
created_at2022-10-21 00:35:59.529013+00
updated_at2024-09-08 21:02:40.791716+00
descriptionA library allowing you to use Minecraft format codes in strings.




A Rust implementation of Dahlia — a simple text formatting package, inspired by the game Minecraft.

Text is formatted similarly to in the game. With Dahlia, it is formatted by typing a marker (& by default, but any other char is allowed) followed by a format code and finally the text to be formatted.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

dahlia = "2.0"

Import and use like this:

use dahlia::{Dahlia, dprintln};

fn main() {
  let dahlia = Dahlia::default().with_auto_depth();

  // Print "Hello, world!" in green bold with "world!" underlined
  let formatted = dahlia.convert("&2&lHello, &nworld!");

  // Convenience macro to print text with println! like syntax
  let name = "David";
  dprintln!(dahlia, "&2Hello, {name}!"); // green "Hello, David!"

  // Remove formatting from the text with `clean`
  assert_eq!(dahlia.clean("&2Hello, &lworld!"), "Hello, world!");

  // Use `_` to escape the marker
  assert_eq!(dahlia.convert("&_2Hello!"), "&2Hello!");

The code documentation is available at docs.rs, for more detailed information about available formatting and other features, see the specification.

Short summary:

Color Format Codes

Each digit/letter corresponds to a hex value (dependent on the color depth). The coloring can be applied to the background if a ~ is inserted between & and the code.

Color 3-bit 8-bit 24-bit
0 #000000 #000000 #000000
1 #000080 #0000af #0000aa
2 #008000 #00af00 #00aa00
3 #008080 #00afaf #00aaaa
4 #800000 #af0000 #aa0000
5 #800080 #af00af #aa00aa
6 #808000 #ffaf00 #ffaa00
7 #c0c0c0 #a8a8a8 #aaaaaa
8 #000000 #585858 #555555
9 #000080 #afafff #5555ff
a #008000 #5fff5f #55ff55
b #000080 #5fffff #55ffff
c #800000 #ff5f5f #ff5555
d #800080 #ff5fff #ff55ff
e #808000 #ffff5f #ffff55
f #c0c0c0 #ffffff #ffffff
g #808000 #d7d700 #ddd605

Formatting Codes

Code Result
l Bold
m Strikethrough
n Underline
o Italic
R Reset all formatting
rf Reset foreground
rb Reset background
rc Reset color
rh Reset hidden
ri Reset inverse
rj Reset dim
rk Reset blinking
rl Reset bold
rm Reset strikethrough
rn Reset underline
ro Reset italic

Custom Colors

To specify colors by hex code follow the marker with CSS-like hex color syntax.

  • Foreground: &#xxx; or &#xxxxxx;
  • Background: &~#xxx; or &~#xxxxxx;

Note: x here represents a hex digit.


dahlia-rs is licensed under the MIT License.

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt