
created_at2015-02-27 11:51:58.314837
updated_at2015-12-12 23:55:19.918092
descriptionUse your favourite interpreted language to generate your Rust, right in your Rust. Supports Python, Ruby and shell (`sh`) out of the box, with an extensible macro to support any others. (See `rust_mixin` to be able to use your all-time favourite language to generate your Rust.)
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Mixins for Rust

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Write code in arbitrary languages, to emit Rust code right in your crate.


python_mixin! {"
x = 1 + 2
print('fn get_x() -> u64 { %d }' % x)

fn main() {
    let value = get_x();

    let other_value = rust_mixin! {r#"
fn main() {
    println!("{}", 3 + 4);

    assert_eq!(value, 3);
    assert_eq!(other_value, 7);

This comes in three libraries:

Should I actually use these?

Probably not, this is me experimenting with more language plugins. A more portable/usable way to do this sort of code-generation is via a Cargo build script plus the include! macro.

Some downsides (not exhaustive):

  • the mixins like python_mixin! relies on having correctly-named binaries in the user's path, and, e.g. "python" is sometimes Python 2 and sometimes Python 3 and it's mean to require users to have installed Python on Windows. (Build scripts only need a Cargo and a Rust compiler, which the user is guaranteed to have if they're trying to build your Rust code.)

  • errors in the generated code are hard to debug, although the macros do try to give as useful error messages as possible e.g. file/line numbers for errors in the code point as closely as possible to the relevant part of the original string containing the source (including working with editors' jump-to-error facilities). However, the parsed Rust doesn't actually appear anywhere on disk or otherwise, so you cannot easily see the full context when the compiler complains (in contrast, a build script just generates a normal file right in your file-system).


Both plugin crates are available on crates.io: rust_mixin, external_mixin. Hence, you can add any subset of

rust_mixin = "*"
external_mixin = "*"

to your Cargo.toml.


Write Rust to generate your Rust, right in your Rust (yo dawg). The plugin compiles and runs its argument as a Rust program, and then inserts the output into the main crate, similar to a macro_rules! macro.

The rust_mixin plugin takes a single string, containing a Rust program to be compiled with rustc. This program should print valid Rust to stdout. Each rust_mixin invocation is independent of all others. The string argument is macro-expanded before being used, so constructing an invocation with concat!() is legitimate.

The macro supports an optional { ... } block before the string literal, to specify options. The only option supported currently is arg: it can be specified multiple times, and the arguments are passed to rustc in the order given.


Compute Fibonacci numbers in the best way possible, by making Rust print a function to compute each number:


rust_mixin! {r#"
fn main() {
    println!("fn fib_0() -> i32 {{ 0 }}");
    println!("fn fib_1() -> i32 {{ 1 }}");

    for i in 2..(40 + 1) {
        println!("fn fib_{}() -> i32 {{ fib_{}() + fib_{}() }}",
                 i, i - 1, i - 2);

fn main() {
    println!("the 30th fibonacci number is {}", fib_30());

Do the Fibonacci computation at compile time, naively, so we want some optimisations:


fn main() {
    let fib_30 = rust_mixin! {
        { arg = "-C", arg = "opt-level=3" }
fn fib(n: u64) -> u64 {
    if n <= 1 { n } else { fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) }
fn main() {
    println!("{}", fib(30))

    println!("the 30th fibonacci number is {}", fib_30);


Use a variety of scripting languages to generate Rust code. This has an external_mixin! macro that supports arbitrary interpreters, as well as specialise support for several languages: python_mixin!, ruby_mixin!, sh_mixin!, perl_mixin!.

As with rust_mixin! these macros take their program as a string that gets macro expanded, and each invocation is independent of all others. The program should print valid Rust to stdout. Options can be specified with an optional { ... } block, before the string literal.

The external_mixin! macro is the most flexible form, it takes a compulsory interpreter argument: this program is called with a file containing the code snippet as the last argument.

Both external_mixin! and the language specific macros support the arg option, which can be specified multiple times and are passed to the main binary, in the order given.


These macros rely on shelling out to interpreters, relying on there being an appropriately named executable in the user's path (hopefully it is the right version, too...). Hence, this is not portable or reliable. At least a user of rust_mixin! is guarantee to have a rustc available, no such guarantee exists here.


Count how many files/folders lie at the top of the (Unix) file system.


fn main() {
    let file_count = sh_mixin!("ls / | wc -l");
    println!("there are {} files in /", file_count);

Compute the Unix time that the program was built at, via Ruby.


fn main() {
    let build_time = ruby_mixin!("puts Time.now.to_i");

Use Python 2's naked print statement and Python 3's division semantics (and guess the version of the python binary, used by python_mixin!):


fn main() {
    let value2 = external_mixin! {
        { interpreter = "python2" }
        "print 1 / 2"
    let value3 = external_mixin! {
        { interpreter = "python3" }
        "print(1 / 2)"
    let value_unknown = python_mixin!("print(1 / 2)");

    if value_unknown as f64 == value3 {
        println!("`python_mixin!` is Python 3");
    } else {
        println!("`python_mixin!` is Python 2");


The top level item of this repository is a library designed to maximise the sharing of code between external_mixin and rust_mixin, so that their implementations are only 100 and 50 lines respectively.

Commit count: 23

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