
created_at2023-01-25 18:23:39.642061+00
updated_at2023-01-26 12:04:24.02538+00
descriptionRust dependency injection library
MichailShcherbakov (MichailShcherbakov)



BlackBox DI

Dependency injection for Rust


Run the following Cargo command in your project directory:

cargo add blackbox_di

Or add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

blackbox_di = "0.1"

How to use

Provider creation

Annotate interface with #[interface]:

trait IService {
  fn call(&self);

Annotate service structure with #[injectable]:

struct Service {}

Annotate impl block with #[implements]:

impl IService for Service {
  fn call() {
    println!("Service calling");

Module creation

Annotate module structure with #[module] and specify Service structure as a provider:

struct RootModule {
  service: Service

Container creation

async fn launch() {
    let app = build::<RootModule>(BuildParams::default()).await;

    let service = app

    // short (equivalent to above)
    let service = app.get::<Service>().unwrap();;

Inject references

Injecting by Type

Specify #[inject] for injectable dependencies:

struct Repo {}

struct Service {
  repo: Ref<Repo>

Don't forget to specify the Repo in the RootModule module:

struct RootModule {
  repo: Repo

  service: Service

Injecting by Token

You can specify a token instead of a type:

struct Repo {}

struct Service {
  repo: Ref<Repo>

And then:

struct RootModule {
  repo: Repo

  service: Service

Or use a constant as a token:

const REPO_TOKEN: &str = "REPO_TOKEN";

struct Repo {}

struct Service {
  repo: Ref<Repo>

struct RootModule {
  repo: Repo

  service: Service

Using interfaces

You also can use interfaces for injectable dependencies:

const REPO_TOKEN: &str = "REPO_TOKEN";

trait IRepo {}

struct Repo {}

impl IRepo for Repo {}

struct Service {
  repo: Ref<dyn IRepo>

struct RootModule {
  repo: Repo

  service: Service

Or just use an existing implementation of the interface:

trait IRepo {}

struct Repo {}

impl IRepo for Repo {}

struct Service {
  #[inject(use Repo)]
  repo: Ref<dyn IRepo>

struct RootModule {
  repo: Repo

  service: Service


If a service has non-injection dependencies:

struct Service {
  repo: Ref<Repo>

  greeting: String

You should specify a factory function:

impl Service {
  fn new(repo: Ref<Repo>) -> Service {
    Service {
      greeting: String::from("Hello")

Or for interfaces:

struct Service {
  #[inject(use Repo)]
  repo: Ref<dyn IRepo>

  greeting: String

impl Service {
  fn new(repo: Ref<dyn IRepo>) -> Service {
    Service {
      greeting: String::from("Hello")

Injectable services with non-injectable dependencies must have the factory functions.

To have mutable non-injectable deps, you need specify these dependencies with RefMut<...>:

struct Service {
  #[inject(use Repo)]
  repo: Ref<dyn IRepo>

  greeting: RefMut<String>

impl Service {
  fn new(repo: Ref<dyn Repo>) -> Service {
    Service {
      greeting: RefMut::new(String::from("Hello"))

  fn set_greeting(&self, msg: String) {
    *self.greeting.as_mut() = msg;

  fn print_greeting(&self) {
    println!("{}", self.greeting.as_ref());


You can specify multiple modules and import them:

struct UserModule {
  user_service: UserService,

struct RootModule {
  user_module: UserModule

To use providers from imported modules you should specify these providers as exported:

struct UserModule {
  user_service: UserService,

Also, you can specify your modules as global then you don't have to import their directly. Just specify their only in the root module:

struct UserModule {
  user_service: UserService,

struct AccountModule {
  account_service: AccountService,

struct RootModule {
  user_module: UserModule

  account_module: AccountModule

Dependency cycle

To resolve dependency cycle use Lazy when module importing:

struct UserModule {
  account_module: Lazy<AccountService>,

  user_service: UserService,

struct AccountModule {
  user_module: Lazy<UserModule>,
  account_service: AccountService,

struct RootModule {
  user_module: UserModule

  account_module: AccountModule

Lifecycle events

When the container is fully initialized, the system triggers events on_module_init:

impl OnModuleInit for Service {
  async fn on_module_init(&self) {

and on_module_destroy:

impl OnModuleDestroy for Service {
  async fn on_module_destroy(&self) {


The logger is used to display information about app build. To use custom logger implement ILogger trait:

pub trait ILogger {
    fn log<'a>(&self, level: LogLevel, msg: &'a str);
    fn log_with_ctx<'a>(&self, level: LogLevel, msg: &'a str, ctx: &'a str);
    fn set_context<'a>(&self, ctx: &'a str);
    fn get_context(&self) -> String;

And then change build params:

let app = build::<RootModule>(

let custom_logger = app.get::<CustomLogger>().unwrap();

app.use_logger(custom_logger.cast::<dyn ILogger>().unwrap());


BlackBox DI is licensed under:

Commit count: 18

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