
created_at2019-01-29 12:04:35.70843
updated_at2022-07-01 21:24:26.435027
description⚙️ A configuration format based on indentation




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Configuration by indentation. Read the spec inspired by the format of the ssh client configuration commonly found on Linux machines at ~/.ssh/config.

Example, short and sweet

use confindent::Confindent;

fn main() {
	let conf: Confindent = "Pet Dog\n\tName Brady\n\tAge 10".parse().unwrap();
	let pet = conf.child("Pet").unwrap();
	let name = pet.child_value("Name").unwrap();
	let age: usize = pet.child_parse("Age").unwrap();

	let word = match pet.value() {
		Some("Dog") => "pupper",
		Some("Cat") => "kitty",
		_ => panic!(),

	if age > 9 {
		println!("{}! {} is an old {}.", age, name, word);
	} else {
		println!("Only {}! {} is a good, young {}.", age, name, word);


The format, briefly. here's the very verbose spec

It's a kind of tree, key-value thing. Lines are key-value pairs, the value starting at the first space after the indent. You can add a child to a value by indenting it with spaces or tabs. Indent the same amount to add another child to that same value. Indent more than you did initially to add a grandchild. Don't mix spaces and tabs. Like this!

Root this is the root
	Child I'm a child!
	Child You can have multiple children with the same keys!
		Grandchild I'm a grandchild!

Using the crate, quickly! also, here are the docs again

Open and parse a file with Confindent::from_file. Pass it a path. It returns a Result<Confindent, ParseError>.

Get a direct child with the child(key) function. Key needs to be able to turn into a &str. This returns an Option<&Value>. Value is the main data-storing struct. You can get multiple Value of the same name with children(key), which returns a Vec<&Value>.

You can get a Value's value with value(). It returns an Option<&str>. Get an owned, Option<String> with value_owned(). If you want to check that a Value has a direct child but don't care about the value, use has_child(key). It returns bool for whether or not a child was found with that key.

Want to parse a possible value into a different type, T? Instead of value() use parse(). It returns Result<T, ValueParseError<T>>. That type may look weird and that's because it is. ValueParseError is an enum that can be NoValue or ParseError(error) where error is the error part of the Result that T::FromStr returns.

Don't want to call child(key) and then value() or parse()? You can use child_value(key) and child_parse(key) to do both of those at once. Both of these functions return what value() and parse() normally return, respectively. There's also child_owned() which is like value_owned() wherein it returns an Option<String> of a child's value.

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