
created_at2023-08-24 14:50:57.800218
updated_at2024-07-12 18:13:12.11723
descriptionA library for number theory, providing implementations for the arithmetic in various rings and algorithms working on them.
Simon Pohmann (FeanorTheElf)




This is a library for number theory, written completely in Rust. The idea is to provide a more modern alternative to projects like NTL or FLINT, however due to the large scope of those projects, the current implementation is still far away from that. More concretely, we use modern language features - in particular the trait system - to provide a generic framework for rings, that makes it easy to nest them, or create custom rings, while still achieving high performance. This is impossible in NTL, and while FLINT provides a framework for this, it is quite complicated and (since FLINT is written in C) relies on runtime polymorphism - which prevents thorough type checking. From a user's point of view, we thus envision this library to be somewhat closer to high-level computer algebra systems like sagemath, but also have a strong static type system and very high performance.

Current State

The current state is far away from this vision, as only some of most important algorithms have been implemented. Furthermore, there might be bugs, and many implementations are not particularly optimized. Nevertheless, I think this library can already be useful, and I regularly use it for various applications, including cryptography. Note that I will try to keep the interfaces stable, unless they are marked with #[stability::unstable].

This library uses nightly Rust, and even unstable features like const-generics and specialization - this caused too much of a headache, so I removed those uses again.

A short introduction

This library is designed by considering rings and their arithmetic as the most fundamental concept. This gives rise to the two traits RingBase and RingStore. These two traits mirror a general design strategy in this crate, which is to provide both implementor-facing traits (e.g. RingBase) and user-facing traits (e.g. RingStore). The former try to make it easy to implement a new ring with custom arithmetic, which the latter make it easy to write code that performs arithmetic within a ring. More reasons for this separation are explained further down this page.


The following rings are provided

  • The integer ring Z, as a trait [crate::integer::IntegerRing] with implementations for all primitive ints (i8 to i128), an arbitrary-precision implementation [crate::rings::rust_bigint::RustBigintRing], and an optional implementation using bindings to the heavily optimized library mpir (enable with features=mpir).
  • The quotient ring Z/nZ, as a trait [crate::rings::zn::ZnRing] with four implementations. One where the modulus is small and known at compile-time [crate::rings::zn::zn_static::Zn], an optimized implementation of Barett-reductions for moduli somewhat smaller than 64 bits [crate::rings::zn::zn_64::Zn], a generic implementation of Barett-reductions for any modulus and any integer ring (including arbitrary-precision ones) [crate::rings::zn::zn_big::Zn] and a residue-number-system implementation for highly composite moduli [crate::rings::zn::zn_rns::Zn].
  • The polynomial ring R[X] over any base ring, as a trait [crate::rings::poly::PolyRing] with two implementations, one for densely filled polynomials [crate::rings::poly::dense_poly::DensePolyRing] and one for sparsely filled polynomials [crate::rings::poly::sparse_poly::SparsePolyRing].
  • Finite-rank simple and free ring extensions, as a trait [crate::rings::extension::FreeAlgebra], with an implementation based on polynomial division [crate::rings::extension::extension_impl::FreeAlgebraImpl]. In particular, this includes finite/galois fields and number fields.
  • Multivariate polynomial rings R[X1, ..., XN] over any base ring, as the trait [crate::rings::multivariate::MultivariatePolyRing] and one implementation [crate::rings::multivariate::ordered::MultivariatePolyRingImpl] based on a sparse representation using ordered vectors.
  • Combining the above, you can get Galois fields (easily available using [crate::rings::extension::galois_field::GF()]) or arbitrary number fields.

The following algorithms are implemented

  • Fast Fourier transforms, including an optimized implementation of the Cooley-Tuckey algorithm for the power-of-two case, an implementation of the Bluestein algorithm for arbitrary lengths, and a factor FFT implementation (also based on the Cooley-Tuckey algorithm). The Fourier transforms work on all rings that have suitable roots of unity, in particular the complex numbers C and suitable finite rings Fq.
  • An optimized variant of the Karatsuba algorithm for fast convolution.
  • An implementation of the Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm to factor polynomials over finite fields.
  • Factoring polynomials over the rationals/integers (using Hensel lifting) and over number fields.
  • Lenstra's Elliptic Curve algorithm to factor integers (currently very slow).
  • LLL algorithm for lattice reduction.
  • Basic linear algebra over principal ideal rings.
  • Miller-Rabin test to check primality of integers.
  • A baby-step-giant-step and factorization-based algorithm to compute arbitrary discrete logarithms.
  • Faugere's F4 to compute Gröbner basis.

