
created_at2024-05-17 17:04:31.180095
updated_at2024-06-13 16:09:23.535143
descriptionA permissioned marketplace for swapping any cw721 NFTs available on the host network from any collection contract added by the contract admin to the permissioned list of NFT contracts
Drew Taylor (drewstaylor)



CW721 Permissioned Marketplace

Permits the listing and offering on NFTs. This contract supports multiple NFT collections in a permissioned manner, allowing admin decision on which collections are allowed on the marketplace.




Name Type Description
admin String(Address) Address allowed to do privileged messages
denom String Token denom for native token listings
cw721 String(Address) Array NFT Collections allowed in the marketplace
fee_percentage u64 Percentage fee cut, ie: 1 = 1%



Create an offer or a sale for a specific NFT. Each type of listing has specific caveats that must be followed to meet the original design's user experience.

  • Offer
    • Can only use CW20 token
    • User must give this contract an allowance of equal or greater number than the offered amount
  • Sale
    • User must give this contract transfer permissions
Name Type Description
id String Created ID for the listing, cannot be a currently existing ID
cw721 String(Address) NFT contract, must be supported by the marketplace
payment_token String(Address) Optional cs20 address, defaults to aarch if empty
token_id String Nft token id
expires Expiration When the listing will expire
price String(Uint128) When a sale its the requested amount, when its an offer its the offered amount
swap_type SwapType The type of listing


Finalize the listing. Permission to do this varies depending the listing type.

  • Sale
    • Buyer must trigger this
    • Must give this contract an allowance of equal or greater number than the offered amount
  • Offer
    • Seller must trigger this
    • Must give this contract transfer permissions
Name Type Description
id String Listing ID


Cancels the listing, can only be triggered by listing creator.

Name Type Description
id String Listing ID


Update the listing, can only be triggered by listing creator.

Name Type Description
id String Listing ID
expires Expiration When the listing will expire
price String(Uint128) When a sale its the requested amount, when its an offer its the offered amount

UpdateConfig - Permissioned

Updates the contract config set at instantiation.

Name Type Description
admin String(Address) Address allowed to do privileged messages
denom String Token denom for native token listings
cw721 String(Address) Array NFT Collections allowed in the marketplace
fee_percentage u64 Percentage fee cut, ie: 1 = 1%

AddNft - Permissioned

Add an allowed NFT contract to be offered in the marketplace

Name Type Description
cw721 String(Address) NFT collection to add

RemoveNft - Permissioned

Remove an allowed NFT contract from the marketplace

Name Type Description
cw721 String(Address) NFT collection to withdraw

Withdraw - Permissioned

Withdraw tokens earned by the contract through sale fees

Name Type Description
amount String(Number) Amount to withdraw
denom String Native coin denom
payment_token Optional String(Address) Optional cw20 address to withdraw from



Get all pending swaps

Name Type Description
start_after Optional String Limit which ID to start after
limit Optional number Limit how many swaps to return

Returns ListResponse


Count total listings, supports counting a specific type of listing, returns a number

Name Type Description
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter

Returns a number representing total swaps


Name Type Description
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
token_id String NFT ID
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter
cw721 Optional String(Address) NFT collection filter
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
address String(Address) Swaps created by a specific address
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter
cw721 Optional String(Address) NFT collection filter
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
min Optional String(number) Minimum price to return
max Optional String(number) Maximum price to return
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter
cw721 Optional String(Address) NFT collection filter
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
payment_token Optional String(Address) Filter by CW20 token
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter
cw721 Optional String(Address) NFT collection filter
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Name Type Description
cw20 bool Filter payment type
swap_type Optional SwapType Swap type filter
cw721 Optional String(Address) NFT collection filter
page Optional number Pagination
limit Optional number Limit how many results

Returns a list of PageResult


Return the details of the specified listing

Name Type Description
id String Listing ID
Name Type Description
creator String(Address) Listing creator
contract String(Address) NFT Collection
payment_token Optional String(Address) Cw20 token if applicable
token_id String NFT ID
expires Expiration Listing expiration date
price String(Number) Amount offered or requested
swap_types SwapType Listing type


Query the contract's config, returns:

Name Type Description
admin String(Address) Address allowed to do privileged messages
denom String Token denom for native token listings
cw721 String(Address) Array NFT Collections allowed in the marketplace
fee_percentage u64 Percentage fee cut, ie: 1 = 1%


Name Type Description
swaps Array of CW721Swap Query result
page number Current page
total number Total items present in contract


Name Type Description
swaps String array List of swap IDs


Name Type Description
id String Listing ID
creator String(Address) Creator address
nft_contract String(Address) NFT collection
payment_token Optional String(Address) CW20 contract
token_id String NFT ID
expires Expiration Listing expiration date
price String(Number) Requested or offered amount
swap_type SwapType Listing type


When something can expire, the contents can be one of three. Source


Will expire when given height is greater or equal than the current block height

    "at_height": 10


Will expire when given time is greater or equal than the current block height

  "at_time": "epoch number"


Will never expire



Represents the type of transaction going through, can be one of Offer which is an offer to someone's NFT and Sale which is a listing to sell an owned NFT

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt