
created_at2020-02-24 11:40:04.055694
updated_at2020-02-24 11:40:04.055694
descriptionAbstractly defines the CBC Casper message stucture and defines functions for the construction and proper execution of protocols of the Casper family.



pipeline status License: AGPL v3

Core CBC Casper

Abstract message library for CBC Casper, written in Rust.

DISCLAIMER: This library is experimental, under development, not reviewed, and might change dramatically.

The purpose of this library is to abstractly define the CBC Casper, as defined in Introducing the "minimal" CBC Casper Consensus Protocols, message stucture and define functions for the construction and proper execution of protocols of the casper family. We aimed at pushing as much functionality as possible directly to the abstract message layer, in such a way that a developer can create a protocol fairly easy using this library.

The design decision is to be as general as possible, and leave all specifics for the implementer of the protocol. For the time being, we aim at mathematical correctness and mostly purely functional protocol executions, rather than on performance. The idea is to have a mathematically correct and possibly inefficient implementations of functions that can be used as ground truth for comparing with efficient implementations.

Using the library

To benefit from the CBC Casper safety proofs this library builds upon, the validator::ValidatorName and estimmator::Estimator traits must be implemented.

We also present a basic blockchain implementation heavily under developement. You can also find another implementation of an integer consensus in tests/.

But in order to get started using the library, the best way is to study the examples in the documentation and in the examples folder (under development). It is also instructive to read and run the tests.


You can use this library in your dependencies with

core_cbc_casper = "0.1"


We present an example of naive consensus protocol: a ternary consensus that uses the generic type message::Message<estimator::Estimator> implementation to generate the protocol.

Known limitations


As mentioned earlier, our current focus is on the correctness of the implementation rather than on performance.

Error handling

The error handling has had poor focus for now. Potential points of failure must be properly studied and fixed if necessary before the library can be considered to be ready for production.


We use the crate proptest to generate property tests. The library has a feature integration_test used by the proptest framework. To run specifically the proptest tests use:

cargo test --test generative_tests --features "integration_test"

To run the other tests simply use cargo test.


We use the crate criterion for benchmarking. The library provides statistical insight into performance regression and improvement, and optionally depends on gnuplot to plot detailed graphs of benchmarks results. To run the benchmark, use:

cargo bench


The plots and saved data are stored under target/criterion/$BENCHMARK_NAME/.

The new folder contains the statistics for the last benchmarking run, while the base folder contains those for the last run on the base baseline (see Command-Line Options for more information on baselines). The plots are in the report folder. only keeps historical data for the last run. The report/both folder contains plots which show both runs on one plot, while the report/change folder contains plots showing the differences between the last two runs. This example shows the plots produced by the default bench_function benchmark method. Other methods may produce additional charts, which will be detailed in their respective pages.

For further reading, reference Plots & Graphs


At this point the development of this library is only internal. If you want to contribute please contact one of the authors of the library (see Cargo.toml).

Code Format

We use rustfmt default configuration to ensure a coherent code format in the entire project. Install rustfmt with rustup component add rustfmt.

Code Linting

We use clippy to ensure the code base is as clean and functional as possible. Install it with rustup component add clippy and run it with cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings.

More on CBC Casper

To read more about CBC Casper:

Commit count: 758

cargo fmt