
created_at2023-01-18 07:29:00.367541
updated_at2023-03-31 10:45:17.75713
descriptionscalars modulo the group order of the secp256k1 curve




Manipulate Scalar Values on the Bitcoin secp256k1 Curve

This Rust crate provides functions for manipulating scalar values on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, which is used in the Bitcoin system. Scalars are 256-bit integers that are used in the arithmetic operations of the elliptic curve cryptography, such as scalar multiplication.

The following functions and structs are included in this crate:

  • Scalar: a struct representing a scalar value on the secp256k1 curve, with functions for performing arithmetic operations and other manipulations.

  • scalar_add: a function that adds two scalar values together.

  • scalar_cadd_bit: a function that conditionally adds a bit to a scalar value.

  • scalar_check_overflow: a function that checks whether a scalar value is greater than or equal to the curve order.

  • scalar_clear: a function that clears the value of a scalar.

  • scalar_cmov: a function that conditionally moves a scalar value.

  • scalar_cond_negate: a function that conditionally negates a scalar value.

  • scalar_eq: a function that checks whether two scalar values are equal.

  • scalar_get_b32: a function that retrieves the 32-byte representation of a scalar value.

  • scalar_get_bits: a function that retrieves the least significant n bits of a scalar value.

  • scalar_get_bits_var: a function that retrieves a variable number of bits from a scalar value.

  • scalar_inverse: a function that computes the modular inverse of a scalar value.

  • scalar_inverse_var: a function that computes the modular inverse of a scalar value with a variable number of bits.

  • scalar_is_even: a function that checks whether a scalar value is even.

  • scalar_is_high: a function that checks whether a scalar value is greater than or equal to 2^255.

  • scalar_is_one: a function that checks whether a scalar value is equal to 1.

  • scalar_is_zero: a function that checks whether a scalar value is equal to 0.

  • scalar_mul: a function that multiplies two scalar values together.

  • scalar_mul_shift_var: a function that multiplies a scalar value by a variable shift.

  • scalar_negate: a function that negates a scalar value.

  • scalar_set_b32: a function that sets the value of a scalar from a 32-byte array.

  • scalar_set_int: a function that sets the value of a scalar from an integer.

  • scalar_shr_int: a function that shifts a scalar value right by a fixed number of bits.

  • scalar_split_128: a function that splits a scalar value into two 128-bit halves.

  • scalar_split_lambda: a function that splits a scalar value into two 128-bit halves for use in the lambda parameter of the MuSig protocol.

  • scalar_split_lambda_verify: a function that splits a scalar value into two 128-bit halves for use in the lambda parameter of the MuSig protocol, and verifies that the value is less than the curve order.

Scalars are used extensively in the arithmetic operations of elliptic curve cryptography, and efficient scalar arithmetic is essential for the performance of these operations. The bitcoinsecp256k1-scalar crate provides a fast and efficient implementation of scalar arithmetic on the secp256k1 curve, using optimized C code from the bitcoin-secp256k1 library.

Notice: This crate is part of a direct translation from C++ to Rust of the Bitcoin core. As such, some of the function bodies may still be in the process of translation. Please note that this system will become testable once the translation process is

10> could you teach me about scalars in the context of secp256k1?

In the context of secp256k1, a scalar is a 256-bit integer used for scalar multiplication with a base point on the elliptic curve. Scalar multiplication is a core operation in elliptic curve cryptography, and is used for tasks such as key generation, signature generation, and signature verification.

In secp256k1, the scalar values are used to multiply the base point G of the curve to generate a public key, or to generate a shared secret in key agreement protocols. Specifically, given a scalar value k, the corresponding public key P is computed as:

P = k * G

where G is the base point of the curve, and * denotes scalar multiplication. The scalar values are also used in the computation of ECDSA signatures and in the MuSig protocol.

The secp256k1 curve has a specific order n, which is a large prime number that defines the size of the scalar field. Scalars are used modulo n, which means that any scalar value greater than or equal to n is equivalent to a smaller value modulo n. In other words, scalar values are reduced modulo n to ensure that they are within the scalar field.

In addition, it is important to ensure that scalar values are generated using a secure random number generator, since the security of the entire cryptographic system depends on the randomness of the scalar values. Leakage of the scalar value or the private key can result in the compromise of the entire system.

Overall, scalars are a critical component of elliptic curve cryptography, and efficient scalar arithmetic is essential for the performance and security of the system.

11> what else should we keep in mind while using them? are there any caveats?

