
created_at2022-03-05 21:35:49.385773
updated_at2022-12-29 23:44:00.924937
descriptionInterface to the Daku API
Jeron Aldaron Lau (AldaronLau)




Daku v1.0.0-alpha.2

Daku is a system interface API similar to WASI with different goals.

Since it's currently alpha, things may change but changes are somewhat unlikely. Alpha, beta and pre-release stages will not last very long (once there is an implementation it will be fully stabilized).


  • Async-First
  • Immediately Stable
  • Simple
  • Reduced Syscalls
  • Channel-Based
  • Security via Portals
  • Anti-POSIX
  • Full Multimedia Support


The daku api exports a single function ar():

(import "daku" "ar" (func $event
    (param $cmd_size i32)   ;; List[Command].size
    (param $cmd_data i32)   ;; List[Command].reference
    (result i32)            ;; List[Uint32].size 

The function queues a number of asynchronous tasks, passed as a list (first two parameters). When any asynchronous task completes, it gets pushed to the ready list and the function returns with the number of tasks that completed. Each call to ar() clears the ready list.


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Command {
    /// Ready index for when command completes
    ready: u32,
    /// Channel id to use
    channel: u32,
    /// Data buffer size
    size: u32,
    /// Data buffer reference
    data: *const (),


Channel 0 is special, and lets you connect to portals.

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Connect {
    /// The capacity of the ready list
    ready_capacity: u32,
    /// Reference to uninitialized ready list
    ready_data: *mut u32,
    /// The number of new portals
    portals_size: u32,
    /// in: List of new portal IDs - out: List of new portal channel IDs
    portals_data: *mut u32,

See portals for portal command APIs.



struct Timestamp {
    /// The number of TAI microseconds since Jan 1 00:00:00.000_000, year 0 in
    /// [ISO 8601:2004](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)
    /// This gives about a range of ±292_470 years since year 0.
    /// This differs from Unix time in 3 ways:
    ///  - Epoch is 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000_000 TAI instead of
    ///    1970-01-01T00:00:00.000_000 UTC
    ///  - Precision is microseconds instead of seconds
    ///  - TAI not UTC, meaning that a leap second gets representation, rather
    ///    than being represented as repeat of previous second as it would be in
    ///    unix time.
    micros: i64,


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Time {
    /// Range: 0 ~ 23 (always UTC, localized only for display)
    hour: u8,
    /// Range: 0 ~ 59
    minute: u8,
    /// Range: 0 ~ 60_999 (can represent leap seconds)
    millis: u16,


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Date {
    /// Range: 0 ~ 65_535
    year: u16,
    /// Range: 1 ~ 12
    month: u8,
    /// Range: (of week: 1 ~ 7) << 5 | (of month: 1 ~ 31)
    day: u8,


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct DateTime {
    date: Date,
    time: Time,


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct List<T> {
    size: u32,
    data: *mut T,


#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Text {
    /// Number of bytes
    size: usize,
    /// UTF-8 String
    data: *mut u8,


#[repr(C, u32)]
enum TimeDesignation {
    Utc = 0,

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct TimeAdjustment {
    /// Time to replace
    when: DateTime,
    /// New time
    new: DateTime,

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct LeapSecond {
    /// Which year
    year: i16,
    /// Always the last day of the month
    month: u8,
    /// Direction: Either -1 or +1
    delta: i8,

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct TimeZone {
    /// Name of TimeZone (abbreviated, null terminated unless size 6)
    designation: TimeDesignation,
    /// List of adjustments made in this timezone
    deltas: List<TimeAdjustment>,
    /// Replace UTC jan 1 00:00:00:000 year 0 with Local time adjustments
    /// This must be equivalent to all of the adjustments in `deltas` plus
    /// any daylight savings time modifications.
    offset: DateTime,
    /// List of leap seconds
    leap_seconds: List<LeapSecond>,
    /// Sum of leap seconds
    leap: i16,
    /// Is daylight savings time?
    is_dst: bool,
    /// Reserved for future use
    reserved: u8,


#[repr(C, u32)]
enum Language {
    /// English United States
    EnUS = u32::from_ne_bytes(*b"enUS"),
    /// English Great Britain
    EnGB = u32::from_ne_bytes(*b"enGB"),
    /// Esperanto
    EoXX = u32::from_ne_bytes(*b"eoXX"),

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Lang {
    /// List of languages in order of user preference (0 is most preferred)
    list: List<Language>,
Commit count: 72

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