
created_at2023-08-30 16:01:42.025638
updated_at2023-11-10 14:42:36.928698
descriptionA file format based on cuicui_dsl to describe bevy UIs
Nicola Papale (nicopap)




The Book Documentation

cuicui_chirp defines a file format for text-based bevy scene description.

It is used in cuicui for UI, but can describe any kind of scene.

It includes:

  • A parser for the file format.
  • A bevy loader to load those files in bevy, with loader::Plugin.
  • A trait (ParseDsl) to use your own type's methods as chirp methods
  • A macro to automatically implement this trait (parse_dsl_impl)

The syntax is very close to that of cuicui_dsl's dsl! macro, with some additions.

When to use cuicui_chirp?

  • You want a powerful and extensible scene definition format for bevy to replace the innane cmds.spawn(…).insert(…).with_children(…) dance.
  • You want quick iteration time using hot reloading and useful error messages.
  • You want to minimize the amount of rust code you write to manage scenes.
  • You want a re-usable scene definition format.

Be aware that cuicui_chirp, by its nature, is not a small dependency. Consider using cuicui_dsl if dependency size matters to you.

Also, as of 0.10, cuicui_chirp doesn't support WASM for image and font assets.

How to use cuicui_chirp?

Cargo features

  • fancy_errors (default): Print parsing error messages in a nicely formatted way.
  • macros (default): Define and export the parse_dsl_impl macro
  • load_font (default): load Handle<Font> as method argument
  • load_image (default): load Handle<Image> as method argument
  • more_unsafe: Convert some runtime checks into unsafe assumptions. In theory, this is sound, but cuicui_chirp is not tested enough to my taste for making those assumptions by default.


cuicui_chirp reads files ending with the .chirp extension. To load a .chirp file, use ChirpBundle as follow:

# #[cfg(feature = "doc_and_test")] mod test {
# use cuicui_chirp::__doc_helpers::*; // ignore this line pls
use bevy::prelude::*;
use cuicui_chirp::ChirpBundle;

fn setup(mut cmds: Commands, assets: Res<AssetServer>) {
    cmds.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), LayoutRootCamera));
# }

You need however to add the loader pluging (loader::Plugin) for this to work. The plugin is parametrized over the DSL type. The DSL type needs to implement the ParseDsl trait.

Here is an example using cuicui_layout_bevy_ui's DSL:

# #[cfg(feature = "doc_and_test")] mod test {
# use cuicui_chirp::__doc_helpers::*; // ignore this line pls
# fn setup() {}
use bevy::prelude::*;
use cuicui_layout_bevy_ui::UiDsl;

fn main() {
      .add_systems(Startup, setup)
# }


Methods available in chirp files are the methods available in the choosen DSL type (in this case, it would be the UiDsl methods). Check the documentation page for the corresponding type you are using as DSL. All methods that accept an &mut self are candidate.

DSL-specific documentation

The identifiers within parenthesis are methods on the ParseDsl.

Since the chirp format is a wrapper over a ParseDsl, refer to the methods on the ParseDsl impl you added as loader::Plugin.

Making a DslBundle compatible with cuicui_chirp

Let's re-use the example in cuicui_dsl and extend it to work with cuicui_chirp.

We had a MyDsl that implements DslBundle, now we need to also implement ParseDsl for it. So that methods are accessible in ParseDsl, use the parse_dsl_impl attribute macro, and add it to the impl block where all the DSL's methods are defined:

     font_size: f32,
 impl MyDsl {
     pub fn style(&mut self, style: Style) { = style;

Yep, for the simple case that's it. Just avoid panicking inside methods if you want to take advantage of hot reloading.

.chirp file format

The basic syntax is similar to the cuicui_dsl dsl! macro.

One major difference is that code blocks are replaced with a function registry. You can register a function using the WorldHandles resource. Registered functions are global to all chirp files loaded using cuicui_chirp.

The other differences are the addition of import statements (use), template definitions (fn), and template calls (template!()).

Import statements

They are currently not implemented, so please proceed to the next section.

Draft design


In cuicui_chirp you are not limited to a single file. You can import other chirp files.

To do so, use an import statement. Import statements are the first statements in the file; They start with the use keyword, are followed by the source path of the file to import and an optional "as imported_name", this is the name with which the import will be refered in this file.

use different/file
// ...

You have two ways to use imports:

  1. As whole file imports. You can import any file and directly use it as if it was a template without parameters. This is useful if you want to compose several complex menus you write in different files.
  2. As template collections. You can import individual templates defined in a file. Just complete the path with a .template_name.

Similarly to rust, you can combine imports, but only templates from the same file, so the following is valid:

use different/file.template
use different/file.{template1, template2}
// ...

Wild card imports are not supported.


However, to be able to import templates, you need to mark them as pub in the source template. Just prefix the fn with pub and that's it.

Template definitions

chirp files admit a series of fn definitions at the very beginning of the file. A fn definition looks very similar to rust function definitions. It has a name and zero or several parameters. Their body is a single statement:

// file: <scene.chirp>
// template name
//   ↓
// vvvvvv
fn spacer() {
	Spacer(height(10px) width(10%) bg(coral))
//             parameter
// template name  ↓
//    ↓           ↓
// vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
fn button(button_text) {
    Entity(named(button_text) width(95%) height(200px) bg(purple) row) {
        ButtonText(text(button_text) rules(0.5*, 0.5*))

You can call a template like you would call a rust macro, by writing the template name followed by ! and parenthesis:

# fn sys(cmds: &mut cuicui_dsl::EntityCommands) { cuicui_dsl::dsl!(cmds,
// file: <scene.chirp> (following)
Menu(screen_root row bg(darkgrey)) {
    TestSpacer(width(30%) height(100px) bg(pink))
    button!("Hello world")
# )}

When a template is called, it will be replaced by the single root statement defined as body of the fn definition for that template.

