
created_at2020-08-02 13:54:54.341309
updated_at2021-02-07 17:26:42.933469
descriptionProcedural macro designed to quickly generate snapshots of a fixture
Wesley Wolfe (Wolvereness)





This crate provides an easy-to-use annotation for test creation. There are three aspects to each fixture:

  • A function that takes an input and has a return type that implements std::fmt::Debug.

  • A folder of sub-folders (further nested as desired, it need not be consistent) where every tree-terminating folder contains a single input file (.rs .txt .bin) corresponding to the input type of the function.

  • The expected results, generated automatically when not present. A panic can be considered a valid possible expected result.

This project follows convention not configuration. Input files are simply named: input.rs input.txt input.bin. Expected-output files are named by the name of the fixture. This means multiple fixtures can share a folder-tree of tests. You are not intended to make the output file yourself; one will be generated automatically when an expected result is not present.

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fn-fixture = "1.0.0"


This project uses itself to test itself, which triples as an example and a technical explanation.

snapshot-tests has four test-trees:

  • The source tree gives an explanation of how tests get generated. This is also the primary means of testing fn-fixture itself. These tests reference the other two test-trees.

  • The code tree gives an example of what tests do when fed into the identity function. This is a tertiary means of testing fn-fixture itself.

  • The bad tree gives examples of improperly formed tests that result in compile-errors. These aren't tested directly by fn-fixture, but rather the expected compile-failure macroes are used in source/bads

  • The example tree follows the direct example below.

self_snapshots.rs is the file that uses fn-fixture to run these tests.


This example is part of the project, both for generation and execution. To see the code generation in action, refer to snapshot-tests/source/examples. To see the file structure, refer to snapshot-tests/examples.

Make tests

This tests parsing a number from a text file:

fn parse_unsigned_number(value: &str) -> Result<usize, impl std::fmt::Debug> {

fn parse_signed_number(value: &str) -> Result<isize, impl std::fmt::Debug> {


forty two





Run tests initially

On first run, cargo test will have 6 tests (2 fixtures with 3 snapshots each) looking like this:

test parse_signed_number::sometimes_number ... FAILED
test parse_signed_number::good_number ... FAILED
test parse_unsigned_number::sometimes_number ... FAILED
test parse_unsigned_number::good_number ... FAILED
test parse_unsigned_number::bad_number ... FAILED
test parse_signed_number::bad_number ... FAILED

IntelliJ automatically structures the tests for you:

IntelliJ Test Results

The specific errors will look like this:

thread 'parse_unsigned_number::bad_number' panicked at 'No expected value set: ... 

Each snapshot folder, bad_number good_number and sometimes_number, will now have both parse_signed_number.actual.txt and parse_unsigned_number.actual.txt.

The bad_number results will have:

        ParseIntError {
            kind: InvalidDigit,

The good_number results will have:


The sometimes_number will have the same results match for parse_unsigned_number and parse_signed_number respectively.

  • Note, the outer-most Ok( represents that the thread did not panic. If you expect a panic, then the outer-most should be Err(.

Lastly, you review each .actual file manually. If the file is correct, remove .actual. If not, continue to modify your code run the tests; .actual will be overwritten with the results each run.


At some point, your output may change. For example, if one character of shapshot-tests/examples/bad_number/parse_unsigned_number.txt changes (like manually removing an i from the expected output), the test result will look like this:

---- parse_unsigned_number::bad_number stdout ----
thread 'parse_unsigned_number::bad_number' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `"Ok(\n    Err(\n        ParseIntError {\n            kind: InvalidDigit,\n        },\n    ),\n)\n"`,
 right: `"Ok(\n    Err(\n        ParseIntError {\n            kind: InvaldDigit,\n        },\n    ),\n)\n"`', fn-fixture\tests\self_snapshots.rs:19:1


The generated code for this example will look like this (simplified/paraphrased to remove some edge-case handling and boilerplate):

fn parse_unsigned_number(value: &str, expected_file: &str) {
    fn parse_unsigned_number(value: &str) -> Result<usize, impl std::fmt::Debug> {
    // omitted logic for panic-handling
    // omitted logic for writing actual file instead
        format!("{:#?}\n", parse_unsigned_number(value)),
mod parse_unsigned_number {
    #[test] fn bad_number() { super::parse_unsigned_number(include_str!("snapshot-tests/examples/bad_number/input.txt"), "snapshot-tests/examples/bad_number/parse_unsigned_number.txt") }
    #[test] fn good_number() { /* ... */ }
    #[test] fn sometimes_number() { /* ... */ }

fn parse_signed_number(value: &str, expected_file: &str) {
    fn parse_signed_number(value: &str) -> Result<isize, impl std::fmt::Debug> {
    // omitted logic for panic-handling
    // omitted logic for writing actual file instead
        format!("{:#?}\n", parse_signed_number(value)),
mod parse_signed_number {
    #[test] fn bad_number() { super::parse_signed_number(include_str!("snapshot-tests/examples/bad_number/input.txt"), "snapshot-tests/examples/bad_number/parse_signed_number.txt") }
    #[test] fn good_number() { /* ... */ }
    #[test] fn sometimes_number() { /* ... */ }

Input types

  • input.txt corresponds to include_str!(...)
  • input.bin corresponds to include_bytes!(...)
  • input.rs corresponds to include!(...)
    • The type from input.rs can be literally anything that fits into the single-parameter of the call to the fixture. snapshot-tests/code has plenty of examples of using a rust code as input.


  • The name of the fixture may not be input. That would mean the expected output is input.txt; call it quine instead.

  • Expected-panics should be String or &str. This should rarely, if ever, be an issue. Every known library uses those. panic!("At the disco") for example is a &str and unwrap()/expect(...) use String.

  • Multiline string output should be wrapped in a .lines().collect::<Vec<String>>(). These tests are for humans to review. IntelliJ will diff it for you.

  • Every terminating directory (one without sub-directories) must have exactly one input file.

  • A directory with sub-directories may not have an input file.

  • The referenced folder is a top-level, not a test itself.

  • Adding new tests without touching the including file or clearing the compiler cache will be ignored. This is a compiler-level restriction.

  • Every folder in a tree must be a valid rust identifier. These are how nested test modules are named.

  • Adding other files into the folder is discouraged, and future versions may treat them as an error.

  • Return type must implement std::fmt::Debug.

  • Annotating a field is unsupported, even if it's callable.


  • Use impl std::fmt::Debug as the return type.

  • Use a different function for different parts of the output; don't have one function parse input two different ways.

  • Although this library supports panics as expected output, testing that behavior is discouraged.

  • Name your directory snapshot-tests. Snapshot explains what kind of test, and IDEs may recognize a directory ending in -tests.

  • Generics work for multiple input.rs files of different types.


This application is derived from an internally developed tool, thus released under the MIT License:

Commit count: 11

cargo fmt