
created_at2024-02-10 01:43:50.064962+00
updated_at2024-02-10 02:01:50.253121+00
descriptionExample runner providing a way to run examples in a automated way
Justus Fluegel (JustusFluegel)



WARNING: This crate is still in development. Not all of the below mentioned configuration options do actually work. Currently examples are always run, regardless of the specified type!

Example Runner

Example Configuration

Every example gets a runner configuration in the cargo configuration of the example, so e.g.

# Cargo.toml

name = "example_name"

example_name = "ignore"

There are two ways to specify the configuration, first of all as a string like above or as a more exhaustive object configuration like so:

# Cargo.toml

type = "explicit"
template = "some_template"
expected_exit_status = "failure"
arguments = [

Alternatively you can also keep the default configurations from the workspace / package and only extend them:

# Cargo.toml

extend_configurations = true

type = "explicit"
template = "some_template"
expected_exit_status = "failure"
arguments = [

Config options

  • type: One of explicit|no_run|ignore. Explicit creates a new configuration (default), no_run only compiles the example and ignore completely ignores it.
  • template: Some template to use. Template resolution occurs in the following order: crate, then workspace.
  • arguments: Arguments to pass to the test while running it.
  • expected_exit_status: Either one of success|failure or some specific i32 status code: Fails if the example doesn't exit with this status code. Defaults to success.

Runner Configuration

Runner configuration can be specified in a workspace using workspace.example_runner, or in a package using just example_runner as follows:

# Cargo.toml for the workspace

# A list of configurations to run for every example by default
type = "ignore"

# templates to be used within configurations
arguments = [
# Cargo.toml for the package

# This is optional and if set adds to workspace configurations instead of replacing them 
extend_workspace_defaults = true

type = "ignore"

# templates to be used within configurations - if same name as in workspace it overrides them,
# else all workspace templates are still available.
arguments = [
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