Unfortunately, operations with polynomials over infinite rings (integers, rationals, number fields) are currently very slow, since efficient implementation require a lot of care to prevent coefficient blowup, which I did not have time or need to invest.

Most important missing features

  • Comprehensive treatment of matrices and linear algebra. Currently there is only a very minimalistic abstraction of matrices [crate::matrix] and linear algebra, mainly for internal use.
  • Careful treatment of polynomials over infinite rings, primarily with specialized implementations that prevent coefficient blowup.
  • Lattice reduction and the LLL algorithm. This might also be necessary for above point. Implemented now!
  • More carefully designed memory allocation abstractions (preferably we would use a new crate memory-provider or similar). Using the Rust allocator-api together with feanor-mempool now!
  • More number theory algorithms, e.g. computing Galois groups. I am not yet sure where to draw the line here, as I think high-level number theory algorithms (Elliptic Curves, Class Groups, ...) are out of scope for this project. Technically I would include integer factoring here, but it is too important a primitive for other algorithms.


In version 1.x.x the library used an inconsistent version scheme. This is now fixed, and all versions from 2.x.x onwards use semantic versioning, as described in the Cargo book. Note that all items marked with the annotation #[stability::unstable] from the rust library stability are exempt from semantic version. In other words, breaking changes in the interface of these structs/traits/functions will only increment the minor version number. Note that these are not visible to other crates at all, unless the feature unstable-enable is active.


Using rings

As simple example of how to use the library, we implement Fermat primality test here

use feanor_math::homomorphism::*;
use feanor_math::assert_el_eq;
use feanor_math::ring::*;
use feanor_math::primitive_int::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::zn_big::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::*;
use feanor_math::rings::finite::*;
use feanor_math::algorithms;
use oorandom;

fn fermat_is_prime(n: i64) -> bool {
    // the Fermat primality test is based on the observation that a^n == a mod n if n
    // is a prime; On the other hand, if n is not prime, we hope that there are many
    // a such that this is not the case. 
    // Note that this is not always the case, and so more advanced primality tests should 
    // be used in practice. This is just a proof of concept.

    let ZZ = StaticRing::<i64>::RING;
    let Zn = Zn::new(ZZ, n); // the ring Z/nZ

    // check for 6 random a whether a^n == a mod n
    let mut rng = oorandom::Rand64::new(0);
    for _ in 0..6 {
        let a = Zn.random_element(|| rng.rand_u64());
        let a_n = Zn.pow(Zn.clone_el(&a), n as usize);
        if !Zn.eq_el(&a, &a_n) {
            return false;
    return true;

assert!(algorithms::miller_rabin::is_prime(StaticRing::<i64>::RING, &91, 6) == fermat_is_prime(91));

If we want to support arbitrary rings of integers - e.g. BigIntRing::RING, which is a simple implementation of arbitrary-precision integers - we could make the function generic as

use feanor_math::homomorphism::*;
use feanor_math::ring::*;
use feanor_math::integer::*;
use feanor_math::integer::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::zn_big::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::*;
use feanor_math::rings::finite::*;
use feanor_math::algorithms;

use oorandom;

fn fermat_is_prime<R>(ZZ: R, n: El<R>) -> bool 
    where R: RingStore, R::Type: IntegerRing
    // the Fermat primality test is based on the observation that a^n == a mod n if n
    // is a prime; On the other hand, if n is not prime, we hope that there are many
    // a such that this is not the case. 
    // Note that this is not always the case, and so more advanced primality tests should 
    // be used in practice. This is just a proof of concept.

    // ZZ is not guaranteed to be Copy anymore, so use reference instead
    let Zn = Zn::new(&ZZ, ZZ.clone_el(&n)); // the ring Z/nZ

    // check for 6 random a whether a^n == a mod n
    let mut rng = oorandom::Rand64::new(0);
    for _ in 0..6 {
        let a = Zn.random_element(|| rng.rand_u64());
        // use a generic square-and-multiply powering function that works with any implementation
        // of integers
        let a_n = Zn.pow_gen(Zn.clone_el(&a), &n, &ZZ);
        if !Zn.eq_el(&a, &a_n) {
            return false;
    return true;

// the miller-rabin primality test is implemented in feanor_math::algorithms, so we can
// check our implementation
let n = BigIntRing::RING.int_hom().map(91);
assert!(algorithms::miller_rabin::is_prime(BigIntRing::RING, &n, 6) == fermat_is_prime(BigIntRing::RING, n));

This function now works with any ring that implements IntegerRing, a subtrait of RingBase.

