
created_at2023-06-07 17:34:45.302427
updated_at2023-06-14 02:35:12.328085
descriptionAllows compile-time access to crate-specific settings defined as metadata in Cargo.toml.
Sam Johnson (sam0x17)




This crate allows you to specify crate-specific metadata settings in the package.metadata.settings table in Cargo.toml. These settings can then be read at compile-time using the settings! macro. crate-settings is designed to automatically find the real workspace root of the current project and uses this directory to key off a search for the relevant Cargo.toml.


# Cargo.toml
name = "my-crate"
# ..

some_setting = "value in settings"
some_int = 567
an_array = [1, 2, 3]
use crate_settings::*;

const SOME_SETTING: &'static str = settings!("some-crate", "some_setting", "my default value");
const SOME_INT: isize = settings!("some-crate", "some_int", 145);

fn main() {
    let items = settings!("some-crate", "an_array", [4, 5, 6]);
    for item in items {
        println!("{}", item);

The first value passed to settings! is the name of the crate these settings pertain to. This should always just be the name of the current crate, and should match whatever you have in the [package] section of your Cargo.toml. This field is required to avoid name collisions between keys belonging to different crates, and is also used to locate the Cargo.toml for the crate in certain situations.

The second value passed to settings! should be the key you want to read from settings. This should be a valid TOML field name.

The last value is optional, and lets you specify a default value that will be used if the specified key cannot be found. If you do not specify a default, then a compiler error will be issued if the key cannot be found. When a default is specified, however, any failure will cause the default value to be used, meaning these failures will be silent.

Directory Traversal

In situations where multiple levels of Cargo.toml are present (i.e. crates nested inside of each other), the most specific version of a key will be used, so for example if a main crate and a sub-crate both specify a value for the same crate name and key pair, the sub-crate's value will be used. This allows the main crate to set a value that sub-crates can either use or override.


This is not yet production-ready. I need to publish to to properly test how this behaves in multi-workspace environments. API is subject to change.

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt