
created_at2023-01-25 11:36:38.304156
updated_at2024-06-05 11:07:39.973492
descriptionAutomate patching Cargo.toml files using jsonnet
Yaroslav Bolyukin (CertainLach)




Utility for mass rewriting of Cargo.toml files


Rule - jsonnet function, which receives package description (see [DirectInput]), and returns package source (see [DirectSource])

I.e you want to rewrite all usages of package evm using git repo, you can use this rule:

function(pkg) if pkg.package == "evm" then {
	git: ""

To execute this rule, either write deppatcher patch -e "rule", or save it to file, and then deppatcher patch file.jsonnet. Patch command receives same arguments as jsonnet interpreter

To quickly override all used packages with ones defined in other workspace use

deppatcher link /home/lach/build/my-evm-fork

After rewrite, original package source will be stored in Cargo.toml, and can be either restored (deppatcher revert), or removed (deppatcher freeze)

Usage with local workspaces

For path overrides, cargo expects you to provide full path to dependency, and in case of workspace - path to dependency in this workspace

To simplify things, there is dpp.loadPaths helper available, that receives a path to workspace (relative to rule file), and returns object, which maps packages in that workspace to absolute paths to them

I.e for jrsonnet it will return

	jrsonnet: '/code/cmds/jrsonnet',
	jsonnet: '/code/bindings/jsonnet'
	'jrsonnet-evaluator': '/code/crates/evaluator',
	'jrsonnet-parser': '/code/crates/parser',
	'jrsonnet-interner': '/code/crates/interner',

Where /code/ - absolute path to repository tree

Example scenarios

  1. You use substrate, you can only depend on git version, and you can't just specify master branch

In repository you have a lot of similar lines:

sp-api = { default-features = false, git = "", branch = "polkadot-v0.9.18" }

When you need to update to next version of this dependency, you search&replace a lot of times, this is annoying, and doesn't always work (I.e if you want to have your own versioning in your forks)

sp-api = { default-features = false, git = "", branch = "polkadot-v0.9.19" }

With deppatcher you should just write update rule, like so:

function(pkg) if pkg.source.git == "" then pkg.source {
	branch: "polkadot-v0.9.19"

deppatcher stores original versions of packages for revert, you need to run deppatcher freeze to remove them

  1. You depend on, this repo has a lot of modules, you need to temporary use local fork.

Using [patch] and/or manually specifying path will work, however, those can only point to virtual manifests, you can't type

fp-consensus = { path = "~/my-frontier-fork" }

You should type path to dependency in this repository clone

fp-consensus = { path = "~/my-frontier-fork/primitives/consensus" }

deppatcher comes to rescue!

local frontier = dpp.loadPaths('/home/lach/work/substrate/frontier');
function(pkg) if std.objectHas(frontier, pkg.package) then {
	path: frontier[pkg.package],

Or by using alias, which does exactly like code on top under hood:

deppatcher link /home/lach/work/substrate/frontier

When you need to switch everything back - use deppatcher revert command

Alternatives - very limited, you can't update non-substrate dependency (i.e frontier or forked substrate), revert part of patch, or perform any other non-trivial operation. Everything you can do with diener - you also can do with deppatcher

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt