
created_at2023-02-27 20:18:51.556302+00
updated_at2025-02-18 22:58:02.068842+00
descriptionA terminal-ui (TUI) client for the Miniflux RSS reader
Spencer Williams (spencerwi)




cliflux is a terminal-ui client for the Miniflux self-hosted RSS reader.

There are many good TUI/CLI RSS reader apps, but when I went looking, I couldn't find one that used Miniflux as its source for feeds, read/unread tracking, and "saved" feed entries.

So I built one! And that's what this is.


A screenshot of cliflux showing the "unread entries" list

A screenshot of cliflux showing the "read entry" view


This package is built in Rust, so if you have that installed, you should be able to just run cargo install cliflux to install it.

Otherwise, grab a build for your OS from the Releases page.

Initial setup

You'll need to supply cliflux with two key pieces of configuration, in a TOML file called config.toml in your OS's standard application-configuration-files directory, which would be....

Linux MacOS Windows
$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/cliflux/ $HOME/Library/Application Support/com.spencerwi.cliflux/ %APPDATA%\Roaming\com\spencerwi\cliflux\

(If you're on another OS and you have suggestions on where to put the config file, please open a PR or a Github issue!)

That TOML file should look like this:

server_url = "your-miniflux-server-url-here-including-port"
api_key = "your-miniflux-api-key-here"
allow_invalid_certs = false

You can stub out a default config file by running cliflux --init, which will also tell you where the config file should live.

To generate an API key for your Miniflux account, log into your Miniflux account on your server and go to "Settings" > "API Keys" > "Create a new API key"


Once you've got your config file in place, just run cliflux and you'll see a list of feed entries fetched from your Miniflux server. Up/down arrows (or k/j for vim delinquents like me) navigate this list, m toggles the read/unread state of the article, r refreshes the list view, and "enter" opens an article for reading, at which point it'll be marked as read.

While reading an article, u will mark it as unread, up/down arrows (or, again, k/j) will scroll up/down, "PageUp" and "PageDown" will scroll faster, o will open the article in your browser, and b will go back to the main list view.

If all that seems like a lot to remember, you can hit ? at any time and get a keyboard reference screen like this:

A screenshot of cliflux showing the keyboard reference screen


This software is provided under the MIT License. See

Commit count: 90

cargo fmt