
created_at2022-08-13 18:14:34.447887+00
updated_at2024-03-28 06:13:51.076623+00
descriptionThe CLI Application of Gitignored. Provide A Faster Way to Generate .gitignore File via Caching
PoolOfDeath20 (GervinFung)




An Offline-first CLI application that let the developer generate various .gitignore templates

The templates are taken from the web application Gitignored, which is the GUI application of this application. The TUI application is available here

Side note: The GUI application takes the templates from gitignore of Github

Here's what the developers can do with this application

  1. View the name of all available templates
  2. Search to find out whether a name of a template exists
  3. Preview each template(s) searched, it will include the closest template if there's typo in the name searched, i.e JetBrains for jetbrain
  4. Generate template(s) to a .gitignore file, will not override current .gitignore, pass --force to forcefully override
  5. Generate template(s) to a specified directory, i.e temp/temp1, it will auto generate at as temp/temp1/.gitignore
  6. Append template(s) to an existing .gitignore file, it will create one if it does not exist
  7. Append template(s) to an existing .gitignore file of a specified directory, again it will create one if it does not exist
  8. Update the cache to receive latest templates
  9. Uninstall and remove every cache
  10. Open home page/website of this application

You don't need to have an internet connection to use it, unless you want to update the cache

Note: gitignored-cli is a work-in-progress library, so expect breaking changes in its API

Default or Help



gitignored-cli --help

Default or Help

Update Available

Update Available

Default Listing

gitignored-cli template --list

Default Listing

Listing with column number specified

gitignored-cli template --list --column 8

Column Listing


gitignored-cli template --search rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever



gitignored-cli template --preview rust node java vscode jetbrain


Default Generate

gitignored-cli template --generate rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever

Default Generate Error Default Generate

Abort Generate

gitignored-cli template --generate rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever

Abort Generate

Force Generate

gitignored-cli template --generate rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever --force

Force Generate

Generate with outdir specified

gitignored-cli template --generate rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever --outdir temp-dev/temp-two

Outdir generate

Default Append

gitignored-cli template --append rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever

Default Append

Abort Append

gitignored-cli template --append rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever

Abort Append

Append with outdir specified

gitignored-cli template --append rust node java vscode jetbrain whatever --outdir temp-dev/temp-two

Outdir Append

Updated Cache

gitignored-cli template --update


Updating Cache

gitignored-cli template --update


Open home page in browser

gitignored-cli open-link

Open Link


gitignored-cli uninstall


Of course, input validation

Input Validation

How To Use

Install it

cargo install gitignored-cli

Run it

gitignored-cli (commands)

Tech Used

Aspect Name
Language Rust
Linting Clippy
Format Rustfmt
Build Automation Tool Make
Package Manager Cargo
Continuous Integration GitHub Actions

Make Commands

Below are the listed commands that you can use to build/develop/test this app

Command Usage
make test-dev Run all test code in development environment
make test-prod Run all test code in ci-cd
make build Bundle, build and release the app as executable
make check Run compiler checking on code
make lint Run linter for code
make format Run formatter to format the code


Make sure you can run make, otherwise you need to run commands listed in Makefile separately

  1. Open an issue
  2. Fork this repo
  3. Write test


Refer to here

Commit count: 80

cargo fmt