
Floaout is the next-generation audio format.
Bubble File Format Specification
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
Spec Version |
u8 (1) |
Version of Bubble File Format Specification. |
Bubble ID |
u128 (16) |
Bubble ID of this file. The value is 0 if the Bubble is undefined. If it is not 0, it must be based on the ID managed by bkbkb.net. |
Bubble Version |
u16 (2) |
Version of Bubble |
Frames |
u64 (8) |
Number of frames |
First Head Absolute Frame |
u64 (8) |
First Head Absolute Frame |
Samples Per Sec |
f64 (8) |
Samples per sec |
LpcmKind |
u8 (1) |
LpcmKind |
BubSampleKind |
u8 (1) |
BubSampleKind |
Name Size |
u8 (1) |
Name Size (0~255) |
Name |
String |
Name (UTF-8) |
CRC-32K/4.2 |
u32 (4) |
Max length at Hamming Distance 4 is 2147483615 (bits). And max length at Hamming Distance 6 is 6167 (bits). |
Variant |
Description |
Value (Type ) |
F32LE |
f32 Little Endian |
0 (u8 ) |
F64LE |
f64 Little Endian |
1 (u8 ) |
Variant |
Description |
Value |
Lpcm |
Lpcm |
0 |
Expr |
Expr |
1 |
Algorithm::<u32> {
endian: Endian::Little,
poly: 0x93a409eb, // CRC-32K/4.2
init: 0xffffffff,
refin: true,
refout: true,
xorout: 0xffffffff,
residue: 0x76e908ce,
Each Sample
| Bubble Sample | | BubbleSample
Bubble Sample
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
Bubble Functions size |
u16 (1) |
Bubble Functions size |
Bubble's absolute X coordinate |
Sum |
Bubble's absolute X coordinate (X_0) |
Space |
char (1) |
' ' |
Bubble's absolute Y coordinate |
Sum |
Bubble's absolute Y coordinate (Y_0) |
Space |
char (1) |
' ' |
Bubble's absolute Z coordinate |
Sum |
Bubble's absolute Z coordinate (Z_0) |
Space |
char (1) |
' ' |
Domain |
OrOrExpr |
Space |
char (1) |
' ' |
Volume |
Sum |
Space or Empty |
char (1) |
' ' if there is another |
Foot Relative Frame |
u64 (8) |
Number of frames at the end of BubFnsBlock . |
Next Head Relative Frame |
Option<u64> (8) |
Number of frames at the start of the next BubFnsBlock . None if 0. |
Sample Data |
Sample Data |
CRC-32K/4.2 |
u32 (4) |
After every foot frames. From the previous CRC. |
Sample Data
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
Sample |
f32 or f64 (4 or 8) |
depends on LpcmKind |
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
Expr Size |
u16 (2) |
Expr Size |
Expr |
Sum |
Expr |
Keyword |
Description |
X |
Speaker's absolute X coordinate |
Y |
Speaker's absolute Y coordinate |
Z |
Speaker's absolute Z coordinate |
x |
x = X - X_0 (X_0 is Bubble's absolute X coordinate). Speaker's relative X coordinate. |
y |
y = Y - Y_0 (Y_0 is Bubble's absolute Y coordinate). Speaker's relative Y coordinate. |
z |
z = Z - Z_0 (Z_0 is Bubble's absolute Z coordinate). Speaker's relative Z coordinate. |
N |
Absolute frame n. Number of frames starting from the file. (as f64 ) |
n |
Relative frame n. Number of frames starting from at the start of BubFnsBlock .(as f64 ) |
F |
Frames (as f64 ) |
S |
Samples per sec |
Keyword |
Description |
