| gob_rs | | gob_rs |
version | 1.3.0 |
source | src |
created_at | 2024-04-05 00:12:18.502833+00 |
updated_at | 2024-04-12 00:09:30.531793+00 |
description | Library for parsing and constructing archives of the LucasArts GOB format. |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 1196921 |
size | 26,609 |
A Rust library for parsing, constructing, and generating archives of the LucasArts GOB format.
This implementation has been tested to work with GOB files of:
For a GOB archiver/unarchiver using this library, see gob-archive.
use std::path::Path;
use gob_rs::core::Gob;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let gob = Gob::from_file(Path::new("/path/to/gob.GOB"))?;
*That is, a directory structured like a GOB archive.
use std::path::Path;
use gob_rs::core::Gob;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let gob = Gob::from_directory(Path::new("/path/to/gob"))?;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use gob_rs::core::Gob;
let mut gob = Gob::new();
let data = gob.as_bytes();
GOB files are used by LucasArts games built on the Sith engine as an archive format for storing game files.
They are encoded in the little-endian format.
The file structure can be abstracted as follows:
Gob {
header: Header,
body: Body,
Header {
signature: 4 bytes, // must be "GOB "
version: 4 bytes, // must be 0x14 -> 20
body_offset: 4 bytes, // usually 0xC -> 12; byte address where body starts
Body {
file_count: 4 bytes, // amount of files in archive
files: [File; file_count], // file definitions
...file_data, // data of files; makes up remainder, thus size is variable
File {
offset: 4 bytes, // byte address where file data starts
size: 4 bytes, // size of file data in bytes
filepath: 128 bytes, // path of file within archive; null-terminated, may contain garbage data past terminator
One major limitation that arises due to the strict memory definitions of the file format is that the relative paths of files within a GOB archive may at most be 128 ASCII characters (or 128 bytes) long.
Another limitation is that due to the 32-Bit architecture of the format, GOB archives can at most reach a size of about 4 GB before breaking due to being unable to reference data offset past the 32-Bit limit.
This library is dual-licensed under the MIT license and Apache License, Version 2.0.