
created_at2023-09-19 15:02:46.965816
updated_at2024-06-06 16:28:43.031386
descriptiondimas - a framework for Distributed Multi Agent Systems
Stephan Kunz (stepkun)





DiMAS - A framework for building Distributed Multi Agent Systems

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : DiMAS is under active development, so expect gaps between implementation and documentation.

A distributed multi agent system is a set of independant agents that are widely distributed but somehow connected. They are designed in a way that they can solve complex tasks by working together.

The system is characterised by

  • a somewhat large and complex environment
  • containing a set of (non agent) objects that can be perceived, created, moved, modified or destroyed by the agents
  • that changes over time due to external rules

with multiple agents operating in that environment which

  • can perceive the environment to a limited extent

  • have the possibility to communicate with some or all of the other agents

  • have certain capabilities to influence the environment

This crate is available on crates.io.

DiMAS follows the semantic versioning principle with the enhancement, that until version 1.0.0 each new minor version has breaking changes, while patches are non breaking changes but may include enhancements.


DiMAS needs an async runtime. You have to define your main function as an async function.

So include dimas together with an async runtime in the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml. As DiMAS uses tokio as async runtime, so preferably use tokio for your application. Ensure that you use a multi-threaded runtime, otherwise dimas will panic.

Your Cargo.toml should include:

dimas = "0.2"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros"] }

It also makes sense to return a Result, as some functions may return one. DiMAS errors are always of type Box<dyn std::error::Error> and should be thread safe. DiMAS provides a type definition Result<T> to make life easier

A suitable main program skeleton may look like:

use dimas::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {

	// your code
	// ...



A very simple example consist at least of two agents, a publisher publishing messages and a subscriber that is listening to those messages.

The Cargo.toml for this publisher/subscriber example should include

dimas = version = "0.2"
tokio = { version = "1",features = ["macros"] }


The publisher.rs should look like this:

use dimas::prelude::*;
use std::time::Duration;

/// The Agent's properties
struct AgentProps {
	counter: u128,

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
	// create & initialize agents properties
	let properties = AgentProps { counter: 0 };

	// create an agent with the properties and default configuration
	let mut agent = Agent::new(properties)

	// create publisher for topic "hello"

	// use a timer for regular publishing of "hello" topic
		// get the TimerBuilder from the agent
		// set a name for the timer
		// every second
		// the timers callback function as a closure
			|ctx| -> Result<()> {
				let counter = ctx
				// the message to send
				let text = format!("Hello World! [{counter}]");
				// just to see what will be sent
				println!("Sending '{}'", &text);
				// publishing with stored publisher for topic "hello"
				let message = Message::encode(&text);
				ctx.put("hello", message)?;
				// modify counter in properties
					.counter += 1;
		// finally add the timer to the agent
		// errors will be propagated to main

	// start the agent


The subscriber.rs should look like this:

use dimas::prelude::*;

/// The Agent's properties
pub struct AgentProps {}

fn callback(_ctx: &Context<AgentProps>, message: Message) -> Result<()> {
	let message: String =	message.decode()?;
	println!("Received '{message}'");

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
	// create & initialize agents properties
	let properties = AgentProps {};

	// create an agent with the properties and default configuration
	let agent = Agent::new(properties)

	// subscribe to "hello" messages
		// get the SubscriberBuilder from the agent
    	//set wanted message topic (corresponding to publishers topic!)
    	// set the callback function for put messages
    	// finally add the subscriber to the agent
    	// errors will be propagated to main

	// start the agent

More examples

You can find some simple examples in dimas-fw/dimas/examples and more complex examples in dimas-fw/examples

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