
created_at2023-10-24 13:24:58.623598
updated_at2024-01-05 20:24:48.132822
descriptionProcedural macros for the Chandeliers project, implementing a deep embedding of Lustre in Rust
Neven Villani (Vanille-N)




Frondend of the Chandeliers suite.

This crate provides the decl macro that defines a deep embedding of Lustre into Rust.


In this presentation of the usage of decl we assume a familiarity with the Lustre language.

Declaring constants and nodes

A self-contained Lustre program can usually be enclosed in a decl macro with barely any change. Here are some examples:

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    const ZERO: int = 0;
    const ONE: int = 1;

    node fibonacci() returns (n : int);
        n = ZERO -> ONE -> (pre n + pre pre n);

    node fibsum() returns (s : int);
        s = fibonacci() + (0 fby s);
chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    node selector(left, right : float; switch : bool) returns (out : float);
        out = if switch then left else right end;

Importing external definitions

Chandeliers does not provide any builtin functions. This is intentional.

Instead a flexible and robust method is available for declaring extern definitions. Any extern defined object will be assumed by the static analyzers of Chandeliers to be defined, and if it is missing at codegen time then Rustc will emit an error.

extern covers

  • declarations from another decl block (example below),
  • nodes from the standard library (see crate chandeliers-std) or from another crate,
  • custom nodes written directly in Candle (more information in chandeliers-sem, examples in tests/pass/std and in particular tests/pass/std/

Using a definition from another decl block:

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    node counter() returns (n : int);
    let n = 0 fby (n + 1); tel;

// `decl` is local and cannot know that `counter` exists in another block.
// If we want to use it here, we need to redeclare it as an `extern node`.
chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    // any signature inconsistencies will produce type errors.
    extern node counter() returns (n : int);

    node cumul() returns (n : int);
    let n = counter() + (0 fby n); tel;

In the same way an

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    extern const PI: float;

makes PI available to the rest of the block.

Using a definition from the standard library:

use chandeliers_std::float_of_int;

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    extern node float_of_int(i : int) returns (f : float);

How to write a main function

The decl macro never inserts a main, instead one should be defined manually to interface with the environment. This is made possible by tha fact that a decl block makes its definitions publicly available under the same name.

A main could look something like this:

use chandeliers_sem::traits::*;

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    node cumul(i : int) returns (s : int);
    let s = i + (0 fby s); tel;

fn main() {
    let mut cumul = cumul::default();
    for i in 0..100 {
        let s = cumul.step(i.embed()).trusted();

The above features are provided by the traits Step, Default, Embed and Trusted which are implemented automatically for relevant objects either by the decl macro itself or defined generically in chandeliers-sem.

Nodes produced by decl manipulate different types of values internally (isomorphic to Option<T>), and the traits Embed and Trusted produce the equivalent of map(Some) and map(Option::unwrap) on all tuple types.

More specifically, a tuple type (T, U, V) implements Embed with output type (Nillable<T>, Nillable<U>, Nillable<V>), and Trusted produces the reciprocal. It is always safe to use Embed, but you should only use Trusted on values that are not Nil. The static analysis performed inside decl guarantees that a node whose inputs are all non-Nil will have non-Nil outputs, so only the implementation of extern nodes not produced by a decl block needs to be verified.

Notable limitations and differences with standard Lustre

For various reasons -- including limited control over Rust syntax, and parser efficiency -- some Lustre programs may not be supported directly and require minor syntax adjustments. Here are some that you may run into if you try to copy-paste Lustre code too eagerly:

  • node definitions are required to end with a trailing ;,
  • tuple unpacking (x, y, z) = foo() requires the surrounding (...),
  • the Rust convention is used to determine in which contexts trailing commas are allowed: 1 = (1) <> (1,) and (1, 2) = (1, 2,),
  • a few Rust reserved keywords (self, super, move, ...) cannot be used as identifiers,
  • only Rust-style comments are available, i.e. // for line comments and /* ... */ for block comments,
  • f((a, b, c)) is implicitly coerced to f(a, b, c) allowing trivial composition of functions when the output tuple of one has the same arity as the input tuple of another.

In addition, the following choices have been made with regards to the semantics:

  • the delay operator -> has special associativity rules that make a -> b -> c (a1, b2, c3, c4, c5, c6, ...) equal to neither a -> (b -> c) (a1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, ...) nor (a -> b) -> c (a1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, ...).
  • temporal operators _ -> _, pre _, _ fby _ are only available for expressions with the implicit clock of the node. This restriction is lifted by using the annotation #[universal_pre] which uses a different encoding of temporal operators that is compatible with clocked expressions, but this may come at a slight performance cost.
Commit count: 220

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