
created_at2023-03-04 19:12:45.935051
updated_at2023-04-02 16:33:28.273563
descriptionmiscellanous rpc requests




This Rust crate is a subcomponent of the Bitcoin system, providing various miscellaneous functions for interacting with a Bitcoin node via its remote procedure call (RPC) interface.

Notice: This crate is part of a direct translation from C++ to Rust of the Bitcoin core. As such, some of the function bodies may still be in the process of translation. Please note that this system will become testable once the translation process is complete.

Below are the RPC functions provided by this crate:

  • createmultisig: creates a P2SH multi-signature address.

  • deriveaddresses: derives a set of addresses from an extended public key or descriptor.

  • echo: returns the same input as output.

  • echo_default: returns a hardcoded string.

  • echoipc: sends a message to the Bitcoin IPC interface and returns the same message as output.

  • echojson: returns the same input as output in JSON format.

  • enable_or_disable_log_categories: enables or disables logging for specified log categories.

  • getdescriptorinfo: returns information about a descriptor, such as the number of public keys it contains.

  • getindexinfo: returns information about the transaction index database.

  • getmemoryinfo: returns information about the node's memory usage.

  • invokedisallowedsyscall: invokes a disallowed system call for testing purposes.

  • logging: returns information about the node's logging configuration.

  • mockscheduler: simulates a block scheduler for testing purposes.

  • register_misc_rpc_commands: registers miscellaneous RPC commands with the Bitcoin node.

  • rpc_locked_memory_info: returns information about the node's locked memory usage.

  • rpc_malloc_info: returns information about the node's memory allocation usage.

  • setmocktime: sets the node's system time for testing purposes.

  • signmessagewithprivkey: signs a message with a private key.

  • summary_tojson: returns a summary of the node's information in JSON format.

  • to: prints a string to the node's standard output.

  • validateaddress: validates a Bitcoin address.

  • verifymessage: verifies a message signed with a Bitcoin address and its corresponding signature.

There are no mathematical ideas associated with these RPC functions.

Commit count: 48

cargo fmt