
created_at2024-05-21 00:28:59.617093
updated_at2024-05-21 00:28:59.617093
descriptionRun your flatpak app outside of the sandbox.
Ryan Brue (ryanabx)



Flatpak Unsandbox

This rust crate allows rust flatpak apps to run themselves outside of the sandbox.

What this crate is not for:

  • Getting around restrictions in Flatpak - Flatpak's sandbox is immensely useful to ensure user security, and this crate is not for maliciously skirting around restrictions.

NOTE: you must have the --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak permission enabled and already that is the biggest hole in the sandbox we can make. Use this library with extreme caution.

  • Running any regular app that you'd rather not figure out the sandboxing for - Please please please use Flatpak's sandboxing whenever possible.

What this crate is for:

  • Apps that must run on the host, and have no other choice.

  • Apps that need to run a specific part of its functionality on the host

Examples of apps that would need this crate:

  • Apps that modify and use the host's flatpak installations: (for example, Flatrun)

  • Apps that aren't built by the packager, and have otherwise no way to package the app under Flatpak's sandboxing (very rare).

  • Apps that require system services

WARNING: Packaging these apps through flatpak might be a bad idea because we can't ensure dependencies exist on the host system!

Example usage

Run your program unflatpaked

// src/main.rs
fn main() -> Result<(), MyError> {
    if flatpak_unsandbox::unsandbox(None)? {
        return Ok(())
    // Unsandboxed functionality here...

Run another program unflatpaked

// src/main.rs
fn main() -> Result<(), MyError> {
    // Sandboxed functionality
    // Ensure this other program ran
    if !flatpak_unsandbox::unsandbox(Some(Program::new(
        "/libexec/my-agent-program", None)
        ))? {
        return Ok(())
    // More sandboxed functionality here...


Not much needs to be updated for this crate, but if there are issues with it, you may submit a bug report or attempt to fix the issue and make a PR!

Commit count: 39

cargo fmt