E |
Euler's number |
PI |
Pi |
Keyword |
Description |
sin |
Sine |
cos |
Cosine |
tan |
Tangent |
ln |
The natural logarithm of the number. |
lg |
The base 2 logarithm of the number. |
Keyword |
Description |
b |
b???????? f64 |
Symbol |
Name |
+ |
Plus |
- |
Minus |
* |
Star |
/ |
Slash |
&& |
AndAnd |
== |
EqEq |
!= |
Ne |
> |
Gt |
< |
Lt |
>= |
Ge |
<= |
Le |
Symbol |
Name |
Space |
, |
Comma |
( ) |
Parentheses |
// BubFns
BubFns = BubFn ZeroOrMoreBubFns / f
ZeroOrMoreBubFns = SpaceAndBubFn ZeroOrMoreBubFns / ()
SpaceAndBubFn = Space BubFn / f
// BubFn
// BubFn = Sum Space Sum Space Sum Space OrOrExpr Space Sum
BubFn = SumAndSpace BubFn1 / f
BubFn1 = SumAndSpace BubFn2 / f
BubFn2 = SumAndSpace BubFn3 / f
BubFn3 = OrOrExprAndSpace BubFn4 / f
BubFn4 = Sum () / f
SumAndSpace = Sum Space / f
OrOrExprAndSpace = OrOrExpr Space / f
// OrOr Expr
OrOrExpr = AndAndExpr OrOrExpr1 / AndAndExpr
OrOrExpr1 = OrOr OrOrExpr / f
OrOr = "||" () / f
// AndAnd Expr
AndAndExpr = ComparisonExpr AndAndExpr1 / ComparisonExpr
AndAndExpr1 = AndAnd AndAndExpr / f
AndAnd = "&&" () / f
// Comparison Expr
ComparisonExpr = Sum ComparisonExpr1 / f
ComparisonExpr1 = Comparison Sum / f
Comparison = EqEq () / Comparison1
Comparison1 = Ne () / Comparison2
Comparison2 = Ge () / Comparison3
Comparison3 = Le () / Comparison4
Comparison4 = Gt () / Comparison5
Comparison5 = Lt () / f
EqEq = "==" () / f
Ne = "!=" () / f
Ge = ">=" () / f
Le = "<=" () / f
Gt = '>' () / f
Lt = '<' () / f
// Sum
Sum = Term ZeroOrMorePlusOrMinusAndTerms / f
ZeroOrMorePlusOrMinusAndTerms = PlusOrMinusAndTerm ZeroOrMorePlusOrMinusAndTerms / ()
PlusOrMinusAndTerm = PlusOrMinus Term / f
// Term
Term = Factor ZeroOrMoreStarOrSlashAndFactors / f
ZeroOrMoreStarOrSlashAndFactors = StarOrSlashAndFactor ZeroOrMoreStarOrSlashAndFactors / ()
StarOrSlashAndFactor = StarOrSlash Factor / f
// Factor
Factor = PlusOrMinus Factor / Power
// Power
Power = Atom PowerAndFactor / Atom
PowerAndFactor = '^' Factor / f
// Atom
Atom = ExprInParentheses () / Atom1
Atom1 = FloatLiteral () / Atom2
Atom2 = IntegerLiteral () / Atom3
Atom3 = Function () / Atom4
Atom4 = Variable () / Atom5
Atom5 = Constant () / f
// Variable
Variable = UppercaseX () / Variable1
Variable1 = UppercaseY () / Variable2
Variable2 = UppercaseZ () / Variable3
Variable3 = LowercaseX () / Variable4
Variable4 = LowercaseY () / Variable5
Variable5 = LowercaseZ () / Variable6
Variable6 = UppercaseN () / Variable7
Variable7 = LowercaseN () / Variable8
Variable8 = UppercaseF () / Variable9
Variable9 = UppercaseS () / f
UppercaseX = 'X' () / f
UppercaseY = 'Y' () / f
UppercaseZ = 'Z' () / f
LowercaseX = 'x' () / f
LowercaseY = 'y' () / f
LowercaseZ = 'z' () / f
UppercaseN = 'N' () / f
LowercaseN = 'n' () / f
UppercaseF = 'F' () / f
UppercaseS = 'S' () / f
// Constant
Constant = E () / Constant1
Constant1 = Pi () / f
E = 'E' () / f
Pi = "PI" () / f
// Function
Function = Sine () / Function1
Function1 = Cosine () / Function2