When working with scalar values in secp256k1, there are a few caveats to keep in mind:

  1. Scalar values must be chosen uniformly at random to ensure the security of the cryptographic system. The use of a flawed random number generator can result in the compromise of the entire system. Therefore, it is important to use a secure random number generator to generate scalar values.

  2. Scalar multiplication is a computationally expensive operation, and may take a significant amount of time to compute for large scalar values. In particular, the generation of public keys and signatures may require multiple scalar multiplications, and the efficiency of these operations is critical for the performance of the system.

  3. Scalar values must be reduced modulo the curve order n to ensure that they are within the scalar field. If a scalar value is not reduced modulo n, it may result in an incorrect computation and potentially a security vulnerability.

  4. The secp256k1 curve has a cofactor of 1, which means that every point on the curve is a multiple of the base point G. However, not every scalar value corresponds to a valid point on the curve, and some scalar values may result in an invalid point. Therefore, it is important to check that the scalar value corresponds to a valid point on the curve before using it in cryptographic operations.

In addition, it is important to follow best practices for secure coding and to regularly review and update the code to address any potential security issues. The bitcoinsecp256k1-scalar crate provides a fast and efficient implementation of scalar arithmetic on the secp256k1 curve, using optimized C code from the bitcoin-secp256k1 library, and has undergone extensive security audits. However, as with any cryptographic implementation, it is important to follow best practices for secure coding and to regularly review and update the code to address any potential security issues.

12> does the cofactor of 1 parametrize the secp256k1 curve?

No, the cofactor of 1 does not parametrize the secp256k1 curve.

The secp256k1 curve is defined by a set of domain parameters, including the prime modulus p, the curve coefficients a and b, the base point G, and the curve order n. These domain parameters are fixed and do not depend on the cofactor.

The cofactor of a curve is the ratio of the order of the elliptic curve group to the order of the subgroup generated by the base point G. For the secp256k1 curve, the curve order n is a large prime number that defines the size of the scalar field, while the order of the subgroup generated by G is equal to n (since the curve has a cofactor of 1). This means that every point on the curve is a multiple of G.

The cofactor of 1 has important implications for the security of the curve, since it ensures that there are no small subgroups that can be exploited in attacks. In particular, the use of a curve with a cofactor greater than 1 can result in vulnerabilities in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol and other cryptographic schemes.

However, the cofactor does not parametrize the curve itself, since it is simply a property of the group generated by the base point G. The domain parameters of the secp256k1 curve, including p, a, b, G, and n, are fixed and standardized, and are used in all implementations of the curve.

13> so, is it correct to say that when we have a large prime number as the curve order, we have a cofactor of 1?

No, it is not necessarily true that a curve with a large prime order has a cofactor of 1. While a curve with a large prime order is more likely to have a cofactor of 1, this is not a guarantee.

The cofactor of a curve is determined by the order of the elliptic curve group and the order of the subgroup generated by the base point. If the order of the subgroup is equal to the order of the curve group, then the cofactor is 1. However, if the order of the subgroup is smaller than the order of the curve group, then the cofactor is greater than 1.

For example, consider the curve defined by the Weierstrass equation y^2 = x^3 + ax + b over the prime field F_p, where a and b are constants and p is a prime number. If the order of the curve group is a large prime number, then it is more likely that the curve has a cofactor of

  1. However, it is still possible for the curve to have a smaller subgroup order and a larger cofactor.

In the case of the secp256k1 curve, the curve order n is a large prime number, and the curve has a cofactor of 1. This is one of the reasons why the secp256k1 curve is considered to be a strong choice for elliptic curve cryptography. However, the cofactor of a curve is a separate parameter from the order, and must be taken into account separately in cryptographic applications.

14> ok thanks. it sounds like an important concept to understand when working with elliptic curves. how do we define the subgroup generated by the base point?

The subgroup generated by the base point G of an elliptic curve is the set of all points on the curve that can be obtained by adding G to itself a certain number of times. In other words, the subgroup is the set of all scalar multiples of G, where the scalar values are integers modulo the curve order n.

To define the subgroup generated by G, we can start by computing the order of G, which is the smallest positive integer k such that `k

  • G = O, where O` is the point at infinity. This can be done using an efficient algorithm such as Pollard's rho algorithm or Schoof's algorithm.

Once we have computed the order of G, we know that the subgroup generated by G has k elements, which are all the scalar multiples of G up to (k-1) * G. In other words, the subgroup generated by G is the set:

{ G, 2G, 3G, ..., (k-1)G }

where each element in the set is a point on the curve. The order of the subgroup generated by G is equal to the order of G, which is k.