Template Extras

Template calls can be followed by template extras.

# fn sys(cmds: &mut cuicui_dsl::EntityCommands) { cuicui_dsl::dsl!(cmds,
// file: <scene.chirp> (following)
Menu(screen_root row bg(darkgrey)) {
    TestSpacer(width(30%) height(100px) bg(pink))

    // Additional method list after the template arguments list
    //       vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    spacer!()(width(50%) bg(coral))

    // Both additional methods and additional children added after the argument list
    //                    vvvvvvvvvv
    button!("Hello world")(column) {
# )}

The additional methods will be added at the end of template's root statement method list. While the additional children statements will be added as children of the template's root statement.

Take for example this chirp file:

fn deep_trailing2(line, color) {
    Trailing2Parent {
        Trailing2 (text(line) bg(color) width(1*))
fn deep_trailing1(line2, line1) {
    deep_trailing2!(line1, red) {
        Trailing1 (text(line2) bg(green) width(2*))
deep_trailing1!("Second line", "First line") (column bg(beige) rules(1.1*, 2*) margin(20)) {
    Trailing0 (text("Third line") bg(blue))

It is equivalent to:

# fn sys(cmds: &mut cuicui_dsl::EntityCommands) { cuicui_dsl::dsl!(cmds,
Trailing2Parent(column bg(beige) rules(1.1*, 2*) margin(20)) {
    Trailing2 (text("First line") bg(red) width(1*))
    Trailing1 (text("Second line") bg(green) width(2*))
    Trailing0 (text("Third line") bg(blue))
# )}

Parameter substitution

Note "argument" here may refer to two things: (1) the value passed as argument to a template, in template!(foo_bar), foo_bar is an argument. (2) arguments passed to methods, in Entity(text(method_argument)), method_argument is a method argument.

The name declared between parenthesis in the fn name is a parameter. In fn button(button_text), button_text is a template parameter.

When a template is called, the body of the fn is inserted where the call is made, arguments passed to the template are inlined within the statement of the template body.

Please pay close attention to how parameters are inlined:

  • Parameters are only inlined in method arguments
  • Parameters are not inlined within quotes
  • Parameters are only inlined if they are the whole argument
❗ Compatibility Notice ❗
In the future, parameters will be allowed in more contexts:
  • in method lists (such as Entity(parameter))
  • As template names (such as parameter!())
  • Embedded in a more complex method argument (such as Entity(mehod({ width: parameter })))
To avoid painfull breaking changes, avoid naming parameters the same as DSL methods or templates.
# fn sys(cmds: &mut EntityCommands) { dsl!(cmds,
fn button(button_text) {
    // Will spawn an entity without name, with tooltip set to whatever
    // was passed to `button!`.
    Entity(tooltip(button_text) width(95%) height(200px) bg(purple) row) {
        // Will spawn an entity named "button_text" with text "button_text"
        button_text(text("button_text") rules(0.5*, 0.5*))

        // Current limitation:
        // `gizmo` method will be called with `GizmoBuilder(button_text)` as first
        // argument and whatever was passed to `button!` as second argument
        Gizmo(gizmo(GizmoBuilder(button_text), button_text) rules(0.5*, 0.5*))
# )}

Tips and tricks

See the dedicated documentation page for all available configuration options on parse_dsl_impl.


Consider explicitly depending on the log and tracing crates, and enable the "release_max_level_debug" features of those crates, so that log messages are elided from release builds.

cuicui_chirp contains a lot of trace logging in very hot loops. "release_max_level_debug" will remove trace logging at compile time and not only make the code faster (code that would otherwise read a lock atomic), but it enables more optimization, inlining and loop unrolling.

First, find the version of the log and tracing crates in your dependency tree with:

cargo tree -p log -p tracing

Then, add them to your Cargo.toml and enable a max_level feature. Note that they are already in your dependency tree, so there is no downside to doing so:

log = { version = "<version found with `cargo tree`>", features = ["release_max_level_debug"] }
tracing = { version = "<version found with `cargo tree`>", features = ["release_max_level_debug"] }
# Note: I recommend `release_max_level_warn` instead.
# `debug` is specific for performance regarding `cuicui_chirp`

Next time you compile your game, you'll probably have to recompile the whole dependency tree, since tracing and log are usually fairly deep.


Remember the inheritance trick from cuicui_dsl? parse_dsl_impl is compatible with it. Use the delegate argument to specify the field to which to delegate methods not found on the MyDsl impl.

// pub struct MyDsl<D = ()> {
//     #[deref]
//     inner: D,
// }
#[parse_dsl_impl(delegate = inner)]
impl<D: DslBundle> MyDsl<D> {
    // ...

See parse_dsl_impl::delegate.


Unlike cuicui_dsl, it is possible to use Reflect to define DSLs. See the ReflectDsl docs for details.

Custom parsers

Since .chirp files are in text format, we need to convert text into method arguments. parse_dsl_impl parses differently method arguments depending on their type.

See parse_dsl_impl::type_parsers for details.

What is the relationship between cuicui_dsl and cuicui_chirp?

cuicui_dsl is a macro (dsl!), while cuicui_chirp is a scene file format, parser and bevy loader. cuicui_chirp builds on top of cuicui_dsl, and has different features than cuicui_dsl. Here is a feature matrix:

features cuicui_dsl cuicui_chirp
statements & methods
code blocks with in-line rust code
code calling registered functions
fn templates rust
import from other files rust
reflection-based methods
special syntax for colors, rules
Allows for non-Reflect components

You may use cuicui_dsl in combination with cuicui_chirp, both crates fill different niches.

Commit count: 266

cargo fmt