
created_at2024-01-04 10:06:59.380958
updated_at2024-07-11 21:25:11.526724
descriptionSimple command line interface client for testing Entropy
core-developers (github:entropyxyz:core-developers)



Entropy Test CLI

This is a simple CLI for testing Entropy.

Note that this client has no secure private key storage and is only intended for use with test networks. For a fully featured command line client see entropyxyz/cli.


To use it you need to have access to a deployment of the Entropy network, with at least two chain nodes and two TSS servers.

This could be either:

  • A network deployment, in which case you need to specify a chain endpoint URI. This can be done either by setting the ENTROPY_DEVNET environment variable or using the --chain-endpoint or -c command line argument to for example ws://
  • A local deployment with docker compose. When using this you don't need to specify the chain endpoint as the CLI will by default use ws://localhost:9944.

When using the local docker compose setup, be aware you need to set the TSS hostnames in your /etc/hosts file by adding the lines: alice-tss-server bob-tss-server

You'll also need the following packages:

  1. OpenSSL:

    # Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt install libssl-dev
    # MacOS
    brew install openssl 
  2. pkg-config:

    # Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt install pkg-config
    # MacOS
    brew install pkg-config


cargo install entropy-test-cli



As this is a test client, there is no private key storage. Instead we pass in a mnemonic that can be stored as an enviroment variable or passed in on the command line


To see usage information you can run the help command:

entropy-test-cli -- help

You can also display help for a specific command:

entropy-test-cli -- help register


To see if you have access to a successfully configured deployment you can try the status command which will list the currently registered entropy accounts and stored programs:

entropy-test-cli -- status


To register an entropy account you need three things:

  • An Entropy chain account name which we will call the 'program modification account'. This must be funded in order to submit the register transaction. On the local (docker compose) setup you can use one of the pre-endowed accounts, for example Alice.
  • One or more programs, which define the conditions under which a given message will be signed by the Entropy network. The test-cli register command takes programs as either the hex-encoded hash of an existing program on chain, or the local path to a .wasm file containing the compiled program.
    • The device-key-proxy program is always available with the zero hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
    • The testing-utils crate contains some ready to use compiled programs, the simplest of which is template_barebones.wasm which allow you to sign any message which is more than 10 bytes long.
    • See the programs crate for more example programs as well as instructions on how to write and build your own programs.

You also need to decide which 'access mode' or 'key visibility' you want to register with: private or public. If you are not sure, 'public' is the simplest 'vanilla' access mode.

For example, to register with //Alice as the signature request account in public access mode, using the template_barebones program:

entropy-test-cli register public template_barebones.wasm -m //Alice

Example of registering in public access mode, with two programs, one given as a binary file and one given as a hash of an existing program:

entropy-test-cli register public my-program.wasm 3b3993c957ed9342cbb011eb9029c53fb253345114eff7da5951e98a41ba5ad5 -m //Alice

If registration was successful you will see the verifying key of your account, which is the public secp256k1 key of your distributed keypair. You will need this in order to specify the account when requesting to sign a message. If you run the status command again and you should see the account you registered.


The sign command takes the verifying key of the account, given as hex, and a message to be signed, given as a UTF-8 string.

entropy-test-cli -- sign 039fa2a16982fa6176e3fa9ae8dc408386ff040bf91196d3ec0aa981e5ba3fc1bb 'My message to sign'

If the program you have set takes additional auxiliary data, you can provided it as a hex encoded string:

entropy-test-cli -- sign 039fa2a16982fa6176e3fa9ae8dc408386ff040bf91196d3ec0aa981e5ba3fc1bb 'My message to sign' deadbeef1234

If signing is successful, a RecoverableSignature object will be displayed containing the 64 byte secp256k1 signature encoded as hex, as well as a RecoveryId.

Store program

As we saw above the register command can store a program when you register. If you just want to store a program you can use the store-program command.

You need to give the account which will store the program, and the path to a program binary file you wish to store, for example:

entropy-test-cli store-program ./crates/testing-utils/example_barebones_with_auxilary.wasm //Alice

Update programs

The update-programs command is used to change the programs associated with a registered Entropy account. It takes the signature verifying key, and the program modification account, and a list of programs to evaluate when signing. Programs may be given as either the path to a .wasm binary file or hashes of existing programs.

entropy-test-cli update-programs 039fa2a16982fa6176e3fa9ae8dc408386ff040bf91196d3ec0aa981e5ba3fc1bb my-new-program.wasm -m //Alice

Note that the program modification account must be funded for this to work.

Commit count: 613

cargo fmt