
created_at2022-12-20 02:46:09.726268+00
updated_at2022-12-25 02:51:40.804682+00
descriptionThis package contains an implementation of the ISO 6166 International securities identification number (ISIN) specification.
Simon Johnston (johnstonskj)



Package codes-iso-17442

This package contains an implementation of the ISO 6166 International securities identification number (ISIN) specification.

ISO 6166 defines the structure of an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). An ISIN uniquely identifies a fungible security.

Securities with which ISINs can be used are:

  • Equities (shares, units, depository receipts)
  • Debt instruments (bonds and debt instruments other than international, international bonds and debt instruments, stripped coupons and principal, treasury bills, others)
  • Entitlements (rights, warrants)
  • Derivatives (options, futures)
  • Others (commodities, currencies, indices, interest rates)

ISINs consist of two alphabetic characters, which are the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the issuing country, nine alpha-numeric characters (the National Securities Identifying Number, or NSIN, which identifies the security, padded as necessary with leading zeros), and one numerical check digit. They are thus always 12 characters in length. When the NSIN changes due to corporate actions or other reasons, the ISIN will also change. Issuance of ISINs is decentralized to individual national numbering agencies (NNAs). Since existing national numbering schemes administered by the various NNAs form the basis for ISINs, the methodology for assignment is not consistent across agencies globally.

An ISIN cannot specify a particular trading location. Another identifier, typically a MIC (Market Identifier Code) or the three-letter exchange code, will have to be specified in addition to the ISIN for this. The currency of the trade will also be required to uniquely identify the instrument using this method.

For notes on the design of the API, see the repository README.


The following demonstrates the most common method for constructing an ISIN, using the standard FromStr trait.

use codes_iso_3166::part_1::CountryCode;
use codes_iso_6166::InternationalSecuritiesId as Isin;
use std::str::FromStr;

let walmart = Isin::from_str("US9311421039").unwrap();
assert_eq!(walmart.country_code(), CountryCode::US);
assert_eq!(walmart.national_number(), "931142103");
assert_eq!(walmart.check_digit(), 9);

Alternatively, an ISIN can be constructed from a combination of ISO 3166 country code and an NSIN string. This will calculate and append the ISIN check digit.

use codes_iso_3166::part_1::CountryCode;
use codes_iso_6166::InternationalSecuritiesId as Isin;
use std::str::FromStr;

let bae_systems = Isin::new(CountryCode::GB, "263494").unwrap();
assert!(&format!("{}", bae_systems), "GB0002634946");
assert!(&format!("{:#}", bae_systems), "GB-000263494-6");

The following demonstrates the functionality in the nsin module which allows for the creation of validation tools for specific national codes.

# let test_code: &str = "263494";
use codes_iso_3166::part_1::CountryCode;
use codes_iso_6166::nsin::{NsinScheme, national_number_scheme_for};

if let Some(nsin) = national_number_scheme_for(&CountryCode::GB) {
    if !nsin.is_valid(test_code) {
        panic!("Not a valid {} (NSIN).",;


By default only the serde feature is enabled.

  • serde - Enables serialization of the InternationalSecuritiesId type.
  • url - Enables the conversion between ISIN and URL (URN) forms.


Version 0.1.3

  • Catering for new build module in codes-common

Version 0.1.2

  • Implemented Standardized and FixedLengthCode traits.

Version 0.1.1

  • Moved check digit code to common package

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release



Commit count: 158

cargo fmt