConfig` is not valid for all numbers. For instance, if the
// most significant bits are `0b11`, it encodes an invalid `HouseKind`. However, 
// if all elements of a struct are always valid (suppose we removed the `kind` field), the struct will
// auto implement a trait which allows calling the non-panicking:
// let config: HouseConfig = HouseConfig::exact_from(123_u8);

// We can access values of `config` like so:
let kind: HouseKind = config.kind().get();

// And we can set values like so:

// We can also convert the new numeric types for alternate bit-widths into the 
// numeric types provided by the standard library:
let lowest_floor: i3 = config.lowest_floor().get();
let lowest_floor_std: i8 = lowest_floor.value();
assert_eq!(lowest_floor_std, 0_i8);


  • No proc macros
  • Autocompletion fully works (tested in IntelliJ Rust)
  • Fast compile times
  • Statically checks that structs are not overfilled. For example, these overfilled structs will not compile:
      bit_struct::bit_struct! {
          struct TooManyFieldsToFit(u16) {
              a: u8,
              b: u8,
              c: bit_struct::u1
      bit_struct::bit_struct! {
          struct FieldIsTooBig(u16) {
              a: u32
  • Statically checked types

Further Documentation

Look at the integration tests in the tests folder for further insight.

Commit count: 49

cargo fmt