Function2 = Tangent () / Function3
Function3 = Ln () / Function4
Function4 = Lg () / f
Sine = "sin" Factor / f
Cosine = "cos" Factor / f
Tangent = "tan" Factor / f
Ln = "ln" Factor / f
Lg = "lg" Factor / f
// Delimiters
ExprInParentheses = '(' ExprAndClose / f
ExprAndClose = Sum ')' / f
// Integer
IntegerLiteral = DecLiteral () / f
// Float
FloatLiteral = DecLiteral PointAndDecLiteral / BytesF64Literal
PointAndDecLiteral = '.' DecLiteral / f
BytesF64Literal = 'b' ???????? / f
// Dec
DecLiteral = DecDigit ZeroOrMoreDecDigits / f
ZeroOrMoreDecDigits = DecDigit ZeroOrMoreDecDigits / ()
DecDigit = '0' () / DecDigit1
DecDigit1 = '1' () / DecDigit2
DecDigit2 = '2' () / DecDigit3
DecDigit3 = '3' () / DecDigit4
DecDigit4 = '4' () / DecDigit5
DecDigit5 = '5' () / DecDigit6
DecDigit6 = '6' () / DecDigit7
DecDigit7 = '7' () / DecDigit8
DecDigit8 = '8' () / '9'
// Others
PlusOrMinus = Plus () / PlusOrMinus1
PlusOrMinus1 = Minus () / f
Plus = '+' () / f
Minus = '-' () / f
StarOrSlash = Star () / StarOrSlash1
StarOrSlash1 = Slash () / f
Star = '*' () / f
Slash = '/' () / f
Space = ' ' () / f
Floaout File Format Specification
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
Spec Version |
u8 (1) |
Version of Floaout File Format Specification. |
Floaout ID |
u128 (16) |
Floaout ID of this file. The value is 0 if the song is undefined. If it is not 0, it must be based on the ID managed by bkbkb.net. |
Floaout Version |
u16 (2) |
Version of Floaout |
Bubbles |
u16 (2) |
Number of Bubbles |
Frames |
u64 (8) |
Number of frames |
Samples Per Sec |
f64 (8) |
Samples per sec |
LpcmKind |
u8 (1) |
LpcmKind |
Title Size |
u8 (1) |
Title Size (0~255) |
Title |
String |
Title (UTF-8) |
Artist Size |
u8 (1) |
Artist Size (0~255) |
Artist |
String |
Artist (UTF-8) |
CRC-32K/4.2 |
u32 (4) |
Max length at Hamming Distance 4 is 2147483615 (bits). And max length at Hamming Distance 6 is 6167 (bits). |
Each Bubble
Bubble Files will be 'i.bub' (i = 0, ... , Bubbles - 1)
Name |
Type (Bytes) |
Description |
File Name Size |
u8 (1) |
File Name Size (0~255) |
File Name |
String |
Bubble File Name without ".bub" (UTF-8) |
Bubble Starting Frames |
u16 (2) |
Number of Bubble Starting Frames |
Bubble Starting Frame |
u64 (8) |
Bubble Starting Frame |
... |
... |
... |
Bubble Starting Frame |
u64 (8) |
Bubble Starting Frame |
CRC-32K/4.2 |
u32 (4) |
From the previous CRC. |
Library License
Format License
Except modify or derive from these formats specification, anyone can use or create these formats the way each wants.
these formats = { Bubble, Floaout }
(As a precaution, copyrights and other intellectual property rights belong to the artists and their associates.)
- Use generic type in
and Space
- Add
in BubFrameReader
- error handling
- Clarify whether #[derive(Order)] is needed
- Add Position field in BubfnsInterpreter
- Check file is supported version or not
- Parallel computing
- Add Functions like pow, sinh, ...