
created_at2020-11-14 04:47:28.987157
updated_at2024-01-28 13:32:13.308578
descriptionReverse Engineer's Toolbox for Checksums




delsum is a cli application for finding out checksums used in a file.

There are currently three subcommands:

  • check: given a specification of the checksum algorithm and a list of files, this simply outputs the checksums of these files.
  • part: given a specification of the checksum algorithm and a list of files with corresponding checksums, this finds parts of the files that have the given checksum
  • reverse: given a list of files with corresponding checksums, this finds the checksum parameters used


This subcommand calculates a checksum with a given algorithm.


$ delsum check -m 'crc width=32 poly=0x4c11db7 init=0xffffffff xorout=0xffffffff refin=true refout=true' file_a file_b file_c

An algorithm can be specified directly as an argument with -m or a list of algorithms can be provided in a file.

The start or end of the range to calculate the checksum of is given with -S or -E and can also be negative to make them relative to the end. For example, to calculate the checksum of all bytes except the last two, one specifies -S 0 and -E-3 (it is inclusive, so -3 is still part of the sum).

For the available algorithms and how to specify them, see here.


This subcommand finds all parts of a list of files where all given checksums match. The parts of the file that match has to be the same accross the files.


$ delsum part -m 'modsum width=16 module=ffff' -c 1234,5678,abcd file_a file_b file_c
modsum width=16 module=ffff:

In this case, the checksum matches in the part 0x8:-0x3, where -0x3 is relative from the end. This is an inclusive range, meaning that a checksum that goes from the start to the end would have the range 0x0:-0x1. If the files were of sizes 15, 16 and 18 bytes respectively, then this output would mean that

  • file_a has checksum 1234 from byte 8 to 13
  • file_b has checksum 5678 from byte 8 to 14
  • file_c has checksum abcd from byte 8 to 16

One can also have the end of parts be relative from the start of the file (and not the end) by using the -s flag. Furthermore, the -S and -E allow one to constrain where ranges begin and end by specifying ranges (also inclusive). For example, when normally, the ranges 0x1:0xa, 0x3:0x10 and 0x4:0xb would be output, specifying -S0x0:0x3 would only allow the start part of the ranges to be between 0 and 3 inclusive, so 0x4 would not be printed. This can help avoid false positives and can also reduce execution time.

There's a small chance that it will output something like 0x1,0x6:0x5,0x10 is output. This just means that each combination is possible. In this case, one would have 0x1:0x5, 0x1:0x10 and 0x6:0x10. While 0x6:0x5 would theoretically also be a choice, it is not a valid one since it is backwards.

By exploiting the linearity of the checksums, this whole process can be done in roughly loglinear time, but just keep in mind that it has a big (linear) space overhead and you might run out of memory if you run it on a bunch of 500MB files.

One can also give a list of algorithms in a file as an input to -M. This can be useful, as it allows to simply put the most common few checksum algorithm in there and look if any algorithms in any part of the files has the desired checksum. For the available algorithms and how to specify them, see here.


This subcommand finds parameters of a checksum algorithm.

With given files and checksums, it searches those algorithm parameters for which the entire files have the given checksums.

Note that at least the fundamental algorithm and the width of the checksum must be specified (for example, crc width=32). For the available algorithms and how to specify them, see here.


$ delsum reverse -m 'crc width=32' -c 700b14f5,e1207917,79741cb2 file_a file_b file_c
crc width=32 poly=0x4c11db7 init=0xffffffff xorout=0xffffffff refin=true refout=true

You generally need 3 files, and for algorithms other than modsum at least one of the files needs to have a different length. It is also possible to specify some parameters of the algorithm (using for example -m 'crc width=32 init=0'), which needs fewer files or yields fewer false positives.

If you have only files of a given length, but also only care about checksums of that length, for an algorithm not modsum you can simply set init=0.

It is normally quite fast; for example the runtime for the CRC reversing algorithm is in most cases around O(n*log^2(n)*log(log(n))) where n is the filesize, which is thanks to the fast gcd algorithm implemented within the NTL and gf2x libraries.

