
created_at2022-04-12 15:55:20.3509
updated_at2022-04-12 15:55:20.3509
description'Static functions': compressed maps with the keys removed



Compressed maps without the keys, based on frayed ribbon cascades

This research-grade library aims to implement space-efficient static functions, with a performance profile suitable for evolutions of CRLite. Of course, it's probably applicable to other domains.

Written by Mike Hamburg. © 2020-2022 Rambus Inc, MIT licensed. This attic_c code incorporates public-domain SipHash code by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein; and code based on public-domain Murmur3 code by Peter Scott.

This implementation is still research-grade. Don't deploy it in production. In particular, it depends on bincode version 2.0.0-RC.1, which may have significant changes before release.

The C FFI is currently incomplete, and I might change the type names to be namespaced and/or to be less ridiculous. Let me know (via issues) if there's something you want added or changed in the C FFI. Currently, it does not expose the full functionality of the Rust side, especially regarding build options.

Static functions, aka CompressedMap

The static function problem is to compress a map M of type K -> V. The compression is allowed to discard the keys. With the compressed map, it should be possible to determine M[k] for all keys k of M. However, it might not be possible to list all the map keys, nor to determine whether some key is in the map or not. If you query on some k not in M, then an arbitrary result will be returned.

This library provides CompressedMap, which is a static function from hashable types K to values V. The values are stored in the structure, so they should be clonable for use within a program, or serializable if you want to serialize it. The CompressedMap format is optimized for cases where the values are few and small, e.g. booleans, small integers, short strings etc. The best use case is for exactly two values (eg true, false) and millions or more keys. It does not attempt to compress the values, so don't use this structure to store large strings.

CompressedMap will collect statistics on the distribution of the values and use this information to minimize storage size. It uses slightly more storage space per key than the Shannon entropy of the values: asymptotically between 0.1% more and 11% more. This is typically about 40% less space than CRLite.

Compressed random maps

This library also provides CompressedRandomMap. This maps hashable types K to integer types V of at most 64 bits. Unlike a CompressedMap, a CompressedRandomMap doesn't store its values, and doesn't use statistics to try to reduce the storage size: it instead works well when the value is a uniform random value.

Approximate sets

The closely-related approximate set problem is to compress a set S of objects. You can query an element x to determine whether it's in S. If it really is in S, then the query will always return true. If not, then it will usually return false, but there will be false positives which instead return true.

This library provides ApproxSet, which is an approximate set of hashable keys. Compared to Bloom filters, ApproxSets take several times longer (and several times more memory) to construct; are faster to query; and take about 30% less space.

Other details

See the Rust documentation for construction, serialization, caveats etc of these structures.


The library uses "frayed ribbon filters", so called because they are similar to ribbon filters. These take asymptotically Õ(n^(3/2)) time and Õ(n) memory to construct. In practice, they top out at a few hundred million to a billion rows on commodity hardware, due to the memory consumption, unless someone can come up with a lighter building algorithm.

For a CompressedMap, not all the keys are used in each level. Roughly, if there is a single "dominant" value that appears vastly more often than the rest, then the memory consumption depends on some multiple (2-3x) of how often the non-dominant values appear.

Commit count: 124

cargo fmt