Implementing rings

To implement a custom ring, just create a struct and add an impl RingBase and an impl CanIsoFromTo<Self> - that's it! Assuming we want to provide our own implementation of the finite binary field F2, we could do it as follows.

use feanor_math::homomorphism::*;
use feanor_math::integer::*;
use feanor_math::assert_el_eq;
use feanor_math::ring::*;

struct F2Base;

impl RingBase for F2Base {
    type Element = u8;

    fn clone_el(&self, val: &Self::Element) -> Self::Element {

    fn add_assign(&self, lhs: &mut Self::Element, rhs: Self::Element) {
        *lhs = (*lhs + rhs) % 2;
    fn negate_inplace(&self, lhs: &mut Self::Element) {
        *lhs = (2 - *lhs) % 2;

    fn mul_assign(&self, lhs: &mut Self::Element, rhs: Self::Element) {
        *lhs = (*lhs * rhs) % 2;
    fn from_int(&self, value: i32) -> Self::Element {
        // make sure that we handle negative numbers correctly
        (((value % 2) + 2) % 2) as u8

    fn eq_el(&self, lhs: &Self::Element, rhs: &Self::Element) -> bool {
        // elements are always represented by 0 or 1
        *lhs == *rhs

    fn characteristic<I>(&self, ZZ: &I) -> Option<El<I>>
        where I: IntegerRingStore, I::Type: IntegerRing

    fn is_commutative(&self) -> bool { true }
    fn is_noetherian(&self) -> bool { true }

    fn dbg<'a>(&self, value: &Self::Element, out: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'a>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(out, "{}", *value)

pub const F2: RingValue<F2Base> = RingValue::from(F2Base);

assert_el_eq!(F2, F2.int_hom().map(1), F2.add(F2.one(), F2.zero()));

Both together

One of the main goals of this trait was to make it easy to nest rings, so implement a functor on the category of rings. Classical examples are polynomial rings R[X] that exist for any ring R. Since in that case we are both using and implementing rings, we should use both sides of the framework. For example, a simple polynomial ring implementation could look like this.

use feanor_math::assert_el_eq;
use feanor_math::ring::*;
use feanor_math::integer::*;
use feanor_math::homomorphism::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::*;
use std::cmp::{min, max};

pub struct MyPolyRing<R: RingStore> {
    base_ring: R

impl<R: RingStore> PartialEq for MyPolyRing<R> {

    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.base_ring.get_ring() == other.base_ring.get_ring()

impl<R: RingStore> RingBase for MyPolyRing<R> {

    // in a real implementation, we might want to wrap this in a newtype, to avoid
    // exposing the vector interface (although exposing that interface might be intended - 
    // the crate does not judge whether this is a good idea)
    type Element = Vec<El<R>>;

    fn clone_el(&self, el: &Self::Element) -> Self::Element {
        el.iter().map(|x| self.base_ring.clone_el(x)).collect()

    fn add_assign(&self, lhs: &mut Self::Element, rhs: Self::Element) {
        for i in 0..min(lhs.len(), rhs.len()) {
            self.base_ring.add_assign_ref(&mut lhs[i], &rhs[i]);
        for i in lhs.len()..rhs.len() {

    fn negate_inplace(&self, val: &mut Self::Element) {
        for x in val {

    fn mul_ref(&self, lhs: &Self::Element, rhs: &Self::Element) -> Self::Element {
        // this is just for demonstration purposes - note that the length of the vectors would slowly increase,
        // even if the degree of the polynomials doesn't
        let mut result = (0..(lhs.len() + rhs.len())).map(|_| self.base_ring.zero()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
        for i in 0..lhs.len() {
            for j in 0..rhs.len() {
                self.base_ring.add_assign(&mut result[i + j], self.base_ring.mul_ref(&lhs[i], &rhs[j]));
        return result;

    fn mul_assign(&self, lhs: &mut Self::Element, rhs: Self::Element) {
        *lhs = self.mul_ref(lhs, &rhs);

    fn from_int(&self, x: i32) -> Self::Element {

    fn eq_el(&self, lhs: &Self::Element, rhs: &Self::Element) -> bool {
        let zero = self.base_ring.zero();
        for i in 0..max(lhs.len(), rhs.len()) {
            if !self.base_ring.eq_el(lhs.get(i).unwrap_or(&zero), rhs.get(i).unwrap_or(&zero)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    fn is_commutative(&self) -> bool {

    fn is_noetherian(&self) -> bool {
        // by Hilbert's basis theorem

    fn dbg(&self, val: &Self::Element, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
        // this is just for demonstration purposes - note that this prints zero coefficients
        for i in 0..(val.len() - 1) {
            write!(f, "{} * X^{} + ", self.base_ring.format(&val[i]), i)?;
        write!(f, "{} * X^{}", self.base_ring.format(val.last().unwrap()), val.len() - 1)

    fn characteristic<I>(&self, ZZ: &I) -> Option<El<I>>
        where I: IntegerRingStore, I::Type: IntegerRing