For some parameters, only likely combinations are searched:

  • wordsize is searched for powers of 2 multiples of 8 that are smaller or equal to width
  • refin and refout is searched for refin = refout

To search these parameters, either specify them manually or use the --extended-search cli argument.


There are currently three families of algorithms: modsum, fletcher and crc. They are specified like this: algofamiliy width=123 para1=ff para2=true para3=10 name="algoname". Note that all numerical parameters except width and wordsize are in hexadecimal.

Common Values

Currently, these are shared accross all sum types:

  • width: width of the checksum in bits
  • out_endian: endian of the checksum, can be either little or big
  • wordsize: number of bits of a word in the input text. Must be a multiple of 8 and between 8 and 64. For example, in a simple checksum, using wordsize=16 would chop the file in into 16-bit integers and add them up modulo module.
  • in_endian: the endian of the input words, can be either little or big.


A simple modular sum with parameters width, init and module.

Corresponds to

sum = init
for byte in file:
    sum = (sum + byte) % module
return sum

Note that for a module of 0, it is equivalent to 2^width.

The default values for module and init are both 0.


A fletcher-like sum with parameters width, init, addout, module and swap.

Corresponds to

sum1 = init
sum2 = 0
for byte in file:
    sum1 = (sum1 + byte) % module
    sum2 = (sum2 + sum1) % module
sum1 = (sum1 + addout.sum1) % module
sum2 = (sum2 + addout.sum2) % module
if not swap:
    returm (sum2 << (width/2)) | sum1
    returm (sum1 << (width/2)) | sum2

It is output in a "packed" form where the sum1 is stored in the lower width/2 bits and sum2 in the higher width/2 (or the opposite if swap is enabled). The parameters are:

  • width: The width of the whole packed checksum. Mandatory.
  • module: The value by which to reduce. module = 0 means 2^(width/2) and is the default value.
  • init: The value to initialize the regular checksum with. Defaults to 0.
  • addout: The packed value which is added at the end of the sum. The high part is always added to the high part of the checksum at the end, regardless of swap. Defaults to 0.
  • swap: The boolean flag which indicates that the regular sum should be in the higher half of the packed checksum. Defaults to false.

Note that currently, only sums over bytes are supported so sums fletcher-32 can't be specified yet.


A CRC algorithm with parameters in accordance to the Rocksoft^TM model, as documented in "A Painless Guide to Crc Error Detection".

It has the following parameters:

  • width: The width in bits of the checksum (and degree of poly). Mandatory.
  • poly: The generator polynomial, in normal notation. Mandatory (except for reverse).
  • init: The initial value of the crc state. Defaults to 0.
  • xorout: The final value to xor to the sum. Defaults to 0.
  • refin: The boolean flag indicating whether to reflect the bits of the input bytes. Defaults to false.
  • refout: The boolean flag indicating whether to reflect the bits of the final checksum, before adding xorout. Defaults to false.

Note that other values for wordsize with in_endian=little (the standard) is the same as swapping the bytes in each group of wordsize bits before calculating the wordsize=8 checksum.

How this works

Some (incomplete) explanation of the algorithms used is found here.


There is a linux build which has the NTL library compiled in here, but keep in mind that it is compiled without most modern x86 extensions and therefore can't take advantage of some optimized routines in gf2x which makes CRC reversing a lot faster. I'm also too dumb for doing a Windows build, so sorry for that.

This program links against the NTL, gf2x and gmp.

If you're on a Debian-based system, you can install them with

apt-get install libgmp-dev libgf2x-dev libntl-dev

You can also compile them yourselves, see here. This will generally make the fastest binary, as instruction set extensions can be used and there is also the possible of tuning the algorithm parameters.

If you have cargo installed, it should then be possible to compile this in the project directory root with

cargo install --path .

or, without downloading the repository, with

cargo install delsum

If you want to link the NTL library statically, you can set the environment variable DELSUM_STATIC_LIBS=1 when running cargo.


The code of this project is licensed under the MIT license.

Commit count: 101

cargo fmt