
created_at2020-05-23 17:55:52.63951
updated_at2020-05-23 17:55:52.63951
descriptionA CSS component library based on YEW
Francesco CinΓ  (ufoscout)



About Yew

This template demonstrates the minimum code and tooling necessary for a frontend web app with simple deployable artifacts consisting of one HTML file, one JavaScript file, and one WebAssembly file, using Yew, wasm-bindgen, and wasm-pack.

Note: yew-wasm-pack-template is the full-featured counterpart to this template, integrating many common web technologies.


1) Install Rust and wasm-pack

Follow the instructions at https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install and follow the installation link at wasm-pack.

2) Build

Enter wasm-pack build --target web from your project's root directory.

3) [temporary] Bundle

Enter rollup ./main.js --format iife --file ./pkg/bundle.js from your project's root directory.

Note: Until wasm-pack RFC #6 is implemented there is no available option to generate a single amalgamated JavaScript file. In the interim a bundler, such as Rollup, must be used.

4) [optional] Test Run

Run a webserver from your project's root directory, such as with the Python 3 command: python -m http.server 8080, and load http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to run the app.

Note: It's expected behavior for the browser console to display an error similar to "WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming failed. Assuming this is because your server does not serve wasm with application/wasm MIME type." Your production webserver should be configured to associate WebAssembly files with the application/wasm MIME type.

5) Deploy

Access your generated build artifacts, bundle.js and yew_wasm_pack_minimal_bg.wasm, in ./pkg from your project's root directory.

About wasm-pack

πŸ“š Read this template tutorial! πŸ“š

This template is designed for compiling Rust libraries into WebAssembly and publishing the resulting package to NPM.

Be sure to check out other wasm-pack tutorials online for other templates and usages of wasm-pack.

🚴 Usage

πŸ‘ Use cargo generate to Clone this Template

Learn more about cargo generate here.

cargo generate --git https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack-template.git --name my-project
cd my-project

πŸ› οΈ Build with wasm-pack build

wasm-pack build

πŸ”¬ Test in Headless Browsers with wasm-pack test

wasm-pack test --headless --firefox

🎁 Publish to NPM with wasm-pack publish

wasm-pack publish

πŸ”‹ Batteries Included

Commit count: 6

cargo fmt