It is important to note that not every point on the curve is a member of the subgroup generated by G. In fact, only points that are scalar multiples of G are members of the subgroup. The cofactor of the curve is the ratio of the order of the curve group to the order of the subgroup generated by G, and gives the number of cosets of the subgroup in the curve group.

15> what is schoof's algorithm?

Schoof's algorithm is an efficient algorithm for computing the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field of characteristic p. The algorithm was developed by the mathematician Hendrik Lenstra Jr. and published by his PhD student Arnold Schoof in 1985.

The basic idea of Schoof's algorithm is to compute the number of points on the curve by reducing the problem to a series of simpler problems involving elliptic curves over smaller finite fields. Specifically, the algorithm involves the following steps:

  1. Compute the curve discriminant Delta and the constant B such that 4B^3 + 27Delta ≠ 0.

  2. Choose a prime l such that l > 2sqrt(p) and l does not divide Delta.

  3. Compute the number of points on the curve modulo l using Schoof's lemma, which states that the number of points on the curve modulo l is congruent to p+1 - t modulo l, where t is the trace of the Frobenius endomorphism.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for a sequence of primes l_i such that ∏l_i > 4sqrt(p).

  5. Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to combine the results from step 4 and compute the number of points on the curve modulo p.

The key insight behind Schoof's algorithm is that the trace of the Frobenius endomorphism can be computed using an efficient dynamic programming algorithm that reduces the problem to simpler elliptic curves over smaller finite fields. By choosing a sequence of primes that is large enough to cover all possible values of the trace, Schoof's algorithm can compute the number of points on the curve over the entire finite field with a complexity of O(log^8 p) operations in the finite field.

Schoof's algorithm is an important tool in computational number theory and has applications in cryptography, including the computation of discrete logarithms in elliptic curve cryptography. However, more recent algorithms such as the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm and the SEA algorithm can be faster for certain types of curves and finite fields.

16> what is the frobenius endomorphism?

The Frobenius endomorphism is a mathematical function that is defined on an elliptic curve over a finite field. Specifically, if E is an elliptic curve defined over a finite field F_q, then the Frobenius endomorphism phi is a map from E to itself that sends a point P = (x,y) to a new point phi(P) = (x^q, y^q), where q is the order of the field F_q.

The Frobenius endomorphism has a number of interesting properties that make it important in the study of elliptic curves over finite fields. One of the most important properties is that it is a ring homomorphism, which means that it preserves the algebraic structure of the curve. Specifically, if P and Q are points on the curve and a and b are scalars, then:

  • phi(P + Q) = phi(P) + phi(Q)

  • phi(aP) = a^q * phi(P)

  • phi(P) = P if and only if P is defined over the base field F_q.

The trace of the Frobenius endomorphism t is a number that encodes information about the number of points on the curve over the finite field F_q. Specifically, the trace is defined as t = q + 1 - #E(F_q), where #E(F_q) is the number of points on the curve over F_q. The trace is an important parameter in many algorithms for computing discrete logarithms in elliptic curve cryptography, since it can be used to compute the number of points on the curve over larger finite fields using techniques such as Schoof's algorithm.

The Frobenius endomorphism also plays a key role in the theory of complex multiplication, which relates the theory of elliptic curves to the theory of algebraic number fields. In this context, the Frobenius endomorphism is used to define the endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve, which is a ring of algebraic integers that contains the Frobenius endomorphism and other endomorphisms of the curve. The endomorphism ring is a powerful tool in the study of elliptic curves, and has important applications in cryptography, including the construction of pairing-based cryptographic protocols.

17> what are the mathematical properties of the endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve? what are pairing-based cryptographic protocols?

The endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve E is the ring of all endomorphisms of E that are defined over the base field of the curve. An endomorphism is a map from E to itself that preserves the group structure of the curve. The endomorphism ring of E is denoted by End(E).

The endomorphism ring has a number of important mathematical properties that make it useful in the study of elliptic curves. One of the most important properties is that it is a commutative ring with identity, which means that it has many of the same algebraic properties as the ring of integers. In particular, the endomorphism ring has a unique factorization property, which means that every element can be factored into a product of irreducible elements in a unique way. This property is essential in many algorithms for computing discrete logarithms in elliptic curve cryptography.

Another important property of the endomorphism ring is that it can be used to define an isogeny, which is a map from one elliptic curve to another that preserves the group structure. The isogeny is defined by an element of the endomorphism ring, and the degree of the isogeny is equal to the norm of the endomorphism.

