
created_at2024-06-03 12:58:55.484933
updated_at2024-06-19 09:00:07.080327
descriptionA simple and efficient tree structure library for Rust with recursive traversal
Anton Suprunchuk (antouhou)




Crates.io Documentation Build and test

easy-tree is a simple and efficient tree structure library for Rust. It allows you to create and manipulate tree structures where each node can have multiple children and a single parent. easy-tree also supports recursively traversing the tree in a depth-first manner, with two callbacks: one before processing any children and one after processing the subtree belonging to that node (meaning children, and their children, and so on).

easy-tree is available on crates.io, and API Documentation is available on docs.rs.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

easy-tree = "0.1"

To enable parallel iteration using the rayon crate, add the following:

easy-tree = { version = "0.1", features = ["rayon"] }


Walk the tree in a depth-first manner:

use easy_tree::Tree;

fn main() {
    let mut tree = Tree::new();
    let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
    let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
    let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
    let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3

    let mut result = vec![];

    tree.traverse(|index, node, result| {
        result.push(format!("Calling handler for node {}: {}", index, node))
    }, |index, node, result| {
        result.push(format!("Finished handling node {} and all it's children", index))
    }, &mut result);

    assert_eq!(result, vec![
        "Calling handler for node 0: 0",
        "Calling handler for node 1: 1",
        "Calling handler for node 3: 3",
        "Finished handling node 3 and all it's children",
        "Finished handling node 1 and all it's children",
        "Calling handler for node 2: 2",
        "Finished handling node 2 and all it's children",
        "Finished handling node 0 and all it's children",
use easy_tree::Tree;

fn main() {
    // Create a new tree and add nodes
    let mut tree = Tree::new();
    let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
    let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
    let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
    let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3

// Access nodes and their relationships
    assert_eq!(tree.get(root), Some(&0));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child1), Some(&1));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child2), Some(&2));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child3), Some(&3));

    assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child1), Some(root));
    assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child2), Some(root));
    assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child3), Some(child1));

    assert_eq!(tree.children(root), &[child1, child2]);
    assert_eq!(tree.children(child1), &[child3]);
    assert_eq!(tree.children(child2), &[]);
    assert_eq!(tree.children(child3), &[]);
use easy_tree::Tree;

fn main() {
    // Create a new tree and add nodes
    let mut tree = Tree::new();
    let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
    let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
    let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
    let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3

// Iterate over the nodes in the tree
    for (index, data) in tree.iter() {
        println!("Node {}: {}", index, data);

// Iterate over the nodes in the tree mutably
    for (index, data) in tree.iter_mut() {
        *data += 1;

// Check the modified values
    assert_eq!(tree.get(root), Some(&1));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child1), Some(&2));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child2), Some(&3));
    assert_eq!(tree.get(child3), Some(&4));


Documentation is available on docs.rs.


Everyone is welcome to contribute in any way or form! For further details, please read CONTRIBUTING.md


Also, see the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Commit count: 11

cargo fmt