
created_at2022-08-30 00:01:02.843159
updated_at2023-06-19 20:14:07.280199
descriptionFFI string implementation
Dustin J. Mitchell (djmitche)




This crate provides a string abstraction that is convenient to use from both Rust and C. It provides a way to pass strings into Rust functions and to return strings to C, with clear rules for ownership.


The types in this crate use ffizz_passby::UnboxedStruct and have a similar API. See the documentation ffizz-passby crate for more general guidance on creating effective C APIs.

String Type

Expose the C type fz_string_t in your C header as a struct with the same structure as that in the [fz_string_t] docstring. This is large enough to hold the [FzString] type, and ensures the C compiler will properly align the value.

You may call the type whatever you like. Type names are erased in the C ABI, so it's fine to write a Rust declaration using fz_string_t and equivalent C declaration using mystrtype_t. You may also rename the Rust type with use ffizz_string::fz_string_t as .., if you prefer.

String Utility Functions

This crate includes a number of utility functions, named fz_string_... These can be re-exported to C using whatever names you prefer, and with docstrings based on those in this crate, including C declarations:

/// Free a mystrtype_t.
/// # Safety
/// The string must not be used after this function returns, and must not be freed more than once.
/// It is safe to free Null-variant strings.
/// ```c
/// EXTERN_C void mystrtype_free(mystrtype_t *);
/// ```
ffizz_string::reexport!(fz_string_free as mystrtype_free);

Strings as Function Arguments

There are two design decisions to make when accepting strings as function arguments. First, does ownership of the string transfer from the caller to the callee? Or in Rust terms, is the value moved? This is largely a matter of convenience for the callers, but it's best to be consistent throughout an API.

Second, do you want to pass strings by value or pointer? Passing by pointer is recommended as it is typically more efficient and allows invalidating moved values in a way that prevents use-after-free errors.

By Pointer

Define your extern "C" function to take a *mut fz_string_t argument:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_a_color_name(name: *const fz_string_t) -> bool { .. };

If taking ownership of the value, use [FzString::take_ptr]. Otherwise, use [FzString::with_ref] or [FzString::with_ref_mut] to borrow a reference from the pointer.

All of these methods are unsafe. As standard practice, address each of the items listed in the "Safety" section of each unsafe method you call. These can often reference the docstring appearing in the C header, as it is generally the responsibilty of the C caller to ensure these requirements are met. For example:

/// Determine whether the given string contains a color name.
/// # Safety
/// The name argument must not be NULL.
/// ```c
/// EXTERN_C bool is_a_color_name(const fz_string_t *);
/// ```
pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_a_color_name(name: *const fz_string_t) -> bool { .. };
//  - name is not NULL (see docstring)
//  - no other thread will mutate name (type is documented as not threadsafe)
unsafe {
    FzString::with_ref(name, |name| {
        if let Some(name) = name.as_str() {
            return Colors::from_str(name).is_some();
        false // invalid UTF-8 is _not_ a color name

By Value

Alternatively, you may require callers to pass the string by value. Declare your functions like this:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_a_color_name(name: fz_string_t) -> bool { .. };

Then, use [FzString::take] to take ownership of the string as a Rust value. There is no option for the caller to retain ownership when passing by value.

Always Take Everything

If your C API definition indicates that a function takes ownership of values in its function arguments, take ownersihp of all arguments before any early returns can occur. For example:

pub unsafe extern "C" convolve_strings(a: *const fz_string_t, b: *const fz_string_t) -> bool {
    // SAFETY: ...
    let a = unsafe { FzString::take_ptr(a) };
    if a.len() == 0 {
        return false; // BUG
    // SAFETY: ...
    let b = unsafe { FzString::take_ptr(b) }; // BAD!
    // ...

Here, if a is invalid, the function will not free b, despite the API contract promising to do so. To fix, move the let b statement before the early return.

Strings as Return Values

To return a string, define your extern "C" function to return an fz_string_t:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn favorite_color() -> fz_string_t { .. }

Then use [FzString::return_val] to return the value:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn favorite_color() -> fz_string_t {
    let color = FzString::from("raw umber");
    // SAFETY:
    //  - caller will free the returned string (see docstring)
    unsafe {
        return FzString::return_val(color);

Strings as Out Parameters

An "out parameter" is a common idiom in C and C++. To return a string into an out parameter, use [FzString::to_out_param] or [FzString::to_out_param_nonnull]:

/// Determine the complement of the given color, returning true on success. If
/// the color cannot be complemented, return false and leave the
/// `complement_out` string uninitialized.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn complement_color(
    color: *const fz_string_t,
    complement_out: *mut fz_string_t) -> fz_string_t {
    result = FzString::from("opposite");
    unsafe {
        FzString::to_out_param(complement_out, result);

Thread Safety

In general, fz_string_t is not safe for concurrent use from multiple threads (in Rust terms, it is not Sync) but can be passed between threads (Send).

More precisely, functions taking *const fz_string_t, equivalent to a shared borrow, may be called concurrently with the same string. However, any call to a function taking *mut fz_string_t, equivalent to an exclusive borrow, must not be called concurrently with any other function taking the same string. Several utility functions internally mutate the string, and therefore take *mut fz_string_t.

In many cases, it may be adequate to document only the first, general definition of thread safety in the C header, avoiding unnecessary compexity in the C API.


See the kv example in this crate for a worked example of a simple library using ffizz_string.


The implementation is general-purpose, and may result in more allocations or string copies than strictly necessary. This is particularly true if the Rust implementation immediately converts FzString into std::string::String. This conversion brings great simplicity, but involves an allocation and a copy of the string.

In situations where API performance is critical, it may be preferable to use FzString throughout the implementation.

Commit count: 109

cargo fmt