
created_at2023-03-02 16:20:54.720672
updated_at2023-03-25 13:58:49.111662




A Rust crate providing a mathematical operator used in DSP and machine learning computations. The operator is based on the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) algorithm, which is commonly used in sequence-to-sequence tasks such as speech recognition and handwriting recognition.

Note: This crate is currently being translated from C++ to Rust, and some function bodies may still be in the process of translation.

The crate includes implementations for various CTC-related operations such as decoding using the Greedy algorithm, computing the length of the output and input sequences, and computing the probability of a given output sequence.

The CTC algorithm involves calculating the probability of all possible alignments between the input sequence and output sequence. This is done by summing the probabilities of all paths that correspond to the same output sequence. The probability of a path is calculated using the logits (i.e., unnormalized probabilities) of the input sequence, and the probability of a given output sequence is obtained by summing the probabilities of all paths that correspond to that sequence.

The crate defines several symbols, including Greedy, OutputLen, SeqLen, VALUES, classification, connectionist, dec, getTensorDataPtr, and prob. These symbols are used to implement the CTC algorithm and related operations.

In addition to the basic CTC algorithm, the crate includes several optimizations such as caching intermediate results (cach), using a prefix tree to efficiently compute probabilities of all possible prefixes (Prefix), and using a multimap to efficiently store and retrieve candidate prefixes during decoding (multimap).

Overall, the caffe2op-ctc crate provides a fast and efficient implementation of the CTC algorithm and related operations, making it an essential tool for anyone working on sequence-to-sequence tasks in DSP and machine learning.

2> thanks! could you please describe the CTC algorithm in more mathematical detail? please use markdown file format for your response and be detailed!

Certainly, here's a more detailed mathematical description of the CTC algorithm:

Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) Algorithm

The Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) algorithm is a method for computing the probability of a sequence given a set of input sequences. It is commonly used in sequence-to-sequence tasks such as speech recognition and handwriting recognition. The algorithm involves computing the probability of all possible alignments between the input sequence and output sequence, and then summing the probabilities of all paths that correspond to the same output sequence.


Let X be the input sequence of length T, where X_t is the feature vector at time t. Let Y be the output sequence of length U, where Y_u is the u-th element of the output sequence. Let S be the set of all possible output sequences, and let s be a particular sequence in S. Let logits be the unnormalized probability distribution over the output labels at each time step, i.e., logits[t][u] is the logit for output label u at time t.

Calculation of Path Probability

The probability of a path p given X and s is the product of the probabilities of the individual steps along the path:

P(p | X, s) = ∏_{(t, u) ∈ p} P(Y_u | X_t)

where P(Y_u | X_t) is the probability of observing label Y_u at time t given the input sequence X.

Calculation of Sequence Probability

The probability of the sequence s given X is the sum of the probabilities of all paths that correspond to s:

P(s | X) = ∑_{p ∈ Π(s)} P(p | X, s)

where Π(s) is the set of all paths that correspond to s.

Calculation of Path Set

The set of all paths that correspond to a given output sequence s is obtained by first computing a modified output sequence s' by inserting blank symbols between every pair of adjacent output symbols and at the beginning and end of the sequence. The set of all paths that correspond to s is then obtained by removing any paths from s' that contain two consecutive blank symbols, and then removing all blank symbols from the remaining paths.

Calculation of Output Probability

The probability of a given output sequence s is obtained by summing the probabilities of all paths that correspond to s:

P(s | X) = ∑_{p ∈ Π(s)} P(p | X, s)

Greedy Decoding

In the case of greedy decoding, the most likely output sequence s* is obtained by selecting the label with the highest probability at each time step:

s*_u = argmax_{y ∈ Y} logits[t][y]

Prefix Tree Optimization

The prefix tree optimization involves storing intermediate results to avoid redundant computations. The algorithm involves computing the probabilities of all possible prefixes of the output sequence s, and then using these probabilities to efficiently compute the probabilities of all paths that correspond to s. This optimization can significantly speed up the computation of output probabilities, especially for long output sequences.


In conclusion, the CTC algorithm is a powerful method for computing the probability of a sequence given a set of input sequences. The algorithm involves computing the probability of all possible alignments between the input sequence and output sequence, and then summing the probabilities of all paths that correspond to the same output sequence. The algorithm is widely used in many sequence-to-sequence tasks such as speech recognition, handwriting recognition, and machine translation. The CTC algorithm can be optimized using techniques such as greedy decoding and prefix tree optimization to improve its efficiency. Overall, the CTC algorithm is an essential tool for any researcher or practitioner working with sequence data.

Commit count: 105

cargo fmt