
created_at2024-04-07 12:49:29.138753+00
updated_at2025-02-07 03:35:56.431074+00
descriptionControl-law-inspired embedded signal filtering, no-std and no-alloc compatible.
Cargo.toml error:TOML parse error at line 18, column 1 | 18 | autolib = false | ^^^^^^^ unknown field `autolib`, expected one of `name`, `version`, `edition`, `authors`, `description`, `readme`, `license`, `repository`, `homepage`, `documentation`, `build`, `resolver`, `links`, `default-run`, `default_dash_run`, `rust-version`, `rust_dash_version`, `rust_version`, `license-file`, `license_dash_file`, `license_file`, `licenseFile`, `license_capital_file`, `forced-target`, `forced_dash_target`, `autobins`, `autotests`, `autoexamples`, `autobenches`, `publish`, `metadata`, `keywords`, `categories`, `exclude`, `include`
James Logan (jlogan03)




Control-law-inspired embedded signal filtering, no-std and no-alloc compatible.

This library provides a simple method for initializing and updating single-input, single-output infinite-impulse-response filters using 32-bit floats, as well as tabulated filter coefficients for some common filters. Filters evaluate in 4N+1 floating-point operations for a filter of order N.

The name flaw is short for filter-law, but also refers to the fact that digital IIR filtering with small floating-point types is an inherently flawed approach, in that higher-order and lower-cutoff filters produce very small coefficients that result in floating-point roundoff error. This library makes an attempt to mitigate this problem by providing filter coefficients for a tested domain of validity. The result is a limited, but useful, range of operation where these filters can achieve both accuracy and performance as well as be formulated and initialized in an embedded environment.

Example: Second-Order Butterworth Filter

// First, choose a cutoff frequency as a fraction of sampling frequency
let cutoff_ratio = 1e-3;

// Construct a filter, interpolating coefficients to that cutoff ratio.
// Initializes internal state to zero by default.
let mut filter = flaw::butter2(cutoff_ratio).unwrap();  // Errors if extrapolating

// Initialize the internal state of the filter
// to match the steady-state associated with some input value.
let initial_steady_measurement = 1.57;  // Some number

// Update the filter with a new raw measurement
let measurement = 0.3145; // Some number
let estimate = filter.update(measurement);  // Latest state estimate

Development Status: Early Days

This is in an experimental stage - it appears to work well, but is not fully-validated or fully-featured.

  • More software testing is needed to guarantee filter performance at interpolated cutoff ratios
  • More hardware/firmware testing is needed to examine performance on actual microcontrollers
  • More filter types can be added

Coefficient Tables

Tabulated filters are tested to enforce

  • <0.01% error in converged step response at the minimum cutoff frequency
  • <1ppm error in converged step response at the maximum cutoff frequency
  • <5% error to -3dB attenuation of a sine input at the cutoff frequency at the maximum cutoff ratio
    • This error appears to be mainly an issue of discretization in test cases, and could be reduced by using a better method for testing (fit a sine curve to the result or do gradient-descent on a cubic interpolator)

Each filter with tabulated coefficients has a minimum and maximum cutoff ratio. The minimum value is determined by floating-point error in convergence of a step response, while the maximum value is determined by the accuracy of attenuation at the cutoff frequency as the cutoff ratio approaches the Nyquist frequency.

Coefficients for a given filter are interpolated on these tables using a cubic Hermite method with the log10(cutoff_ratio) as the independent variable. Tabulated values are stored and interpolated as 64-bit floats, and only converted to 32-bit floats at the final stage of calculation.

Filter coefficients are extracted from scipy's state-space representations, which are the result of a bilinear transform of the transfer function polynomials.

Filter Min. Cutoff Ratio Max. Cutoff Ratio
Butter1 10^-5 0.4
Butter2 10^-3 0.4
Butter3 10^-2.25 (~0.006) 0.4
Butter4 10^-1.5 (~0.032) 0.4
Butter5 10^-1.5 (~0.032) 0.4
Butter6 10^-1.25 (~0.06) 0.4

Additional Filter Kinds

Filter Notes
Median Available for odd numbers of taps.
Helpful for rejecting non-oscillatory noise, such as packet latency spikes.


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Commit count: 7

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