
created_at2024-08-02 22:04:00.342469+00
updated_at2024-08-02 22:21:09.416274+00
descriptionprocedural macro that implements memoization for dynamic programming




Rust procedural macro to apply memoization to pure functions.

This crate is still in beta. Report issues if possible.


For an explanationon memoization, go to explanation

Implementing memoization is simple, but takes some time and adds boilerplate.

dp attribute

Just take the original fn and add #[dp] at the beggining.

fn main(){
  assert_eq!(102334155, fib(40));

fn fib(n: i32) -> i32{
  if n < 2{
    return n;
  (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)) % 1_000_000_007

The function must not be inside of impl.

Using the dp macro over a non pure function is Undefinied Behaviour. Note that pure does not mean const, eg. you may use for loops despite them being forbidden in const.

All arguments as well as the output must implement Clone.

Extra arguments

In case it is needed, extra inmutable arguments can be included with the #[dp_extra] attribute.

fn main(){
    knapsack(vec![3, 4, 5, 6, 10], vec![2, 3, 4, 5, 9], 5, 10),

#[dp_extra(values: Vec<i32>, weights: Vec<i32>)]
fn knapsack(n: usize, k: i32){
  if n == 0 {
    return 0;
  let mut ans = knapsack(n - 1, k);
  if k >= weights[n - 1] {
    ans = std::cmp::max(ans, knapsack(n - 1, k - weights[n - 1]) + values[n - 1]);
  return ans;


The order is first all the extra arguments, and then all function arguments, given in order of appearance.

Default arguments

The #[dp_default] attribute allows you to remove auxilliary arguments that should default in the final function.

use std::cmp::min;

fn main(){
  assert_eq!(edit_distance("movie", "love"), 2);

#[dp_extra(a: String, b: String)]
#[dp_default(i=a.len(); j=b.len())]
fn edit_distance(i: usize, j: usize) -> usize{
  if i == 0{
    return j;
  if j == 0{
    return i;
  let mut ans = min(edit_distance(i-1, j), edit_distance(i, j-1))+1;
  if a.as_bytes()[i-1] == b.as_bytes()[j-1]{
    ans = min(ans, edit_distance(i-1, j-1));
    ans = min(ans, edit_distance(i-1, j-1)+1);
  return ans;

Knapsack can also be implemented with the default args n = values.len() as seen above.


Memoization is a technique that allows pure functions overlapping subproblems to be optimized by saving the answer and never recalculating them.

As an example, take the fibonacci function, given by the recurrence:

$f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)$ where $f(0) = 0$ and $f(1) = 1$

As the function is only ever allowed to return end the recursive calls with an answer of at most 1, it can be shown that the number of recursive calls is at least the n-th fibonacci number, which grows exponentially. But given the first n fibonacci numbers, calculating the n+1-th takes just two memory lookups and a sum, now making the problem linear.

Note that if a constant function loops doesn't work, eg: $f(n) = f(n+1) + f(n-1)$

Some problems, despite using constant non-looping functions the number of overlapping subproblems is close to zero, like in backtracking. Here memoization doesn't help and will add overhead, making it even worse.

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