
created_at2018-09-03 00:43:27.063229
updated_at2022-08-13 20:51:33.526376
descriptionTransparent encryption and decryption for Read and Write streams
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi (mqudsi)



Rust Cryptostream Crate

cryptostream provides a rust equivalent to the .NET Cryptostream class, providing an efficient and easy solution to on-the-fly encryption or decryption of existing Read or Write resources. Cryptography is provided via rust-openssl and is fully configurable.

What is a Cryptostream?

In brief, a Cryptostream is a wrapper around a stream (in rust parlance, a Read or Write type) that transparently encrypts or decrypts the underlying contents. After creating an instance of a Cryptostream with the cipher, key, and IV specified, bytes written to or read from the Cryptostream are the same as the Read or Write stream it is wrapping, only additionally encrypted or decrypted. It makes handling encrypted sources or destinations a breeze, and requires virtually no changes to your existing pipeline - it's just a Read or Write, like any other.

Crate Design

As rust (for better or for worse) lacks a Stream type, cryptostream has been implemented in both encryption and decryption modes twice, once as a Read impl and once as a Write impl (design cues taken from the flate2 crate), with a bonus BufRead impl thrown in for good measure. This means that for any combination of available [ciphertext|plaintext] and desired [read|write] application, one of the cryptostream impls should match your usecase. A cryptostream should be created matching the type of resource you wish to consume (in case source data is a Read impl) or the type of resource you wish to create (in case destination is a Write impl).

Implementations have been grouped by trait into namespace and have names conveying their applications:

  • cryptostream::read::Encryptor
  • cryptostream::read::Decryptor
  • cryptostream::write::Encryptor
  • cryptostream::write::Decryptor

Read vs Write Cryptostreams

The difference between the Read and Write variants of cryptostream are perhaps best illustrated by example. In both of the following examples, we will be decrypting ciphertext, however in one case we need to use read::Decryptor and in the other write::Decryptor.

In the first case, we have a Read source which contains the bytes we need to decrypt, and we wish to obtain the equivalent plaintext in memory to later perform some operation with in its decoded state:

// This is the cipher text, base64-encoded to avoid any whitespace munging. In this
// contrived example, we are using a binary `Vec<u8>` as the `Read` source containing
// the encrypted data; in practice it could be a binary file, a network stream, or
// anything else.
let src: Vec<u8> = decode(concat!(
let key: Vec<_> = decode("kjtbxCPw3XPFThb3mKmzfg==").unwrap();
let iv: Vec<_> = decode("dB0Ej+7zWZWTS5JUCldWMg==").unwrap();

// The source can be anything implementing `Read`. In this case, a simple &[u8] slice.
let mut decryptor =
    read::Decryptor::new(src.as_slice(), Cipher::aes_128_cbc(), &key, &iv).unwrap();

let mut decrypted = [0u8; 1024]; // a buffer to decrypt into
let mut bytes_decrypted = 0;

loop {
    // Just read from the `Decryptor` as if it were any other `Read` impl,
    // the decryption takes place automatically.
    let read_count = decrypted[bytes_decrypted..]).unwrap();
    bytes_decrypted += read_count;
    if read_count == 0 {

println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&decrypted));

Now what about if you want to write out the decrypted contents instead of read them, but still wish to perform decryption all the same?

// Starting again with the same encrypted bytestream, encoded as base64:
let src: Vec<u8> = decode(concat!(
let key: Vec<_> = decode("kjtbxCPw3XPFThb3mKmzfg==").unwrap();
let iv: Vec<_> = decode("dB0Ej+7zWZWTS5JUCldWMg==").unwrap();

// The destination can be any object implementing `Write`: in this case, a `Vec<u8>`.
let mut decrypted = Vec::new();

// When a `cryptostream` is dropped, all buffers are flushed and it is automatically
// finalized. We can either call `drop()` on the cryptostream or put its usage in a
// separate scope.
    let mut decryptor =
        write::Decryptor::new(&mut decrypted, Cipher::aes_128_cbc(), &key, &iv).unwrap();

    let mut bytes_decrypted = 0;

    while bytes_decrypted != src.len() {
        // Just write encrypted ciphertext to the `Decryptor` instance as if it were any
        // other `Write` impl. Decryption takes place automatically.
        let write_count = decryptor.write(&src[bytes_decrypted..]).unwrap();
        bytes_decrypted += write_count;

// The underlying `Write` instance is only guaranteed to contain the complete and
// finalized contents after the cryptostream is either explicitly finalized with a
// call to `Cryptostream::finish()` or when it's dropped (either at the end of a scope
// or via an explicit call to `drop()`, whichever you prefer).
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&decrypted));

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