// in a real implementation, we definitely should implement also `feanor_math::rings::poly::PolyRing`, and
// possibly other traits (`CanHomFrom<other polynomial rings>`, `RingExtension`, `DivisibilityRing`, `EuclideanRing`)

let base = zn_static::F17;
// we do not use the `RingBase`-implementor directly, but wrap it in a `RingStore`;
// note that here, this is not strictly necessary, but still recommended
let ring = RingValue::from(MyPolyRing { base_ring: base });
let x = vec![0, 1];
let f = ring.add_ref(&x, &ring.int_hom().map(8));
let g = ring.add_ref(&x, &ring.int_hom().map(7));
let h = ring.add(ring.mul_ref(&x, &x), ring.add_ref(&ring.mul_ref(&x, &ring.int_hom().map(-2)), &ring.int_hom().map(5)));
assert_el_eq!(ring, h, ring.mul(f, g));

RingBase vs RingStore

The trait RingBase is designed to provide a simple way of defining a ring structure. As such, it provides a basic interface with all ring operations, like addition, multiplication and equality testing. In many cases, variants of the basic operations are defined to make use of move-semantics and memory reuse. However, they usually have default implementations, to simplify creating new rings.

On the other hand, a RingStore is any kind of object that gives access to an underlying RingBase object. The trait comes with default implementations for all ring operations, that just delegate calls to the underlying RingBase object. In normal circumstances, this trait should not be implemented for custom types.

The main power of this separation becomes apparent when we start nesting rings. Say we have a ring type that builds on an underlying ring type, for example a polynomial ring PolyRing<R> over a base ring R. In this case, PolyRing implements RingBase, but the underlying ring R is constrained to be RingStore. As a result, types like PolyRing<R>, PolyRing<&&R> and PolyRing<Box<R>> can all be used equivalently, which provides a lot of flexibility, but still works both with expensive-to-clone rings and zero-sized rings.


Generally speaking, I want performance to be a high priority in this crate. However, I did not have the time so far to thoroughly optimize many of the algorithms.

Tipps for achieving optimal performance

  • Use lto = "fat" in the Cargo.toml of your project. This is absolutely vital to enable inlining across crate boundaries, and can have a huge impact if you extensively use rings that have "simple" basic arithmetic - like zn_64::Zn or primitive_int::StaticRing.
  • Different parts of this library are at different stages of optimization. While I have spent some time on finite fields and the FFT algorithms, for example integer factorization are currently relatively slow.
  • If you extensively use rings whose elements require dynamic memory allocation, be careful to use a custom allocator, e.g. one from feanor-mempool.
  • The default arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic is currently slow. Use the feature "mpir" together with an installation of the mpir library if you heavily use arbitrary-precision integers.

Design decisions

Here I document - mainly for myself - some of the more important design decisions.


Already talked about this. Mainly, this is the result of the headache I got in the first version of this crate, when trying to map elements from RingWrapper<Zn<IntRing>> to RingWrapper<Zn<&IntRing>> or similar.

Elements referencing the ring

It seems to be a reasonably common requirement that elements of a ring may contain references to the ring. For example, this is the case if the element uses memory that is managed by a memory pool of the ring. In other words, we would define RingBase as

trait RingBase {

    type Element<'a> where Self: 'a;


However, this conflicts with another design decision: We want to be able to nest rings, and allow the nested rings to be owned (not just borrowed). If we allow ring-referential elements, this now prevents us from defining rings that store the nested ring and some of its elements. For example, an implementation of Z/qZ might look like

struct Zn<I: IntegerRingStore> {
    integer_ring: I,
    modulus: El<I>

If El<I> may contain a reference to I, then this struct is self-referential, causing untold trouble.

Now it seems somewhat more natural to forbid owning nested rings instead of ring-referential elements, but this then severly limits which rings can be returned from functions. For example we might want a function to produce Fq with a mempool-based big integer implementation like

fn galois_field(q: i64, exponent: usize) -> RingExtension<ZnBarett<MempoolBigIntRing>> {

This would be impossible, as well as many other use cases. On the other hand, it is simpler to perform runtime checks in case of static lifetime analysis if we want to have ring-referential elements. This is maybe slightly unnatural, but very usable. And really, if elements need a reference to the ring, they won't be small and the arithmetic cost will greatly exceed the runtime management cost.

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