
created_at2021-03-26 03:51:26.073037
updated_at2021-04-11 21:12:53.693812
descriptionPlugin for bronze_gc to derive Trace and Finalize traits.
Michael Coblenz (mcoblenz)





To use Bronze, you must use the nightly Rust tools. To install them, run rustup default nightly on the command line.


Sometimes, the requirements of ownership in Rust can be challenging to address. For example, implementing a doubly-linked list in Rust is notoriously hard because each node must be referenced twice. Also, especially for people who are learning Rust, it may be easier to avoid the every variable has one owner restriction for the time being.

Bronze relaxes some of the restrictions that Rust has by introducing a new smart pointer type, GcRef, which describes a pointer to a garbage-collected heap location. When using Bronze, data located on the stack has all the usual Rust ownership requirements. However, Bronze allows moving data to the heap. If a value of type T is on the heap, Bronze allows an arbitrary number of references of type GcRef<T> to that value.

For example, without Bronze, we have to carefully manage references and lifetimes:

pub struct IntContainer {
    n: i32,

pub fn set(c: &mut IntContainer, n: i32) {
    c.n = n;

pub fn test() {
    let c1 = IntContainer{n: 42};
    let mut c2 = c1;
    // Can't use c1 anymore because it's been moved to c2
    set(&mut c2, 42);

With Bronze, types that are not Copy can be freely referenced through smart pointers, which are Copy:

#[derive(Trace, Finalize)]
pub struct IntContainer {
    n: i32,

pub fn set(mut c: GcRef<IntContainer>, n: i32) {
    c.n = n;

pub fn test() {
    let c1 = GcRef::new(IntContainer{n: 42});
    let c2 = c1; 
    // Now c1 and c2 both reference the same object.
    set(c2, 42);
    set(c1, 43);
    // Now they both reference an object with value 43.

Because GcRef implements Deref, and because Rust automatically inserts * when needed, you can generally treat GcRef<T> as if it were a T directly. For example, in set() above, the body assigns to c.n. This implicitly means to dereference the pointer and assign to n inside the referenced value. If you like, you can instead call as_ref() and as_mut() to obtain a reference or mutable reference to the data in the GC heap.

To create a new GcRef<T>, call GcRef::new(e), where e is an expression whose value you want to be on the GC heap.

Advanced Usage

If you need to remove data from the GC heap, you can use a GcNullableRef rather than a GcRef. You can create one with Gc::new_nullable. GcNullableRef is like GcRef but adds a method remove. The first call to remove returns an Option populated with the data that was previously in the GC heap. Future calls to remove return None.

Experimental Implementation

This implementation is experimental. In particular, the collector will not run; be aware that you will eventually run out of memory. However, the present version is suitable for experimentation and prototyping.

Commit count: 47

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