
created_at2020-12-17 23:04:12.282053
updated_at2021-09-13 12:34:28.281672
descriptionMathematical properties for random testing




A collection of mathematical properties for random testing.

It's based on dicetest.

Status of this crate

The author does not consider this crate as stable yet. Changes will be documented in the changelog.


Associative binary operation

use diceprop::{props, Fun2, Set};
use dicetest::prelude::*;

fn add_is_associative_for_small_f32() {
    Dicetest::repeatedly().run(|mut fate| {
        let set = Set::new("f32 ∩ [-100,100]", dice::f32(-100.0..=100.0));
        let vars = fate.roll(set.vars(["x", "y", "z"]));
        let add = Fun2::infix("+", |x, y| x + y);
        props::binop::associative(vars, add);

The test fails with the following output:

The test failed after 12 passes.

# Config
- seed: 14859458141222391139
- start limit: 0
- end limit: 100
- passes: 200

# Counterexample
- run code: "2pYRCj9fj8sV52fB5iyFhxCISGY3nKlMzlzIKq0NKLwGAAAAAAAAAA=="
- limit: 6
- hints:
        - Is `+` associative?
                - x, y, z of f32 ∩ [-100,100]
                - x = 96.621735
                - y = -90.97134
                - z = -8.10239
                - (x + y) = 5.6503983
                - ((x + y) + z) = -2.451992
                - (y + z) = -99.07373
                - (x + (y + z)) = -2.4519958
                - (((x + y) + z) == (x + (y + z))) = false
- error: assertion failed: (((x + y) + z) == (x + (y + z)))

Left inverse function

use diceprop::{props, Fun1, Set};
use dicetest::prelude::*;

fn sqrt_is_left_inverse_of_sq_for_non_negative_f32() {
    Dicetest::repeatedly().run(|mut fate| {
        let set = Set::new("f32 ∩ [0,+∞]", dice::f32(0.0..));
        let vars = fate.roll(set.vars(["x"]));
        let sq = Fun1::postfix("²", |x| x * x);
        let sqrt = Fun1::new("√", |x: f32| x.sqrt());
        props::fun::left_inverse(vars, sq, sqrt);

The test fails with the following output:

The test failed after 0 passes.

# Config
- seed: 7632522237817347676
- start limit: 0
- end limit: 100
- passes: 200

# Counterexample
- run code: "F2/nnlbX6qyCOm5MU7P8BSXdnJ4XNXJdihgwhtWxlzMAAAAAAAAAAA=="
- limit: 0
- hints:
        - Is `√` left inverse of `²`?
                - x of f32 ∩ [0,+∞]
                - x = 305770290000000000000000000000000000000.0
                - (x)² = inf
                - √((x)²) = inf
                - (√((x)²) == x) = false
- error: assertion failed: (√((x)²) == x)

Partial order

use diceprop::{props, Fun2, Set};
use dicetest::prelude::*;

fn gt_is_partial_order_for_any_f32() {
    Dicetest::repeatedly().run(|mut fate| {
        let set = Set::new("f32", dice::any_f32());
        let vars = fate.roll(set.vars(["x", "y", "z"]));
        let gt = Fun2::infix("≤", |x, y| x <= y);
        props::binrel::partial_order(vars, gt);

The test fails with the following output:

The test failed after 3 passes.

# Config
- seed: 18374838706510982620
- start limit: 0
- end limit: 100
- passes: 200

# Counterexample
- run code: "h6jQMNr6fi/j9OZOXmklXYAUATM96EpE6+DENMhSZHkBAAAAAAAAAA=="
- limit: 1
- hints:
        - Is `≤` a partial order?
                - Is `≤` reflexive?
                        - x of f32
                        - x = NaN
                        - (x ≤ x) = false
- error: assertion failed: (x ≤ x)


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Commit count: 94

cargo fmt