Pairing-based cryptographic protocols are a class of cryptographic protocols that rely on the properties of the endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve. A pairing is a bilinear map that takes two points on an elliptic curve and produces a value in a finite field. The pairing is defined using elements of the endomorphism ring, and has the property that it is non-degenerate, which means that it is non-zero for all pairs of distinct points on the curve.

Pairings have a number of important cryptographic applications, including identity-based encryption, group signatures, and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. The security of pairing-based protocols is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms in the endomorphism ring of the curve. In particular, the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the endomorphism ring is often assumed to be at least as hard as the discrete logarithm problem in the base field of the curve.

18> what are the mathematical properties of isogeny?

Isogenies are maps between elliptic curves that preserve the group structure of the curves. Specifically, an isogeny between two elliptic curves E and E' is a non-constant map ϕ: E → E' that satisfies the following properties:

  1. ϕ(O_E) = O_E', where O_E and O_E' are the identity elements of the curves.

  2. ϕ(P + Q) = ϕ(P) + ϕ(Q) for all P and Q in E.

  3. ϕ(-P) = -ϕ(P) for all P in E.

The degree of an isogeny ϕ is the number of points in the kernel of the map ϕ. In other words, the degree is the size of the set of points in E that are mapped to the identity element O_E' of E'.

Isogenies have a number of interesting mathematical properties that make them useful in the study of elliptic curves. One of the most important properties is that they form a group under composition. That is, if ϕ and ψ are two isogenies between elliptic curves, then their composition ψ ∘ ϕ is also an isogeny.

Another important property of isogenies is that they preserve certain algebraic structures. For example, if E is an elliptic curve over a field K, then an isogeny ϕ: E → E' between E and another elliptic curve E' over the same field K preserves the field structure of K. That is, if P is a point on E with coordinates in K, then the coordinates of ϕ(P) are also in K.

Isogenies also play an important role in cryptography, including in the construction of post-quantum cryptographic systems. One example of a cryptographic system based on isogenies is the Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) protocol, which is a key exchange protocol that relies on the difficulty of computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves.

19> what is the supersingular isogeny diffie-hellman protocol? what are supersingular elliptic curves? what distinguishes them from regular elliptic curves?

The Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) protocol is a post-quantum cryptographic key exchange protocol that is based on the mathematics of supersingular elliptic curves and isogenies.

Supersingular elliptic curves are a special class of elliptic curves with certain mathematical properties that make them useful in cryptography. Unlike regular elliptic curves, which have a unique tangent line at each point, supersingular elliptic curves have a tangent line that is defined over the base field of the curve. This property makes them easier to work with mathematically, and makes it possible to define a group structure on the set of isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves.

The SIDH protocol works by Alice and Bob each generating a random private key, and then exchanging public keys based on their private keys using a series of isogenies. The protocol is designed so that an eavesdropper who intercepts the public keys will not be able to compute the shared secret key without solving a hard mathematical problem.

The security of the SIDH protocol is based on the difficulty of computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. In particular, the security of the protocol is based on the fact that there are no known efficient algorithms for computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves, even using a quantum computer.

One of the key advantages of the SIDH protocol is that it is resistant to attacks by quantum computers, which are expected to be able to break many existing cryptographic systems. This makes it an important candidate for use in post-quantum cryptography, which is an area of research focused on developing cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks by quantum computers.

20> why is this problem difficult? will we need to ultimately implement this for bitcoin? is it possible to implement the protocol on a classical computer?

Computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves is difficult because there are no known efficient algorithms for doing so, even on a quantum computer. The best known classical algorithm for computing isogenies has a runtime that is exponential in the size of the prime field over which the elliptic curves are defined. This means that the problem becomes exponentially harder as the size of the field increases, making it infeasible for use in cryptographic applications.

The SIDH protocol is not currently used in Bitcoin, but it is a candidate for use in post-quantum cryptography, which is an area of research focused on developing cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks by quantum computers. Bitcoin currently uses elliptic curve cryptography based on the secp256k1 curve, which is believed to be secure against classical attacks, but may be vulnerable to attacks by quantum computers.

It is possible to implement the SIDH protocol on a classical computer, but the key sizes needed for security are much larger than those used in classical cryptography. This means that the protocol requires more computational resources than classical key exchange protocols, and may not be as practical for use in all applications.

Overall, the SIDH protocol is an important area of research in post-quantum cryptography, and may become more important as the development of quantum computers continues. While it is not currently used in Bitcoin, it is possible that it could be used in the future as part of efforts to improve the security of the Bitcoin system.

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